Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Michelle Williams Up For Dawson's Creek Reunion

Michelle Williams gave an interview to The Times in England and was just going on and on about Dawson's Creek. "My God, it was a blessing in so many ways and continues to be. It lifted me out of Los Angeles and placed me until I was 22 in a sleepy Southern town. It was the best acting class, learning to hit your mark, absorb your lines. I feel indebted to it and if there was ever a reunion show, sign me up." Yep, she is up for a reunion. I think that of all the stars on the show, everyone would do it except for Katie Holmes. I just don't see her doing it. Not because she is too big of a star, but just because I feel like she has no sense of fun and that is what a reunion show is about.

It is all about seeing everyone again and talking about the past and sharing things, and Katie just is not that person. Joshua Jackson? You bet. I think if James Van Der Bee's career was going any better he might say no, but at this point I think you could put him down for a yes. So, reunion show next year? Sounds good to me.


  1. Um, *spoilers*, but isn't she dead?

  2. Yep. Fatal heart condition

  3. And I really couldn't handle another round of "will Joey pick Pacey or Dawson."


  5. I don't know where I was, or what I was doing, but I have never seen an episode of this show. I know more about the show and the characters now than I certainly did when it was a hit. It was a hit, right?

  6. Who is the taller blonde on the right? I don't recognize her.

  7. ...and portraying the part of Joey Potter, Anne Hathaway.

  8. Joey's roommate Audrey Lidell (Busy Phillips)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. yeah, um, no thanks.

  11. LMSaM-
    That's Busy Philips. She's now on Cougar Town.

  12. Tom wouldn't let her do it.

  13. Yes, please! As for Michelle's character, they'll come up with some way she miraculously survived the fatal heart condition.

  14. There's a boy named Pacey in my son's class. I never watched the show either but when my son started to talk about Pacey, I had to try hard not to howl with laughter. The other day my husband asked, "Who the HELL would name their kid 'Pacey'?" Had to explain it to him.

  15. I watched the entire series one fall when I was laid up with a broken shoulder. Loved it. Of course, I was heavily sedated. Wonder if there is a coorilation?

  16. I've never liked Michele. It might just be because ever picture I ever see of her, she looks bitter and sour. You don't like paparrazzi, we get it, but they're not going to stop taking your picture, couldn't you at least smile for *one* since you're not moving out of New York to avoid them?

  17. This was one show I never really got into. I watched a few episodes here and there, but I think I was too old for it when it came out.

  18. you sounds like she just has a really grateful attitude about it all...i say good for her, whether she does it or not. how refreshing. if only h'wood had more of this and less entitlement issues...

  19. I´ve never liked Michelle either, not even in Dawson´s Creek, even though I looooved the show. But she warmed my heart by showing some respect for the show that launched her. I get a feeling that most of these actors that successfully change from TV to movies are really ungrateful.

  20. I read something awhile back where a director or producer of the show said the actors were the worst behaved pack of spoiled brats they had eer worked with. I always wonder if Michelle Wms badly behaved too.

  21. Wait--William's character died on the show? There I was thinking that she sounded amazingly grateful and down to earth but if her character is dead, maybe not so much, lol. She could do a few ghost scenes, shot through a filter. You know, giving a grown up Dawson advice on girls, etc.

  22. Isn't she being sarcastic? Because her character is dead and her character wouldn't be in a reunion?

    I remember that DH actor saying he would love to reprise in role in Melrose Place (that died too) and I'm pretty sure he was just making fun of people.

  23. lol @Shakey Pacey? really?

    I remember watching dawson's when I was like 10 and I just loooved Joshua Jackson but some episodes where nice and others just boring. I was more into Roswell.

  24. Wasn't the Dawson character based on the creator's life (Kevin Williamson)?

    Kevin came out in real life. If Dawson comes out in this reunion show, that would be worth watching!

  25. OMG, I can't believe I didn't recognize Busy! I love her!

  26. Came here to post that she's dead, but I see that's been covered. So yah, no Michelle Williams in the reunion show. And since I don't see Joshua Jackson or Katie Holmes agreeing to do it, I'd say no reunion show.

  27. I never watched Dawson's Creek because it conflicted with Party of Five. Charlie & Bailey Salinger > Dawson/Pacey.

    My nephew is named Dawson. Sister was too old for Dawson's Creek & claimed she'd never heard of it. :)

    I like Michelle! Good for her for not being a total prat about the show that launched her career. They could always do a quick reunion on Jimmy Fallon. :) And yea, I don't see Katie participating.

  28. i loved roswell!! whatever happened to brenden fehr...he was sooo hot!!!

  29. I did not watch Dawson's (or as some people I knew called it, The Crack) as it was a head to head conflict with the last seasons of 90210-- you know, the critical ones where Brandon left, Dylan came back, Brenda from GH was briefly on, Kelly & Valerie slept with everyone, and eventually Donna and David got married. I would much rather see a reunion of that sh*t than Dawson's.

    That said, props to MW for not p*ssing on what launched her career. But then again, assuming she is aware her character died in the end of the show, maybe she is just screwing with this reporter? Either way it makes me like her more!

  30. Oh c'mon guys, she could appear in flashbacks.

  31. Sadly I read the headline as "Michelle Williams Dresses up for Dawson's Creek Reunion" and got super excited...anyway I think she, more than any of them, has proven her talent as an actor. A couple of them would be lucky to perform on the same set as her again. It's not going to happen in any feature films, that's for sure.
