Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lets Talk Keith And Nicole's Baby

I have to admit that the first thing I thought of when I saw that Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban had a baby via surrogate was, well that makes two. When you think back, they could have done the same thing previously, but Nicole went through the motions sometimes of pretending to be pregnant. This time she probably did not want to bother so they just announced the surrogacy.

I am not saying that is what happened last time, but it was my first thought. The new baby is biologically Nicole and Keith's so it would look like them just like Sunday Rose. Thoughts?


  1. They can afford it...and she's over 40...it's a private matter.

  2. I was thinking the same thing.
    I will never believe that she was pregnant the first time. Never!

    She only had a bump.
    No weight gain on her body/face?

    They used a surrogate the first time.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree. I will never believe she carried Sunday Roast either.

  5. The only thing I wonder about is why her and Tommy girl adopted when they were married? I always assumed that one of them couldn't have bio children, but they both have them, sooooo...makes you go hmmm.

    Something ain't clean in the milk about that.

  6. Good for her and good for them. Leave the kids out of it. With both of their genes, this baby will be gorgeous (minus the work) It's not like she is the only actress to have a baby this way.
    Sue Ellen-something is totally not clean about Tom and Nicoles relationship. You know that there are some seriously glammed up, Libarace style skeletons in that divorce closet.

  7. Whatever way Sunday Rose & little Faith Margaret were conceived, carried & born is the business & the choice of only Keith Urban & Nicole Kidman.
    I do believe that Sunday Rose was carried by Nicole & she gave birth to her without the help of any surrogate.
    While I don't agree on the method they chose it isn't my place to judge & I wish them all every blessing & grace.

    May both of those little girls know only love & may they be cherished for life.

  8. Sunday Roast, hee hee.

    My guess is that she used a surrogate the first time around. Sad that she would hide it.

  9. Please...no one really knows exactly how old Suri is....look at her, Katie was already pregnant ....she's not Tom's....notice no more babies...

  10. Meh.

    Good for them, no matter how/what/why/when/who.

  11. I've read posts on other sites where people swear they saw photos of Nicole wearing outfits which clearly showed her "baby bump."

    As for why Tom and Nicole couldn't have children, and now they both do: There's no way I believe Katie was pregnant. Some gossip site had a timeline of photos of a "pregnant" Katie and you could clearly see that the size of her "bump" changed from one day to the next, getting bigger and smaller for no reason.

  12. I believe they went with a surrogate the first time around, but at that point in time I don't think she was doing as much in terms of work so it was easier to pull the lie off. My guess is that this time she had movies in the works & it would have been a lot harder to pull off a fake pregnancy. Plus a few other celebs in the past year or two have used surrogates, making it a bit more common/normal. I wish they would have just been honest about the first pregnancy, but am glad they have a healthy second child & are not lying to the public this time around.

  13. I can't remember the details about Nicole's pregnancy problems, but I thought she had a few miscarriages before and after they adopted. Wasn't she pregnant and miscarried when Tom announced he wanted a divorce? Not saying any of those pregnancies were with Tom's sperm.

    Maybe the fake pregnancy thing was more trouble that it was worth. It's hard to keep all the lies in order. I am impressed that they were able to keep it quiet. Everyone must have been paid very well.

  14. What Joy said.

    I also think she gave birth to Sunday. But I suspect it wasn't easy for her... thus the use of the surrogate.

    I am perfectly capable of getting pregnant - I just can't stay pregnant (due to genetic issues.) My Dr. told me he'd help me carry if I needed to, but it would be extremely hard on my body, and extreme risk to the child. I considered using a surrogate, but with limited $$$ I didn't want to risk it. I adopted instead and am Mom to the most perfect child I could have ever have imagined.

    Why would someone like Nicole be any different? If she has personal issues that make pregnancy difficult, why not use a surrogate? It's still a miracle baby no matter how it arrived. I wish her and her family all the best.

    On the other hand, I don't believe Katie gave birth to Suri in April. January, maybe, yeah... but not April.

  15. Unless I see a DNA test, I will never believe that Suri is Tommy-Girl's biological father. His lack of potency goes all the way back to Mimi. And the Nicole miscarriage at the time of "MOULIN ROUGE!" was the cause of the divorce as the fetus could NOT have been his. Good on Nicole and Keith for having a second child together any way they could. They have both been through more than enough.

  16. I just wish them well. children are blessings.

  17. It just creeps me out that Keith called the surrogate "gestational carrier." Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

  18. I am very happy for them no matter what the story is. Just surprised. When did this come out?

  19. I'm with you iheartjacksparrow. I saw those pics of Katie and her bump sizes were crazy from one day to the next. There is no way that could be real. She looked 8 months, the next day 3 months and the next 5 on and on and on.
    I wish Nicole and Keith much happiness, I want to believe they are the real deal.

  20. We don't know Nicoles medical history, nor is she obligated to share it. If this was the best option to expand their family, I say good for them. And kudos for keeping it a secret. Shows that celebs can have privacy, they just need to work at it. Congrats to the family!

  21. why Ent, why are you so obsessed with Nic's first pregnancy? I went full term, with a perfectly healthy, good sized baby, and I never looked very pregnant at all. Even at the very end, people thought I was maybe 6 - 7 months. Some people carry more inside, so to speak, and never look very big.

  22. it's a miracle this was kept a secret. i think she's been raked over the coals enough, quite frankly. if they're happy, i'm happy for them.

  23. good for them! they did what they had to do, and i'm sure this baby will have all the love she deserves.

    i hope someday the issues are faced and there's healing and reconciliation between all the children, especially the 2 in the xenu's grip.

  24. I don't care if she used a surrogate, but I will never believe she was pregnant the first time.

    I'm planning to use a surrogate if I can't get pregnant.

  25. Wasn't there some talk of Nicole having the same genetic issues as Jamie Lee Curtis? Either way, good luck to them both and the baby. At least Nicole didn't come off as the insane one after the Cruise contract was up. Suri--aka the one who's feet never touch the ground -- looks nothing like Tom.

  26. Glad to hear they have a healthy baby.

    I looked 15 months pregnant by the time I gave birth and my son came 3 weeks early. Nicole is tall and lithe so perhaps she just carried well. I don't really care but would find it astounding that anyone in the public eye would fake an entire pregnancy.

  27. I think Enty uses this "my first thought was" phrase to say something that he knows from some source without being sued.

  28. i have no thoughts about this. other people's pregnancies are not my business. let them have their privacy. good for them if they want to make a family however they want to do it. i'm really not interested.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I really don't care either way, but I've never understood why anyone would rather go through a "fake" pregnancy rather than just admit a surrogate was used? I don't think there is anything to be embarrassed about over that. Unless you are doing it b/c your husband is gay.

    I thought it was kind of funny that they were able to keep the secret about baby #2 for so long! Good for them!

  31. I think the most surprising thing about this was that nobody knew. Now it comes out right before the Australia episode of Oprah, where Keith and Nicole are both guests. Perfect! Oprah gets the first interview! I know ti was taped before the holidays, but I'm sure there would be things to sign before attending the taping :)

  32. Here in Nashvegas there didn't seem to be a hint of this news (and that's surprising). Good for them, I guess. I figured she was just too busy to go through the motions of a fake pregnancy.

  33. I think SJP broke the stigma attached to celebs using surrogates. I'm happy for N&K and I do think she delivered Sunday herself.

    Suri was born well before they claim - hence the need to use a fake belly to make up for lost time.

  34. The only reasons people are so obsessed with the Sunday Rose pregnancy (for those who seemed curious) are because it was a) suspicious, given her history, and b) Nicole is a known liar. She constantly lies about her face and the rest of her body. So it follows that, when she has a weird pregnancy, after a long history of NOT carrying, that some people would assume it was faked, and then people feel, well, lied to.

    I don't really have an opinion either way. It wouldn't surprise me if it was fake, but I'm not invested enough to have an opinion. Just wanted to put that out there, though.

  35. I found a site that had the Katie "pregnancy" photos:


  36. @iheartjacksparrow - that was a hoot! She was bigger in Oct than Dec! Amazing - I guess the baby just shifted.

  37. Katey really WAS pregnant; the pillows were used to disguise the timeline of her pregnancy. Suri was born months before they said she was. The smaller bump was because they got the wrong sized pillow for her after she gave birth.

  38. If Nicole did indeed "fake" her pregnancy with Sunday, how sad is it that she felt she had to do that.

    I still think she was pregnant and gave birth to Sunday. And like Ms. Cool said, Nicole is tall and lithe and doesn't show like 5'-2" me, who looked like a short round snowman all throughout my pregnancies.

    I wish them well.

  39. I'm not really sure why Katie's pregnancy is being dragged through the mud on a discussion of Nicole's surrogate's birth. Nicole let the world know of her OB/GYN history. Not a word from Katie.

    So if Katie could have a pillow pregnancy, why couldn't Nicole? Nicole, what baby bump she had, varied in size as well. I remember Katie shopping with a dress on just days before Suri was born. Her legs, ankles and feet were severely swollen. There was no denying those were the legs of a pregnant women.

  40. I think the first pregnancy was faked, but Nicole felt she needed to go along with her carrying the baby because it made it look like Tom was the problem in her previous marriage, not her. Now she can be open about a surrogate because she's older, could've 'had problems' last time, and already proved she could do it if she wanted to.

    Personally, I'm just amazed they managed to go through the whole thing without a single gossip blog picking up on the surrogate.

  41. Who cares? They are free to choose how to build their family. If they can afford a surrogate, more power to them. I know I personally had days during my pregnancy when I wished someone else was doing it for me. LOL As long as the child is loved and cared for, who cares?

  42. I think the reason for Nicole lying about the pregnancy (if it really was fake) is the same one as women lying about being a natural beauty when everyone can see or at least assume that they had plastic surgery.

    In our society, a woman's worth is still measured by her youthful beauty and her fertility.
    You start looking old, you're not of any worth.
    You can't have children, you're not of any worth.

    In a vain and misogynistic Hollywood it takes a lot of guts for a woman to admit that her face is from the doctor and her baby from another woman's belly.

  43. As far as not getting big in the face and all that, remember Cher when she carried Chaz. I have yet to see such a tiny pregnancy.

  44. I've wondered if Nicole was actually pregnant with Sunday Rose after seeing this picture. http://abcnews.go.com/widgets/mediaViewer/image?id=5426357
    Can your stomach snap back after being stretched out for 9 months?

  45. Why do these people bother lying?! We don't really care that much, EXCEPT WHEN THEY LIE OR WE THINK THEY ARE LYING.

  46. OMG - stupid Mario Lopez actually referred to the child as their surrogate baby.. .you read that right, he said "surrogate baby" not baby delivered via surrogate (or, "gestational carrier", for the politically correct). Whatta maroon

  47. I think Nicole carried Sunday Roast because if someone were going to fake a pregnancy they would make it look better than that!
    I also have a tall, long waisted friend who carried the same way. She gave birth to an 8 pound full term baby without ever looking pregnant.

  48. I think a lot of people started doubting the pregnancy when she was out shortly after the birth wearing tight white jeans. I don't know anyone who has had a baby who could do that within mere days, no matter if it was a vaginal or c-section birth. Too many things happening down below for white.

  49. I don't really care. They are their kids. Sunday looks just like her mother. The other thing, remember, Tom would have had to woozy in a cup to make an embryo at the doctor's office, and he was 'keeping his instrument pure'. Therefore, Nicole was on her own.

  50. Holy crap! Tiny white pants after giving birth??? I think not.

    And that Katie Homes preggo time line is hilarious and creepy all at the same time. Huge in October .. tiny in December .. weird. I know once the baby drops you can get smaller .. but that is usually immediately before delivery. Weird .. she apparently needed better pillow management.

  51. the rumour in australia is that kidman's little sister, antonia, carried sunday rose. antonia is in the public eye here but wasn't seen the entire time nicole was pregnant. and everyone knows someone who was in the delivery room when antonia gave birth to sunday rose

  52. Remember this blind supposedly about Nicole? I think she got pregnant with someone elses baby.


    So this A list couple has been divorced for some time now. Each have moved on as divorced couples tend to do. My five ex-wives are grateful everyday they don't have to see me and the monthly checks I'm forced to send them keep them in Laboutin's and me in a basement. Anyway, there really was no reason given for the divorce. Just one day it was over. Out of the blue so to speak. Turns out that perhaps the lady in all of this was not really quite the lady we all thought. It's not that her husband minded because he really didn't. The problem was that our wife wasn't as discreet as perhaps she should have been and a huge secret was about to be revealed which neither the husband or wife really wanted. Seems that maybe the other man in this wife's life was not just some random guy off the street, but someone much closer. Each had their own reasons for keeping everything a secret. The wife really was happy being married to the husband which is why there were very few fireworks and instead just a resigned disappointment that she wasn't going to get to stay. The wife violated a rule and has slowly been eliminated from any contact with the ex and the ex's family.

  53. http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/famecrawler/2008/03/01-07/nicole-kidman-bump-revealed.jpg

    pregnant nicole kidman's bump

    I do believe she was actually pregnant and I believe in her relationshop with k.urban. The shady one was T. Cruise, I think she was with him for fame (she was with him in when he was "hot") just as P.Cruz.

    btw, surrogacy is forbidden in most of europe, and I really cant understand WHY it is so popular in the US. Adopt!

  54. Ive just noticed that the white skinny jeans photo (thanks Dash Dibley) is done by Getty. Getty (as far as I know) is not a papparazzi company like X17, but an events and "serious" high-quality photos company, meaning that the photos are posed, like the tiger woods post-scandal running around his state made by Getty.(http://www.tmz.com/2010/02/18/tiger-woods-paparazzi-photo-jogging-picture-free-millions-profit-getty-images/)

    With this I want to say that either Kidman lost that weight with ways only Hollyweird knows or she's very dumb by calling photographers on her.

  55. Luci - Adoption isn't an option for everyone. Nor should it be a consolation prize. Unless you have walked the journey of infertility, please don't judge.

  56. Jenny
    You're totally right. You're comment made me feel bad, I shouldn't judge. I'm sorry.

  57. I have a co-worker who's very tall and slender like Nicole Kidman, and she hardly showed her entire pregnancy. She never looked more than 4 months pregnant nor did she appear to gain any weight around her face, etc.

    She probably could have worn tight pants a short while after delivery and looked great.

    As for white pants, I had a c-section and didn't bleed much after 3 or 4 days. The only thing is, tight pants would hurt the incision area. So hmmm...

  58. i actually had this conversation with a friend the other day... well she is best friends with a women at baptist(?) hospital - it's the celebrity hospital in nashville... well she told me that that women was the nurse who helped with the delivery of nicole's baby and now she nanny's for them... so yeah... from that she DID have the baby. ...but then again, if you are paid enough, i am sure you would say anything... KIDDING! just kidding! :-)

  59. I think I'mm concerned at the dreadful hair piece Keith is wearing in the Photo that Ent has used. Go bald gracefully Keith.


  60. Nicole Kidman's litany of lies continue on . . .
