Friday, February 04, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This one’s a little too gross, we almost didn’t share. This A/B list, film mostly, British actress is a little self-obsessed or else a little nasty. She saved some of her tonsilloliths (google it, we had to) at the request of a fan who was willing to pay big bucks for them. He saved them in a little vile around his neck and calls them “Pearls of [Actress name].” Say it with us, YUCK!


  1. I can see it being the nutty HBC but just to be different, Emily Blunt?

  2. Helena Bonham-Carter? She seems weird enough to honour such a request.

    If not, maybe Emma Thompson because she's so lovably wacky.

    That said, some fans are really freaky.

  3. I don't have the slightest idea who but that is just downright nasty. I used to have those and they smell foul. Makes your breath disgusting too. I was told it was like a cross between sour milk and bad onions. I finally got my tonsils out when I was 34 and that took care of the problem.

  4. @redhotpepper

    I agree with you on tonsilloths causing bad breath and how many people get their tonsils out to solve this problem.

    So, we're looking for an actress with bad breath? Awesome.

  5. She doesn't have bad breath ANYMORE.

  6. my mom and i call those tonsil crusties...ick!

  7. Just thinking about it makes me gag.

  8. I had never even heard of those until today.

  9. That's crazy. Reminds me of a scene from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert with that character who had an "Abba turd" in a bottle.

  10. Doesn't seem *that* weird to me. Then again I spent half my teenage life breaking into band hotel rooms to steal personal possessions. oops.

  11. ewwww, thank God I have had my tonsils out.

  12. Funny how we're all thinking she's a Brit. Just sayin'. My Brit of choice for this is Rachel Weisz.

    But the first person I thought of who would actually do this is Bai Ling. Think about it.

  13. We all think it's a Brit because the blind says the actress is British, lol! But yeah, I guess it also feeds into the sterotype of Brits with bad teeth... Regardless, I got no guesses on this one. I just really really wonder about the guy that actually wanted to keep these things. Yuck.

  14. OOPS! Yikes! I was thinking it said "foreign born," but this isn't an Enty item. Tired eyes obviously.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Wow, a new word of the day!

    I like HBC but her teeth are kinda this something that is caused by bad hygiene?

  17. How did this fan know she had this condition? I googled it, then I clicked on images. ugghhhhh.
