Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ronni Chasen Snowjob Almost Official

Apparently the Beverly Hills Police have decided the Ronni Chasen murder case can be closed. People have stopped asking questions and no one seems to care anymore, so they might as well close it. The Hollywood Reporter was told that the ballistics in the gun used in the suicide of Harold Martin Smith proved the same gun was used to kill Ronni Chasen. Of course the police don't have to prove that in court so who is to know. I don't care how much they try and hammer this story, I will never believe it. I just don't see some homeless guy riding a bike out into the middle of nowhere and waiting to rob someone and then killing them. How was he going to rob her? This is such crap. If you stop to think about it for one minute you will come up with twenty things that make no sense at all. I so wish that guy was still alive because I really would love to hear his side of the story. Tell me again about how he says he was paid for it. Why would he make that up?


  1. This is such a bizarre case. I wonder who up top wants this case closed so quick.

  2. I think this will be one of those Hollywood mysteries that we won't find out the real answer for another 20 years until someone gives some kind of deathbed confession or the guilt catches up with them. The BHPD are as useless as Camille Grammer trying to clean her house.

    I still think the niece she cut out of her will out was somehow involved. She is a crack head and broke. This whole things smells like a revenge kill to me.

  3. there is so much cover-up here. it's sinister, and there's way more to it...and i bet it ties back to 'burlesque' in more ways than we know.

  4. This is worse than the Brittany Murphy snowjob.
    So perfect for whoever else involved thay he offed himself.
    What crap.

  5. You would think her family would be pushing to fight for answers???

  6. she joins jean seberg, jfk, rfk, et cetera in a list of murders we will never know the full details about, but will always know that there was something totally wrong about the way their cases were closed....

  7. Someone just got away with murder..nasty.

  8. I totally agree. This just doesn't feel right. The killer himself told people he had been paid.... and how are we to know that he actually killed himself? Witnesses and proof seem to be in very short supply here.

  9. It's pretty smart to use the gun that was used in the crime as the suicide weapon. Wraps it up neatly, don't you think?

  10. I thought they said the gun didn't match and then changed their story weeks later?

    Good point MCH, where is her family??

    Somethin ain't clean in the milk (MK) doesn't even begin to describe all the irregularities in this case. Most puzzling, indeed.

    I'm very glad I live far away from the inept police work of BHPD & LAPD. We got our own problems here, but this ain't one of em.

  11. God, Enty I wish your words would be read by someone who cared. So many of Ronnie's friends and clients (including someone very close to me) KNOW this isn't what happened and yet for all intents and purposes are being told, "Move along, nothing to see here." Who could be so powerful that they could hush what really happened up so quickly and completely? Or, is it really just the totally inept BHPD (well, the last is always true...but I don't think that's the whole story here either)...

  12. Pookie, your comment about "Burlesque" has been on my mind, too. There's a lot of ugly shit happening w/the HFPA and the Globes payola, etc...but the head of the HFPA is not really that powerful, not in the real world anyway. But it did occur to me...

  13. Enty if you can, please keep your ears and eyes open on this one, and keep it alive on your blog if you can. We will too.

  14. This one smells like rotten fish. Obviously powerful people are involved. Scary.

  15. Did they release this info only through an interview with The Hollywood Reporter instead of through a news release to all area news sources or a press conference?

    Hinky, hinky, hinky.

  16. I'll always wonder about this one. What did Ronni know and what did she not go along with? Which higher-up in the BHPD covered this up and why? Which super-rich VIP called the hit on her? How did they get a random almost-homeless guy involved?

  17. The reporting on this case was so bad that it's hard to know what was really going on with the investigation.

    That being said, the crazy guy didn't murder Ronni Chasen. That guy had no history of violence that would have associated him with this kind of act. He may have been a thief - but he stole no jewelry, watch, or wallet from her...

    This was a premeditated murder. By a person with all his faculties.

  18. If the niece was left out of the will, she sure isn't getting anything now. Besides if there is a cover up, no way could one cracked-out person do this.

    I understand the police don't like cold case files so when they don't have another leads, they'll wrap it up. I wonder if we'll hear about this on 48 Hours Mystery one day.

  19. There is no way a broke down crack head is in on this cover up. Not saying that addicts don't have their moments of intelligence or clarity, but the BHPD would have no problems arresting the niece, if she is truly involved. She's not some VIP in Hwood.

  20. I hadnt really paid attention to this case at all - but it sure seems fishy, now that I look back and read the articles.

  21. the dead guy did say he'd been paid, but come on. he was bragging and he sounded like a borderline mental case (maybe not so borderline.)

    if you're really going to pay a hit man, are you going to pay some crazy guy on a bike? that makes no fucking sense.

    california---especially the part where the rich, influential people live---has its own system of justice. we'll never know what happened here but the official story is total BULLSHIT.

  22. I'd believe more that someone paid the homeless guy (sorry I don't remember his name)to confess. Like he was the red herring in the case.
    That he made those shots --
    (SNORT)yeah and Oswald was just the lone nut with a gun.

  23. This is disturbing. I had also heard that the gun involved in the suicide did not match ballistics with the murder weapon. I've learned that if you have fame/power/money, you can get away with just about anything. There have been crimes, even murders committed by famous persons in Hollywood that we'll never, ever know about, though it has been hinted at.

  24. So maybe Randy Quaid was right about Star Wackers? LOL

  25. I thought I read somewhere that she was involved in someway, maybe unknowingly, with an art fraud ring. If she wanted out, maybe they wanted her out of the way, so she couldnt talk.

  26. There are more questions than real answers here. This crime and resolution do not add up!

  27. This is horrible on so many levels and one of those levels is that Enty confirmed there is not any hope of this being a future blind item reveal.

  28. When I sub-contract my wet work, the last person I will involve is a straight, a square.

    The assassin would have to be expendable, of no evidential worth, and capable of that task. A drug addict is ideal, as certain drugs have an ability to increase suggestibility and remove scruples as well as increasing rage. Or terminally ill person, as phase three usually involves eliminating the assassin. Consent makes it all easier and I never grudge the payments to their designated charity or whomever.

    Their profile usually should suggest unreliability, as a witness, should they be left alive for any length of time.

    Their expeditious despatch is very desirable, preferably after a confession and the discoverable possession of stolen goods or weapon used or both.

    This seems to fit my script? Very professional. My advice is to pass on by and not try to blackmail anyone, ever!
