Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Selena's Purity Ring? Not So Much

No one really talks about the Jonas' brothers purity rings anymore. With one of them married and one of them having sex with anything that has a pulse and the other, well, who knows about him, they just are not mentioned anymore. Well, Selena Gomez has worn one since she was 12, but that was before she started getting wooed by The Biebs. So, a vacation to Miami and a yacht trip to the Caribbean later and now The Enquirer says Selena has stopped wearing her purity ring and her parents are not happy. Maybe it did not match what she has been wearing for the past few weeks or maybe she and the Biebs are enjoying some activities that kind of make that whole purity thing obsolete.


  1. I understand these kids sell an image - but it's more their people and handlers who sell and push this stuff.

    They are still teens, and they are not doing anything teens across America don't do everyday. I won't hate.

    Of course, Demi's activites are another matter - as they go beyond just being boyfriend/girlfriend and whatnot

  2. Whatever. They're teens. That's what they do.

    Sex is fun.

  3. Teenagers = Hormones with Feet.

  4. Good for them. I hope they're happy and careful.

  5. is she in danger of being arrested for underage fooling around?

  6. She's 18 so is of age, but he's only 16.

  7. ms snarky - don't know the laws in whatever resort they were at but in TX if they're within three years of each other which I think they are it's legal.

  8. dude. miami. caribbean. yacht. that's temptation at its finest. add lack of self control and teen hormones...it was bound to be combustible.

  9. I'm old, so I don't get the Biebs.

    Just thinking about him having sex makes me go ewwwwwwwww

  10. I know, Hannah, doesn't just seem sweaty and awkward? *LOL*

  11. I don't see the attraction in this man-boy, emphasis on boy not quite through puberty.

  12. @HannahPalindrome - Yeah, me too. Has his voice even gone through "the change" yet??

    Baby, Baby, eww...

  13. Oh please, this boy's balls haven't even dropped yet. Probably doesn't even have pubes yet.

  14. Please, let this be the beginning of the end to the hypocrisy of swearing to keep your "viriginity" while doing "everything but," including anal sex.

  15. I think Biebs voice started changing a few months ago, didn't it?

  16. I think the purity ring was just concoted by Disney execs to put Parents at ease watching these kids shows who clearly are sexual.

  17. They are doing exactly what I would expect. What does one think happens when they go on vacation together? This isn't even newsworthy.

    Yes, I have kids.

  18. well, when I think of the biebs having sex, it makes me go


  19. Selena's an adult, so her 'rents don't have that much control anymore.

  20. So is the youngest Jonas brother going at it with everything that moves?

    -If they're ok and happy with each other AND they're being responsable...why not? I'll be more worried about him being 16 looking like a 12 year old.

  21. She's 18 - it is ridiculous to expect her to do otherwise. If she waited this long, I think it is great. His appeal - now that I cannot see.

  22. I'd rather they both promote wearing condoms than purity rings. Time for America to get real about teen pregnancy-it's not all mtv & red carpet parties. UGH.

  23. Am I really the only one who thinks that the Beaver is gay and Gomez is only paid to make him look straight?

  24. It's easy to say you're not going to have sex when you're TWELVE. That's like proclaiming at the age of eight that you have no plans to ever experiment with drugs or alcohol, or that you don't care about politics. Selena is an adult, and should be allowed to have consensual sex with a young man who looks like a lesbian if she WANTS to, dammit.

    Shame on parents who level that amount of pressure on their children and place them into virginal little boxes. All it does is ensure that when their kids actually DO become sexually active, the parents will know absolutely nothing about it.

  25. ^^^Actually parents who teach their children sexuality and having respect for one's body in an age appropriate manner, tend to have kids who do NOT have sex until late in life.

  26. ^^^oops...later in life.

  27. All I know is this: I never wore a damned ring symbolizing my pledge of virginal allegiance to my parents, and I lost it WAY after I graduated high school.

    You don't need some holy pledge of chastity or whatever in order to make intelligent, informed choices.

  28. I applaud her for not being hypocritical about it. She's having sex, she took off the purity ring. Good for her, on all accounts.

    My question is...what was a 16 year old boy doing going on vacation with his girlfriend alone in the first place?? I understand that he's a star, yadee yadah. But when I was 16, no way would my parents let me travel alone with a guy!

  29. Didn't Ted Casablanca have a blind item that everyone thought was her- basically stating that she lost her virginity to Nick Jonas- but for him it was kind of just a one time thing, hence breaking her heart?

    I hardly doubt that either her or the Beibs were virgins before getting together. And in teen land, they're doing pretty good. Look at their counterparts(Miley, Demi...) And look at your average teen in general.

    And for the record- he's going to be 17. They're just over a year apart. Not a big deal.

  30. what i think is especially precious is these little 'virginal' girls wearing their purity rings, and being blow job queens and taking it up the ass.
    that's the 'new' virginity.

  31. These are not your average teens and she needs to be on the pill, STAT. Other than that I sypmpathize with the agent/managers

  32. Come on, no way. Selena cannot be genuinely involved with this kid, right? She seems like such a tasteful person...

    And yeah, I will go ahead and peg Nick for the ho of the Jonai...if it was sweet Joe I wouldn't care/judge anyway. So it would be more interesting if it was Nick. Though I'm sure he'd still find a way to make it boring, like everything else he does.

    Nancer - there is nothing 'new' about those techniques!

  33. Oohhh teenagers have sex... SHOCKING!

  34. Or did Disney tell her take off the ring to create some buzz for the tweens & us old folks sitting around talking about it?

    Tenns+sex, big whoop. Wear a condom.

  35. Don't like any of the Jonas' Bros., none of them look good and they all need a haircut. Not sure how Nick Jonas gets girls, he looks like the country bumpkin of the three brothers.

    As for Selena...oh honey, it seems like it now, but that ain't a trophy conquest you want to proudly display on the shelf in 5-10 years. It's like Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff fighting over Aaron Carter back in the day. Who's that, you ask? He's the little brother of BSB Nick Carter who gave us gems such as "Crazy Little Party Girl" and whose balls we watched drop about 10 years ago. He is completely irrelevant now.

    I hope Bieber goes the way of Aaron.

  36. La chica has a tiny head!
