Friday, January 14, 2011

Martha Stewart Has More Employees Than Camille

Martha Stewart had to go to the hospital Tuesday night when her dog head butted her. Apparently Martha scared the dog, so the dog rammed his head into Martha's face causing a split lip, a frantic call to her daughter Alexis to call a plastic surgeon, and then Martha was off to the emergency room. When I was reading her account of the incident on the blog, I felt like her entire world consisted of employees. Yes, she did call Alexis, but I think she pays Alexis, so even though it is her daughter, she could still be an employee.

She then talked about how her driver Carlos took her to the hospital after her stable manager Betsy, helped her into the car. I have no idea who Mike is that she mentions, but probably an employee too.


  1. Well, you've got to figure she's got at least a main housekeeper, probably a couple of maids, a couple of gardeners, a handy man, a personal assistant, and that doesn't even include her employees for her businesses.

  2. Oops, forgot dog walker, hair and/or makeup, security...

  3. She also has 1/2 a dozen homes....that needs a lot of staff....luckily she can afford it.

  4. Well, aren't most celebrity/famous people like that? Big homes(mansions) need a lot of staff and famous people are friends with just other celebrities. It's sad that some people just have friends because they have money not because they're well liked.

  5. One of my good friends is one of Martha's close, superclose employees. However, they are also friends -- good friends. Martha is extremely kind and generous to her longtime employees, and really does consider many of them friends - and vice versa. Think about it -- who stuck by her when she went to the pokey (and throughout that mess)? Martha does have quite a lot of non-employee friends though, and is very close with most of her family & extended family. She's absolutely no Camille. AT ALL. (not least the fact that Martha has accomplished so much with her life!)

  6. What Mooshki, no butler?

  7. Oops.

    Forgot the food taster and the ass-crack wiper/post-poop perfume sprayer. After all, Martha does not deign to fart. She simply emanates Chanel No.5

  8. I am scared for that poor dog. There will be vengeance wreaked on that poor little creature for head butting her.

  9. she is rich in a way that I will never understand.

  10. I agree, timebob. I think that is why I like Real Housewives, because it gives me a glimpse of a life I cannot even COMPREHEND! That said, her houses are impeccable and I generally like her. I bought her Homekeeping Handbook years ago, and reference it often.

  11. and I really don't think that she will be mean to her dog. She reminds me of Oprah, how she cares for her animals.

  12. I don't know why y'all are so snarky about how many people a rich person/celeb employs. To me its all about people who have JOBS during a time when many people DON'T.

    Hell, if I made enough money I would be thrilled to hire a maid for a couple visits a month. Oh and I'd like my own hairdresser too! I'd like more employees if I had gazillions of bucks!

  13. The woman is worth close to $650 million. She has to have LOTS of help.

    @Genericuserprofile - She is too huge an animal lover/advocate for that! :)

    I'm still kind of confused how that small a dog caused that much damage!

  14. @Cancan That's nice to hear and it reminds me that there are people who treat their employees like family. Good for her.

    @Sorka8 I don't think we're being snarky, it's just pointing out the fact that most celebrities spend more time with staff and have few real(or unpaid) friends.

  15. I love the SHIT out of Martha Stewart, and would like to offer my services.

  16. I will give you one story:
    When my friend got married, she was preparing to host Thanksgiving in her home for the first time, but had never roasted a turkey, prepared the sides, etc. A few weeks before Thanksgiving, Martha had her over to her house and spent an entire Saturday afternoon preparing, cooking and carving a turkey as well as preparing a few other dishes, so her employee would know what to do for her family on Thanksgiving. How cool is that? She is also really great about working out flexible working arrangements, maternity leave, that sort of thing.

  17. that's awesome, Cancan! I love her even more now!

  18. I both respect and admire her. She was sent to prison whereas a man would have just gotten a slap on the wrist. But as it was her they one wanted to make an example of her and two there were some men in the government that hated that a woman was as powerful and as rich as she was and used it as way to teach her a lesson/bring her to "heel". Little did they realize that all it would do was make her more popular and also show her just how strong she really is.

  19. I like Martha Stewart. She never tries to be a phoney nice person like Wretched Ray. She is very tough and I like that about her.

    She needs all those employees so she can spend her time crafting. Doing crafts takes a lot of time. Scrapbooking can takes days to months out of your life without you even knowing it.

  20. My favorite Martha moment...she was on Oprah and they were making the perfect bed. O jumped on the bed and Martha yelled at her.

  21. oh, sunnyside I remember that! I totally thought Oprah would blow her off, though, but she got up and looked ashamed! :D
