Monday, February 21, 2011

Camille Grammer Now Works For CNN

If you are missing Camille Grammer every week on your television screen you will now have another chance. Camille and her fashion wisdom will be working for CNN at the Academy Awards on Sunday. It is not a bad decision by CNN. I can't think of anyone who actually tunes into CNN for the red carpet action at the Awards so now some people who never even knew CNN covered red carpets will probably flip over, but I have a feeling she will not say anything snarky or mean and will instead probably be pretty boring and probably talk about herself and how she only had three of her nannies working on Sunday so she had a very hard time getting ready.


  1. I know I won't be watching!

  2. CNN has great ideas and then are too pussy to execute them properly.

    they muzzle kathy griffin every NYE.

    just let the fur fly CNN!

  3. I would MUCH rather listen to Camille than Kathy "I Treated My Husband Like a Criminal" Griffin.

  4. nunaurbiz said...

    Maybe because he IS a criminal?
    "Kathy Griffin: Ex-husband took $72K from me"
    "My ex-husband, without my knowledge, was sneaking into my wallet when I was asleep in the mornings and taking my ATM cards of my own private accounts and withdrawing money," she told King on a taping of "Larry King Live" last week.

    "That money totaled $72,000. And he was doing [it] systematically over about a year and a half," Griffin said.

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I would MUCH rather listen to Kathy than Camille "I Treated My Husband Like an ATM" Grammer.

  6. Yeah, I had no clue CNN did red carpets because it's a NEWS channel. Someone made the comment that she will tell everyone what *she's* wearing. Stunt casting.

    Know what would be great tv? Have Anderson Cooper there and ask the celebs about current events. It would be like the Q&A session at beauty pageants!

  7. I think this is a smart move by CNN. I would flip to see how she does for a few minutes out of curiosity. I like Kathy Griffin too.

  8. oh, Shakey, I would watch that!

    "Miley, what do you think about the war in Iraq?"

    "Well, Iraq, is this continent in like Europe, and like, they like, are really really really mad, because like, the women have to wear black and like, this thing over their head, and like, I think it is really really hot there. So like, they don't like that, and something about oil, y'all. Party in the USA! WOOOOO!!!!"

  9. I saw her being introduced on Showbiz Tonight last night and it was cringe inducing. She was so awkward and uncomfortable. No carisma or poise in front of the camera at all. Even when they asked her questions about Sunday and she tried to act enthusiastic, she fell flat. I'm going to have to be drinking to watch and laugh at her on Oscar nite.

  10. I won't watch but good for her. It's a job.

  11. Maybe Camille can get her psychic friend to predict the award winners, so we can all know which actresses to *NOT* put our money on.

  12. So they hired the ex hooker instead of going the classy route and hiring Tim Gunn or someone who actually knows fashion. GREAT job! (sarcastic snort)

  13. Only Liberal wackos watch CNN so this is a non story.

  14. cowbulls, WRONG. I'm a Liberal Wacko, and I wouldn't watch CNN for my life. Except NYE clips on Dlisted w/ AC and Kathy Griffin.

    About KG: At least she has worked all she's years and made her own money. Yes Camille was a good investor of her husband's wealth, but I don't think it's right that she's probably twice as rich as KG.

  15. Love it Chihua!

    I'll watch it!

  16. chihuahuense - if blogger had a like button, I'd like your comment.

  17. @shakey: From your mouth to Enty's ear!

  18. @chihuahuense - LOL, that kind of reminded me of that Miss SC from a few years back..."I believe that our education like such as South Africa and, uh, the Iraq everywhere like, such as...."

    I don't think Camille is going to do anything too controversial in front of all those celebs, so it will probably be pretty boring, much like most red carpet interviews.

  19. A sign the Apocalypse is upon us.
