Friday, January 28, 2011

Kim Richards Too Wasted To Fly

Three straight posts where I mention the Real Housewives. That has to be some kind of record. Anyway, TMZ has some video of Kim Richards from back in July where she was boozing it up and popping pills and was confronted by police because airport staff were complaining that Kim was too wasted to fly. She was so hammered that she could not speak without slurring and was in the wrong terminal. Eventually she was asked to leave the airport and sober up before flying. Ahh, it is kind of like that Airport show about Southwest airlines. How many times did they have someone on there who was too drunk t fly. The secret is to just get a nice buzz going prior to getting on the plane. Then when you are flying you can get hammered. Just don't cause a disturbance.


  1. Sadly I can believe she is an alcoholic. I truly hope she will get the help she needs. She seems like a decent sort if she could only get her act together unlike at least half that cast (Kyle, Taylor and Camille). BTW Kyle needs help every bit as much as Kim for being an enabler. Unfortunately there is no rehab for just being a nasty person, so Kyle is on her own for that.

  2. Are you kidding me? Getting drunk on a plane is like *instant* hangover. Ugh. Then you get stuck on the runway coming back and the stewardess won't let you go to the bathroom. Double nightmare.

  3. All I see is Escape to Witch Mountain when I see her face. I can think of nothing else!

  4. [Unfortunately there is no rehab for just being a nasty person, so Kyle is on her own for that.]


  5. I know to keep my mouth shut when I drink before flying. These drunks can't help but talk and give it away with the slurring.

    Oh and sunglasses to hide the glassy eyes.

  6. I HATE flying so I have to get a little tipsy, but I know better than to act a fool.

    Why is this video of her just now coming out?? I'm kind of wondering if any of these ladies are having regrets for going on this show. I wouldn't have known who any of them were or their personal demons, had they not.

  7. I cannot stand to drink before/during a flight. I just sip ginger ale and have a beer after I've landed.

    And I loved Kim as a kid. Bless her heart, I hope she conquers her demons.

  8. Poor Kim. She's got some demons.

    @Generic: What you said!

  9. Once I was on a plane sitting next to a drunk guy. He reeked with alcohol. Just as he was about to vomit all over himself I jumped up and got the stewardess.

    IT WAS A MESS! All over him all over the seatback in front of him.

    She bumped me up to First Class for the entire flight so I wouldn't have to sit by him.

  10. @Maidstone - that's awesome - too bad you had to witness that nastiness, though!

  11. Someone on another thread sent me to House of Hilton on Google books (google "kim richards photographic memory" and look for it), where lots more of Kim's young life is revealed. The mother apparently dipped into the girls' earnings and lived a lavish lifestyle, and Kim was the biggest star in the family for years and years.

    The "photographic memory" thing interested me. I always noticed that Kim would repeat exactly what someone had said in an earlier conversation word for word -- she totally knew what Taylor had said, even though Taylor (the snake) denied it and threatened her. Ach, Taylor, I used to like you. Can't stand Taylor now.

    But I love Kim. Have always loved Kim. Can't not.

  12. Ok so alcohol is pretty much encouraged in every airport except Utah"s, from my experience..they nice people at the airport lounges always offered me an extra shot for just 2 bucks ...that said...

    It was virtually impossible to get kicked off a plane ten years ago but things have become much more strict..I used to fly with a friend...we vacationed together a lot in the past..who got us kicked off of more than one flight and one airline entirely for her drunken antics.

    Needless to say, she was PRETTY wasted AND abusive to get kicked off the plane. I was usually a few double marys into the flight but totally fine,,, Also...I dont EVER travel with her anymore!

  13. She probably was trying to forget she is related to Paris. That would drive me to drinking also.
