Monday, February 07, 2011

Angela Lansbury Has No Idea Who Snooki Is

Ahh, another reason to load up a season of Murder She Wrote. Last week in New York, Angela Lansbury was walking the streets when all of a sudden who should run screaming and yelling up to her, but Snooki. Yes, that Snooki. Apparently Snooki thinks everyone in the world must know who she is because you know, everyone must watch Jersey Shore. Apparently, Angela Lansbury has never seen the show because when Snooki came up to Angela she said, “I just love you!...My name is Snooki, and I’m sure you’ve seen me on TV.” Angela then said, "My dear, I’ve no idea who you are!”

And with that Ms. Lansbury continued her stroll down the street leaving Snooki open mouthed and probably headed to the next bar she saw to drown her sorrows in cheap liquor and bar fights.


  1. Yay Angela - she is all class! (She used to go to my same framer in Los Angeles and I ran into her a few times...just a total sweetheart. Class Dame!)

  2. Nice come back Angela! Yet I am a bit jealous because I wish I had no idea who Snookie was. Unfortunately, I am cursed with knowing of her existence, and of the fact that she earns more in a month than what I make in more than a year.

  3. She is the best....

  4. ah, the world is starting to rotate at a more logical fashion again....thank goodness

  5. If I didn't like gossip site, I would never know who Snooki is. I never watched Jersey Shore and don't plan on wathing.

  6. Perhaps she did know who she was and chose to behave as if she didnt, properly putting Snoki in her place. That would be even better.

  7. celebrate good times...come on!

  8. Ms. Landsbury for the win.

  9. Burn!! hahahahhaa Nobody's going to remember them in 10 years.

  10. Back when Paris, Lindsay, et al., were flashing their lady bits all over the place non-stop, their antics ended up on the cable news channels, which was how my grandfather knew who Paris was. No 90-something should know who Paris is -- or that she is allergic to underwear and common sense.

  11. I loved Angela Lansbury before, (Murder She Wrote, The Mirror Crack'd, Manchurian Candidate and Bedknobs & Broomsticks) but now I think I seriously want to marry her. I LOVE her for this.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. LOVE her! Go Angela!

  14. oh La Pachuquita, I couldn't have said it better myself. I hate myself for knowing Snooki. Lol.

  15. @Patty - That is exactly what I was thinking.

    Although she only stands about 3 feet tall, Snooki could probably take being knocked down a few notches w/ that ego. Good for Angela!

  16. I have no idea who Snooki is.

  17. I would never admit I have any idea who Snooki is.
