Monday, January 10, 2011

Ginnifer Goodwin Keeps Talking Weight - Weighs What She Did When She Was 9

Ginnifer Goodwin gave an interview to Kneepads to try and clarify all those Weight Watchers comments she made last month. You know, the ones where she said she has been on the program since she was 9. In her comments, she says she weighs within 10 pounds of what she did when she was 9. Really? That is crazy. She says she has never been on a diet before. Isn't Weight Watchers a diet? I guess it could be considered a life style rather than a diet, but I think of it as a diet.

She says because of the program she turned her life around and that she was a fat child. She also says that she was huge during the first season of Big Love. Has anyone seen the first season? She weighs like as much as a pixie stick. She did crack me up with one thing she said about the Hollywood diets.

"I pulled an actress friend aside and I said, 'I get it. I get what it is that you're trying to do, but there's being healthfully skinny and then there's starting to look like a scary alien cat. I call it the 'Cocaine and Cigarettes Diet' in Hollywood. I also see girls who haven't had a carbohydrate in three years. The second you go back to eating right, you're going to put that weight on. You eat one piece of bread and you are screwed, lady!"


  1. It's a lifestyle. A lifestyle that doesn't include bacon. Ever!

  2. Maybe she meant she never went on an unhealthy diet?That she never did anything like Atkins, the grapefruit diet, etc?

  3. Weight Watchers is a lifestyle change. Once you reach your goal weight, you are a member for life & don't pay for meetings (unless you put weight back on). They do a great job teaching people how to eat.

    If she weighs the same as she did at 9 then she must have peaked early. Pretty sure I stopped growing at 10, maybe 11, so this seems possible.

  4. I get so sick of the Hollywood diet B.S.

    Most of them starve, use drugs, and/or visit the plastic surgeon.

    See, it's just that easy.

    As the rest of us struggle with five or ten pounds.

  5. We've dicussed this before. She definitely used to be a lot bigger and her weight loss has only been in the past few years. Not that I think she was ever "big" but "biggER" by Hollywood standards.

    Exhibit A:

    Exhibit B:

  6. Damn that's an unfortunate picture of her.
    She used to be so pretty on Season 1.

  7. She's not obssessed with food/diet/body image at all. Nope, not one little bit.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. We call it the three "C" diet: coke, caffine and cigarettes.

    ANYWAY. I smell a disorder of some type with this one.

  10. She sounds like an idiot.

  11. She REMEMBERS what she weighed at 9?! I was out climbing trees or something not on the scales ( I don't actually think our family owned any).
    I used to love her but, dear god, she bores me with her incessant whinging about her weight. Just shut up and act already!

  12. I remember hitting 100 pounds, about 30 yrs ago.

  13. I don't know who you are FoxyLoxy (a reg, I would assume), but the name is killer.

    Next up...Turkey Lurkey

  14. I have friend who eat (or drink) this soda, coffee, cigarettes and for nights out's beyond me how they are still alive...

  15. She had to address what she said because everyone was flipping out about it. I still don't think it is a big deal. If she was an overweight kid, perhaps she remembers the exact number because something traumatic happened, like dealing with another cruel child.

    I need to catch up on Big Love! I got stuck on Season 3. I'm glad to see Chloe finally cut off her hair.

  16. MISCH-My sister is one of those girls. You see the skeleton hand clutching the Starbucks with a barely perceivable shake. She looks like a middle aged Olsen twin.

  17. she has the fat gene she could blow up at any second.

  18. Seriously, Weight Watchers is definitely a lifestyle plan, and a pretty mild one at that. Once you reach your goal weight, there is a huge amount of leeway as long as you keep track of your nutrients. I don't know for sure but I'm pretty sure they don't advocate calorie counting. It's not an extreme program at all.

    The truth is, to live a "balanced" life in terms of diet if you've had a weight problem takes a lot more discipline and strength of character than cutting out carbs altogether, doing 21 day cleanses, and using the white stuff to keep your appetite down. Narcissists - which most of Hollywood is made of - aren't very good at moderation. That's why so many of the starlets are self-starvers. They couldn't "moderate" if you paid them.

    Note some of the former stick figures from yesteryear who got thin on the cocaine, starvation and cigarette diet in their heyday and check them out in their fifties and sixties. Men included. You will see that they might have been much better off with more body fat but also, more balance. Either they are tubby and bloated now (the Alec Baldwin, Kathleen Turner, Dan Akryod, Chevy Chase look) or they are scary thin sick ill looking (Meg Ryan anyone?)

    Better just to be normal and eat normally. But of course, normal weight people are not welcome on the big screen. Remember all that hoopla about JLH's ass? A perfectly normal looking curvy girl's ass. But something to be laughed at in Hollywood. That's what 's sick.

  19. Remember that she was the "fat one" in the J Roberts vehicle Mona Lisa Smile. Perhaps she got the same message that Jennifer Aniston received: You'll get more roles if you loose the weight.

  20. She's a healthy weight now and at least doing it without cocaine and cigarettes, I don't see the big deal about focusing on her. Nothing to see here.

  21. I have a theory that to be successful in Hollywood you have to be able to have basically an anorexic body while maintaining a full face, so that you don't look scary. Ginnifer is a perfect example.

  22. I'm gonna need to see some pictures of the "fat" nine year old before I will believe this.

    When I was nine I thought I was a whale. I see pictures now and I was a normal sized kid.

  23. I totally have the fat gene, which is fine so long as I accept that it takes an incredible amount of work for me to get my body weight below 130; that my body is happiest in the 143 - 159 range (which isn't enormous or stick-thin at 5'9); and that I'm someone who either has to reduce sugars, wheat, and processed food or exercise my ass off.

    Just to clarify that I understand her:

    At age 9 I weighed 135 and was 5‘2--I remember this because up until that point I had wanted to be a horse jockey, but I obviously too fat and at 5’2 too tall. I cried.
