Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Steven Tyler Snorted Lunesta

I am always amazed at the different way drugs can be abused by addicts. Steven Tyler is no exception. He was on Letterman and told him that he had originally been prescribed Lunesta to help him with his feet. Not sure how a sleeping pill can help you with your feet, but whatever. Well, the way it was prescribed was not good enough for Steven so he started snorting the drug. Cheaper than coke probably.

Steven blames his snorting for the fall in South Dakota that broke his shoulder. He previously said that it was a dance move gone awry. He might have even blamed the band. Can't remember now, but I will give him points for creativity in drug abuse.


  1. Snorting something to me sounds so gross. I hate when water goes up my nose, so I could imagine how un-fun snorting crushed up pills would be.


  2. I have a friend like this. You cant imagine all the pills this fucker has taken nasally. According to bff, the medicine enters the blood stream quicker than being partially broken down by ur stomach acids. To me it seems way too much work to get high. I like my 420

  3. When I was a teenager my best friend used to snort Vivarin - caffeine pills. I did not partake, however, I did roll and smoke black tea from tea bags and had a 3 day headache!

  4. I totally get it. He fell down because his foot went to sleep.

  5. Or as my old clients at the Methadone Clinic used to say, "Why waste your drugs by snorting them?"

  6. Ahaha Looserdude, now that's funny!

  7. LOl, looserdude!

    Yeah, I read that in the paper today and wondered about the foot/sleeping pill combo.

  8. Steven Tyler is pathetic, and it's only going to get worse as he tries to be cool on AI.

    Dude, hang up the leather pants.

  9. It really doesn't make sense when a side effect of Lunesta is the
    swelling of feet.

  10. Why snort? I hear you can just put it up your butt and get the same effect without damaging your septum. Yeah, I read that Stevie Nicks/Assistant/Coke/Straw thing. Sorry.

    Still doesn't beat snorting ants...

  11. What Stevie Nicks/Assistant/Coke/Straw thing?

  12. LOL @ looserdude!!!

    I can't imagine snorting anything either....but he's an addict, so this isn't really all that surprising. Reminds me of hearing some story about a friend's relative who tried to drink rubbing alcohol. BLECH.

  13. @MadLyb what is the Stevie Nicks/Assistant/Coke/Straw thing??? Dying to know. Love Stevie but its a miracle she is alive and has a nose left on her face.

  14. The only reason I can think of for prescribing sleep aids for an injury is if the pain from the injury is interfering with sleep.

    I'm just getting over a rib injury and I had a hard time sleeping because I would wake up with pain everytime I shifted in my sleep.
