Friday, January 14, 2011

This Won't Turn Out Well

It is always interesting to learn about lottery winners. Usually you only learn about them if they win more than once, or if they win a really big jackpot. Last week's Mega Millions definitely qualifies as big. $380M worth of big. Well, one half of the winnings was won by a couple in Idaho.

Radar managed to use a calculator, and determined that the couple has been arrested at least 16 times. The majority of the arrests have been by the husband, but the wife has her share. How many people out there think that if anyone can blow through $190M, this couple can. In three years there will not be anything left or they will have partied themselves to death. I wish them well, but what they need to do is make sure they give the majority of the money to someone who doles it out to them in increments.

The husband makes a habit of beating up his wife and other people. Sounds like a real winner. The couple was separated when the wife won the lottery. Wonder how long it took for him to give her a call.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    it is widely mythed that most lottery winners are broke. the majority of them don't strike it rich with the multi-millions jackpot. but usually win enough to pay off debt.

    or place an addition on their home and renovate.;) however, these two don't stand a chance.

  2. If they were separated does the husband have any legal claim to the money?

  3. I'm just sitting here, shocked, with my mouth hanging open at the complete WRECK that these two are.

    You think you've seen the bottom of the barrel, but then something like this happens and you realise there's this whole other level.


  4. Never let it be said that God doesn't have a sense of humor.

  5. Of all the deserving people who probably played that lotter and the fates picked these two. I predict most of it goes to bail and attorney fees.

  6. Karma must have been on vacation when these two won.

    I'd like to think that after a few standard purchases, like an new car, home, and helping my parents retire, that we'd quietly spend the rest of it on helping others in our community. It's a nice dream, and how to spend all of it would be a great problem to have.....

  7. After watching that short lived series, Windfall & seeing those awful E! Hollywood True Stories on lottery winnings, I have a pretty specific plan in place for what is going to happen with my money. I just people don't think things through & get caught up in the moment. It is crazy the bad shit that happens to the lotto winners though.

  8. Ah, isn't America a wonderful place? They'll piss it away in no time and be right back to where they started.

  9. this would make a great reality show-- I'd definitely watch!

  10. Total trainwreck..oh man, the things I'll do with all of that money.

  11. they aren't even legally seperated just estranged. Which means he has divorce lawyers at his doorstep salivating over 40 million pay day.

    These two sound like an O'Henry story for white trash.

  12. Oh yeah he gets 1/2 or at least a big chunk of the money...that happened here in New York....they got back together..he got the money and she split with half....

  13. Oh man, please let this be a kick in the pants for them to turn their lives around.

  14. These two sound like an O'Henry story for white trash. timebob, that is such a perfect assessment.

  15. Jesus and I can't catch a break to save my life....

  16. Everyone who was every beaten up by this guy is now in a lawyer's office filing a lawsuit for pain and suffering. Most of that money is going to make a lot of lawyers very rich. And strippers. Lots of strippers. And drug dealers. This is going to be an absolute white trash train wreck.

  17. @ brendalove: I hear ya, LOL
