Thursday, January 06, 2011


Camille Grammer is not returning for the second season of Real Housewives Beverly Hills. This is awful news. What has been the best Real Housewives season ever thanks to Camille now will just be average like all the other cities. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Camille just is not interested in rejoining the cast for another season and the article does not even speculate as to whether Camille would get her own show. I will go on the record as saying she would be awful in her own show. The reason? She would probably want control of editing so we would never get the same Camille we get now. What this means for Bravo is they should immediately go through all their footage and try and make as many extra episodes with Camille as possible. Oh, and make the reunion show Pay Per View and promise the psychic will be on the show too. Oh and that Camille and Nick will have sex in front of everyone including his wife. And that Kim will drink.


  1. I'm glad she's leaving. And don't worry, you know they will replace her with someone just as ridiculous. The drama won't stop.

  2. I heard the reunion show was a doozy!

  3. Or could a certain soon-to-be tabloid story about her past have her running scared?

  4. I was devastated when I heard this about Camille this morning.

    She wants out but nothing has been decided and I hope Bravo is just biding their time waiting for her to calm down. She is in full meltdown with the divorce.

    She is gods gift to us she can't leave us now.

  5. she's a fame whore. She'll be back.

  6. I think she will be replaced by Kyle. After all, in those 'reality' tv shows it is all about the editing and I think that even now Kyle can be very unpleasant. I watched one of the episodes the other day in which Kyle was preparing the birthday party for one of her kids and called Kim to ask her to help and threw a fit when Kim told her that she can't come because she has things to do. She is very abusive to her sister and I don't think that she treats other people differently.

    Kyle seems to be used to get her way at all times.
    When I watched the show for the first time and saw her and the ass-kissers like Faye she surrounds herself with she reminded me of that brat Lauren Conrad on 'The Hills' who also knew perfectly how to manipulate others into thinking that she's always the victim and never the one who's to blame for the drama.

  7. Another site theorized that Camille not returning is part of her divorce agreement with Kelsey.

  8. Im with chihuahuense-
    Not only is she a fame whore but much like Eddie Murphy's wife blowing through 15 mill in 5 yrs I predict Cammille will need money too. I know 50 mill is a lot but the woman has 4 effing nannies- along with a slew of other staff. Just to pay them a year it has to amount to at least half a mil to a mil.
    I also agree a show on her own will suck.
    But cheer up Enty -we still have Lisa Vanderpoof or whatever her ridiculous name is. She is still awesome. In fact the only real boring ones are the sisters. A vain and minding f--king Kyle and a drinking delusional Kim- please I could find dozens of them in LA right now, and Im no casting person.

  9. Maybe she's vying for her own show.

  10. Geez, so much hate for Kyle....she's not perfect but I love her!

  11. The strangest thing about the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is -- how much I love the women on it. In spite of their wealth and ridiculousness, Kyle and Kim and Lisa and Adrienne and Taylor are totally like real human beings, and I love them all. Camille is exactly what I imagine a fifty-year-old former prostitute to be, too. I won't miss her.

  12. i have never watched a single episode of ANY of these shows....Enty is starting to make me want to watch this one

  13. AMEN, Barton - exactly how I feel about the whole cast. I've really come around to like Taylor - was totally inclined the other way at first.

  14. This is really too bad, but not unexpected. I know that she took down her Twitter account because of all the well-deserved hate she was getting (@camille_grammer is not her acct). This is the only Real Housewives show that my 19 y.o. daughter has ever watched, and it was only to see Camille be a freak each week.

  15. I just watched for the first time ever the first epi of this mess this morning while ironing my husband's shirts (oh, the irony.) Camille is so awkward. I like the broad with the accent.

  16. I'm still holding on to hope that Camille will be back. I've read that she was leaving and I've also read that it's not a done deal, so we'll see. Every season of every show there's always somebody leaving and yet they still show-up.

    I've seen every RH and this group is my fave. I know Kyle can say some questionable things, but even though I love her, Lisa can be a little trouble maker too. Kim is so strange sometimes. I didn't care for Taylor in the beginning, but she's definitely grown on me.

    I can't wait for the reunion show, I read that it got pretty rough.

  17. Boooo!!!!! I loved watching Camille in all her insaneness!!! I hate to admit that I have been counting down the days until RHOBH was back on ... EVERY DAMN WEEK since it first aired!!!

    Bravo should do everything in their power to get her back on the show. Even if they never tape with the other women again (I hate how the women have to pretend to be real life friends even though it's obvious they never really hang out with each other unless they are taping.) Just show us a segment every week with Camille showing another person her kindness and generosity, all the while belitting them behind their back!! I love to dislike that woman!!!!

  18. Lisa is my favorite.

    I was kind of looking forward to another season with Camille soley to see the reaction of the cast with the fall out from her divorce, etc.

  19. I like Lisa and her accent. Adreinne is growing on me. Don't like Taylor, she effed up her face the worst of the group.

  20. Anonymous12:27 PM

    lisa v. is "smug". and all of them are "classless" to be on a show like this.

  21. @timebob - exactly! She must return to us! Everyone else is so boooring. Either Camille needs to come back or they need to openly let Kim drink (or both).

  22. Hmmmm, did you read that Camille is holding Bravo hostage until the editing (hopefuly favorable to her) is done on the reunion show??

  23. ah, fuck her. she's upset with her editing. so to keep her, they have to make her look like someone other than the raging c*nt she is? again....FUCK HER.

    buh bye, bitch.

  24. Patty, I never even thought of that -- you're probably right. So going into the series was a negotiating ploy to begin with? Her showing up at his apartment in June "not knowing" he was living there with his girlfriend was probably a stunt to push the show and her profile as well. Yipes.

  25. I can't wait until the she has to let some of the nannies go and they write a book about all the shit they've seen.

  26. I'm just hopping on this thread and will read later all the posts..
    But I thought she didn't want to do the show and Kelsey thought it would "be a good idea" to do the show. He was already boning the other chick at this point.

    My thought is.. Kelsey thought he wouldn't have to pay out so much since she was working.

  27. I can't believe I got sucked into watching the marathon of this today, but I am on maternity leave and such is my life.

    First off, I can't get over how Camille is so unaware of herself. It is JAWDROPPING. I also can't believe that Kelsey Grammar allowed himself and their lives to be a part of this mess. I also can't believe how freakin rich they are. It's so obvious that their marriage is strained.

    I love the English woman and the woman who owns the NBA team. I forget their names.

    Taylor kind of sucks.

    What a train wreck.

  28. You guys believe her when she says Kelsey wanted her to do the show?? I don't believe a word out of her mouth. Hasn't the gossip prior to this last statement been that he DIDN'T want her to do the show b/c of her past indiscretions??

  29. This is terrible news. I so badly wanted her to crawl back to season 2 w/out her cash cow, especially after she wiped everyone's nose in how A list Kelsey is. I believe the word she used was "tier." Well, well, well how the tables have turned. She needs to bust out those old MTV Club tapes and remember where she came from. Tacky-ass bitch. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

  30. That's a good theory, JoElla. Either that or he was hoping he'd have to spend even less time with her if she was "working."

  31. My faves are Lisa and Adrienne. I go back and forth on Kyle; most of the time I like her but sometimes not so much. Kim is neurotic and Taylor is both boring and disturbing to look at. Kim and Taylor have VICTIM written all over them.

    Now Camille, what a piece of work! Vain, selfish, narcissistic, insecure, vapid, ignorant, catty, she's got it all! Her answer to everything is that other women are jealous of her. She had to have a surrogate bear her two children because she has irritable bowel syndrome? WTF???


    I haven't seen the reunion ep but my favorite episode thus far was the dinner at Camille's house with self-described psychic Allison DuBois. Now THAT'S entertainment!

  32. I have to add that I find it quite disturbing that people on here wish for an assumed alcoholic (Kim) to start drinking again only for their own amusement.

  33. Mina, I could not agree more.

  34. Damn! I was hoping she was fired.

    I know everyone loves the drama-rama, but let's face it; television is staying alive by exploiting the very dregs of society, even if they're the rich dregs. They're catering to the lowest common denominator and giving the crowd what they want - something to make them feel better about themselves. Someone to be better than.

    This has been the trend for the last ten years. Maybe more. It's disgusting and it's resulted in more serious areas of life becoming degraded. Our political system has turned into American Idol, taken so contemptuously that complete unqualified numbskulls are considered serious candidates for high office because they 'make good television'.

    Can we PLEASE stop this? Can we at least stop encouraging it?

  35. I ditto Fawn Neun and am glad I don't have cable.
