Monday, January 24, 2011

Kevin Smith Slams Bruce Willis

Kevin Smith took some time out from his busy schedule to indulge in one of his favorite sports. No, not airline bashing or shopping for really ugly looking shin length denim shorts. No, and not eating either. Instead he spent some time slamming Bruce Willis and blaming Bruce for the movie Cop Out not making as much money as it could have.

In an interview with The Daily Mail, Kevin said, "It was difficult. I've never been involved in a situation like that where one component is not in the box at all. It was f***ing soul crushing. I had no f***ing help from this dude whatsoever."

Now granted, Bruce Willis is a tool, and if he is not getting a huge portion of dollar one he will do the very minimum to promote a movie, but all that being said, did Kevin even watch the movie? It was awful. I watched it. I paid money for it. I thought that Tracy Morgan could probably make it work, but it was really bad. Not like Razzie bad, but bad enough where Kevin should feel grateful the movie made as much as it did. I am perfectly happy to slam an actor or actress who does not promote the movie because that is part of the deal, but the director's job is to make a decent movie and it wasn't.


  1. wow...when did ks jump the shark? he's been all sorts of douche the last few yrs. it's called accountability, dude. get some. the film sucked.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Bruce Willis is most definitely a jerk of epic proportions, and I am a huge Tracy Morgan fan - I'd pay to listen to him read the phone book - and I still had/have no intention of seeing this film.

    Let it go, Kevin. It's not like Cop Out was some piece of cinematic gold with integrity that you have to fight for. Dude has been pickin' some odd battles lately.

    Clerks is one of my favourite films of all time, but everything he's done since then pales in comparison, and these rants aren't endearing him to anyone, in the public or in the industry.

  4. Anonymous11:07 AM

    ...from a hack who 'questionably' made one 'perhaps' decent film. he should try producing movies.

  5. has an interesting article of Kevin being a total douchebag to distributors over his new movie Red State.

    Also, I lasted 5 minutes watching Cop Out. Clearly Bruce was just phoning it in for the paycheck. Kevin only directed for the paycheck also, so he can fund his indie movies. He is no better then Bruce AKA "Ashton Kutchers Dad"

  6. Yeah, since Clerks and Mall Rats I haven't loved anything Kev has done. Dogma was oddly just so-so even with the huge star-power.

  7. He's got his moments, but "Cop Out" sure as hell wasn't one of 'em.
    So now he's going to go distribute his own stuff - at Sundance he announced his "retirement" from the studio system.
    Brett Favre anyone?

  8. and who the fuck is Kevin Smith? shut the fuck up Kevin Smith whoever the hell you are until you have created a body of work half as good as Bruce Willis'. Oh and shut the fuck up while you're at it.

  9. I've never liked the few movies I've seen of his (Clerks, Dogma). And the few times he's been on my local radio show, he was an over-the-top douchebag who tried to take over the show to brag about his trophy wife.

    He seems past his prime and insecure.

  10. I loved Dogma, one of my favorites. However, I think he just has kinda idled for the last few years. It's a shame. There are a few like that, they only have one or two great ones in them and the rest are just ho-hum

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Eh. Both of these guys are washed-up has-beens, in my opinion. Kevin Smith was amusing for about the first 10 minutes of Clerks, then I was over it. (And I'm from NJ!) All of his movies seem to revolve around some whiny guy who is obsessed with an annoying woman, who is obviously out of the guy's league. Boring.
    And I don't need to repeat what everyone else has already said about Bruce Willis (also from NJ-oh, dear!) Douche bag galore.

  12. Bruce Willis pedophile ass? Really?

  13. I liked Kevin Smith, but the past 3 years have been nothing. Really sad.

  14. Bruce Willis use to sleep with Aaron Carter when he was underage.

  15. I love KS movies, but he really has gotten bitter lately.

  16. Thanks Missy. I didn't know that.

  17. What the hell happened to Kevin Smith?? That movie was awful, real crap. I must say I'm actually a little excited to see Red State because it seems great but Kevin..STFU!

  18. I use to like Smith, but the more I hear of him and from him the less and less I like him. I had to stop following him on Twitter. He just comes across as a sleezy creep who is ALWAYS angry and ranting about something. I'm not pro-pilltaking, but I think he needs meds.

  19. @looserdude: What`s funny about pedophilia?

  20. uh KS never wrote that film people- he directed it. point the hate the Cullen boys.

  21. I heard Kevin Smith talking about this on the WTF podcast. Actually I felt for the guy - he said one of the reasons he did the Copland project was to work with Bruce. He himself was a huge fan. He said the "soul crushing" part was then working with him and finding out he is a complete tool.
    I don't love every movie he has made but I find KS a hell of a lot more interesting than alot of people in Hollywood.

  22. @Missy - HUH??????????????

    I thought you were joking. Are you actually saying that Bruce Willis is a homosexual pedophile? I'm sorry for the misunderstanding but I don't believe what you're saying.

  23. Copout is on TMN right now. I just can't get into it.

    I saw the trailer for Red State yesterday. I found it went all over the place and didn't really say what the movie is about.

    btw, looks like he lost an awful lot of weight. Here's hoping he doesn't become as manorexic as BBT.

  24. @looserdude: You do realize that most pedophiles are married hetero men? Google is your friend. Believe what you want to believe.
