Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today's Blind Items

This B list television actor who has alternated between middling movies and a successful cable show was at dinner two nights ago when the waitress began flirting with him. Our actor, who was with two other guys said, "Look. Lets just cut to the chase. If you are so into me, then lets go to the bathroom, you can blow me and I can get back to my dinner." The waitress walked away and got someone else to serve the table.


  1. Am I wrong for actually liking this response? Sorry, but I hate it when waiters/waitresses actually think they need to relentlessly flirt to get large tips. Really, you only need to flirt if you suck at getting the correct orders out and serving the food when it's still hot.
    Good for him!
    Although, if it is the Piv, well then, he sucks too.
    I thought Duchovny, but think he would only say it to get rid of the waitress, not actually proposition her.

  2. Probably said that to get her off his back. I don't see why this would make him a douche. Maybe he wasn't interested or into her and she couldn't take a hint? Everyone has their limit. If he was hungry and she was interrupting his meal, than I don't blame him.

    Lord knows I would get snippy if someone kept interrupting me from shoveling my dinner into my mouth if I were really hungry.

    Or maybe he was serious and I don't know what I'm talking about.

  3. What about John Hamm?

  4. @Erin and Bond Girl: I totally agree!

  5. Yep, I'm with @Erin and @Bond Girl too on this one. I think this was his way of creatively telling the waitress he was annoyed! ;)

  6. I kind of liked his response, too, depending on her level of flirting. He really had nothing to lose, if she accepted he got a bj and if she got offended then he got to go back to his meal and friends. It kind of sounds like she might have been a little intrusive. I bet the waitress thinks twice before fawning all over the next celeb she waits on.

  7. whoever it is I love him. Please let this be a July 4th reveal. Yes I am already taking mental notes of the reveals I want answered ;o)

  8. I think it could be Piven, but it sounded a bit like Denis Leary to me. (Like he was calling her bluff, plus he's married.)

  9. I think there's more polite ways to tell someone to jam it. This is not it.

  10. No, I'm sorry. When I'm being flirted with at a restaurant by a waiter and I'm not enjoying the attention, I DON'T tell the waiter to meet me in the bathroom so he can lick me and I can get back to my dinner. His reply was degrading and rude. There are a lot more civilized ways to handle it. He chose to humiliate her in front of his friends because he's a douche.

  11. I could totally see Hank Moody saying this (but actually going to the restroom with the waitress), so I'm going with Duchovny.

  12. @RocketQueen, I totally agree with you that this was a rude response. However, it was also VERY unprofessional of the waitress to flirt with her customer. Not to justify his behavior, it was crude, but I also overreact when I'm interrupted. That's why I like his response - cuz it's what I'd do in his place.

  13. Would he have said that if his dinner guest was his mother? I don't think so. He's a pig.

  14. I think it depends on the delivery of the lines. Maybe he was trying to be funny. I'm giving benefit of the doubt.

  15. It definitely was a rude response. We can't really be sure if she was really flirting. To some guys with overactive imaginations, saying "Hi" is considered a flirt and she "wants" me.

    Um, not really.

  16. Can we all agree that if this IS Jeremy Piven, there's no room for doubt that he's a pig and a douche? ;)

  17. I love you, Rocket Queen.

  18. @RocketQueen -- TOTALLY! Cuz if it was the Piv, he was serious about wanting the beej, and didn't really care about his dinner.

  19. Well, I've been a waitress and I've had guys snatch up a tip from their table as they leave and say, "If you'd been a bit more friendly, this would've been yours."

    Ya can't win with some people.

  20. Anonymous2:13 PM


  21. Anonymous2:15 PM

    His response is PERFECT!

  22. Yes Erin I'm with you also....a waitress did that when I was on a date....she left her cell on the check....

  23. @MISCH Wow! That's both nauseating and sad. Hope your reactions were reflected in the tip!

  24. I gotta jump on the pig train.

    What's wrong with saying "You're very sweet, but I'm trying to enjoy my eff'n dinner?"

  25. I'm going with Bill Paxton from Big Love.

  26. Pig train, here.

    Unless the wait was being WAY over the top--so far that it warranted intervention or discipline from the Management--his response was base and classless.

    We don't know what she was saying or doing b/c all Enty says is *flirting.*

  27. And please, who the fuck would FAWN over Jeremy Piven? That would be disgusting and sad.

    I hold out judgment b/c we do not know what she said or did. "Flirting" might have included drool or it might have been truly innocent.

    But what the fuck do I know? Hollywood is a majorly fucked-up, fake place anyway.

    (that's why we love the goss about it, right?)

  28. Erin,
    My Ex made sure to show it to me...Always knew I should never have married the jerk in the first place...perfect example of a defining moment...

  29. I hope I'm wrong, but the description sort of sounds like Jon Hamm, but as Don Draper. Hope it's not him. I'm going with the Piv - poor guy is the guess for all the douchebag blind items out there. I used to love him on 'Ellen'. :(

  30. I don;t know why, but I could also see Timothy Hutton saying this.

  31. I think, "the attention is flattering, but I've come to enjoy this meal with my friends" would about cover any unwanted advances from a star-struck waitress. None of us were there, so we don't know if she were over the line, but, either way, his behavior should not be contingent on hers. He's words were intended as crude and humilating, which is never necessary and doesn't speak well for his character. One time, at a cocktail party, my Dad went upstairs to use the restroom, and this total skank propositioned him, by surprising him NAKED, as he walked out of the bathroom. Yeah, my MOM was downstairs. B*TCH! (the skank, not my mom :) My dad looked her right in the eye, shook his head and said, in a nice but firm tone, "put your clothes on, M---" and walked out. Skank was humilated, because her behavior was humiliating. And, my Dad stayed a gentleman, because he is one. Mr. B List is not. End of story.

  32. OT: I saw this on Gawker:

    disputing the story that everyone at Sundance hated Katie Holmes' new movie

  33. Lol, okay yah, this guy is a douche. Obviously. It's still a BIT of a funny statement. Maybe I'm just mean.

  34. To be different - what about the angry guy "comedian" who is on that firefighter show but has also done film....Dennis Leery?

  35. I agree with Erin & BondGirl.

    I thought it was funny.

  36. No, can't be Denis, I love him and I think he's scared of women anyway. At least he's scared of his wife.

  37. I have a hard time believing it was Piven only because it said he was 'with friends'

  38. I have to agree with this one. I would have done the same thing.

    Obviously, the waitress was only hitting on the actor because she recognized him and looking for money as usual.

    The actor was just playing his part and he didn't come there to be hit on. He just wanted to eat dinner in peace.

    The only reason the waitress left was because she was embarrassed.

  39. ^Bazinga, Sweater!

    I read it with David Duchovny's voice. And I think he said it so she would leave him alone.

  40. I really like the Bill Paxton suggestion.

    Agree he had the right to be annoyed; agree he could have found a better way to say it.

  41. I saw that too, chihuahuense. It's very interesting. I wonder who was behind it?

  42. (It did seem weird when Enty posted about it - sure "Kate" kind of sucks now, but the rest of the cast seemed very good.)

  43. Doesn't fit the clues, but this reminds me of that blind re: Brian Van Holt of CougarTown.

    Similar type behavior.

    While this person is a douche, I've heard stuff like this before from non-celebs so...sometimes men are pigs, what can you say?

  44. I have no guess, but I would like to say from a server's point of view, how completely unnerving it is when the tables are turned and patrons hit on servers. I have been hit on six ways from Sunday as I was held hostage via my employment and necessity to make money by men AND women who go beyond flirting and assume that because I continue to return (my job) that I am interested. I have gotten phone numbers, email addresses, keys to rooms, etc. AIGH! Makes me so mad. If I were not at my job I can assure you that I would have beat a fucker down for putting me in such a position. This may translate as a defense of douche nozzle Blist, but I really just wanted to blow off steam. Why don't people THINK about what they are doing? My guess is one of those people thought the other was leading them on.
    A little self awareness would do both parties good. Having said that, there are nicer ways to avoid interruption, a little grace and class go a long way. Thanks, phew, I feel better.

  45. @Mooshki--my favorite movies are usually OPPOSITE of everyone else's so I really had no idea what the "mass exodus" was all sounded like a decent movie/cast to me, too.

  46. First thought in my head was the guy who played Tony Soprano, can't recall his name right now. I saw 'middling movies' and immediately thought of that Christmas one with Ben Affleck and the one with Brad Pitt & Julia Roberts (The Pistol? or something like that). ARrgh, my brain is not working tonight? Is that guy married? I could totally see him saying that in his accent. Also, he seems like a blunt and straight-forward guy.

  47. Just to throw out another name. Adrien Grenier.

  48. Pig train here, also.

    But funny, too, depending on how pushy and relentless the waitress was.

  49. I don't think it can be Duchovny - I think descriptions of him would still include a reference to "The X Files" ("was the star of a hit network series" or something) and not just refer to him as someone who "has alternated between middling movies and a successful cable show."

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. To continue the OT: I've seen "Son of No One" movie. Kate's part is not that big, she's not the star. She's also not that good in it, but I give her points for trying something different.

    And thanks chihuahense for the link. I'm sure the theater wasn't full to begin with, and the mass exodus rumor is a bit much. It's ruined the movie's chances of doing any kind of business.

    Back on topic: I think the actor's response is pretty funny. And I think David Duchovny is a better guess than any.

  52. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Marc Feuerstein for someone different? He's on that cable show about the doctor in Miami.
    If not him, I'll go with Piven-I just hate it when it's the obvious one!
    Timothy Hutton does definitely not have a history of middling movies-Ordinary People, the Falcon and the Snowman. Bill Paxton, too-Titanic, the Terminator.
    Oh, and I think his response is ok, if the waitress was being over the top. Some people are just asking for it, sometimes. If she wasn't over the top, then he should have come up with something more respectful.

  53. what about that kid/dude from malcom in the middle -"middling movies" - and i think the actor was just making a point to the waitress. stop flirting. i feel that altho many stars can be jerks, there are just as many that get tired of the flirting and ass-kissing.

  54. My guess is Jon Stewart. He was calling her bluff.

  55. Sorry my vote is that this actor is on Team Douchebag with a capital D! Like he hasn't had to kiss some prime tuccus on his way up to Mediocrewood? Hope he enjoys the slide back down, as so often happens to snarky losers like him.

    I say this as someone who isn't overly fond of chatty waitstaff...the guy could at least have kept it civil. Waiters and waitresses are often slightly flirty. They aren't psychiatrists and have to keep people happy as part of their living. I despise people who make others feel small for making an honest living. Total Loser!!!!!

  56. Sounds like something that d-bag from Cougar Town would say. (Don't know his name).

  57. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Oh-I like both the Thomas Jane and Timothy Olyphant guesses! It seems more like Thomas Jane would be likely to say this...
