Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Fight To The Finish Over Thin Mints - And A Your Turn

I have a confession. I am a sucker for Girl Scout cookies. I don't want my neighborhood Girl Scouts to know what an easy mark I am so I limit my purchasing with them to five boxes each. There are three of them who currently get my business. But there are ways to satisfy my cravings and I have discovered them all. There are usually one or two co-workers who have a daughter in Scouts. Those are worth five boxes each. Grocery stores are my place though. The kids sitting out at tables with their parents with boxes of cookies stacked high are my greatest weakness. "Oh, are you selling cookies? Well, look I just happen to have an extra $50 with me and would be happy to take all those Samoas off your hands."

See, the cookies have to be Samoas. Sometimes, if they can be found I will have the two boxes that are not in the big six. Did you know there are 8 and not 6? Yep. Not in every area though.

As much as I love them though, I don't think I would fight over them. Sure, a minor tussle once broke out when someone thought they had claim to the last box of Samoas in the freezer, but I let my dad have them. Free rent after all.

In Florida this week, two female roommates got into a fight when one of them accused the other of pilfering her thin mints. Really? Thin mints are popular, but not with me. There was beating with hands and fists and one of the women who weighs 400 pounds allegedly jumped on the other. Oh, there was also some scissor threatening. I have the solution. Make sure you have lots of boxes.

I have to ask. What are your favorite kind?


  1. Thin Mints. Frozen! Mmmmmmmmmmmm

  2. Samoa's. I eat an entire box at once. It's impossible not to.

  3. I'm with you Enty!!!! Definitely Samoas!!!!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Samoas all the way.

  6. There are times I'd sell my soul for a Samoa. Add in some PMS and I and I can see it :)

  7. Yep Samoas and thin mints out of the freezer, mmmmm

  8. short bread, thin mints and samoas

  9. OMG, CDANers are so sophisticated. <3

    Mothereffin' Samoas for me, thankyouverymuch.

  10. Thin mints that I keep in the freezer and have with my morning coffee ... delish!!!!

  11. I ate a whole box of Samoas in less than 2 hrs on Sunday. I still feel fat. lol

  12. Enty, you can order online. Thin Mints for me.

  13. As a Girl Scout Troop Leader and a Girl Scout Service Unit Manager, I love you even more now Enty!!!! Our best sellers are the Thin Mints, Samoas and Tagalongs. There is a bottom less pit of need and want for those. I love all of the above, but my favorites are the Dosidos. A oatmeal cookie with peanut butter in the middle. Wash it down with milk and a banana and you have got a balanced breakfast...At least that is what my Assistant Leader says!

  14. Thin Mints. I would never turn down a Samoa, though.

  15. I make a great cheesecake with the thin mints. But I've had a whole box sit in my cabinet for a year, because other than the cheesecake, they just don't rise to top of mind for eating.

    For regular eating, I love the Tagalongs and Samoas.

  16. Samoas! I can eat a whole box too. Which is why I usually don't buy them.

    The peanut butter ones are pretty good too.

  17. Anonymous11:58 AM

    if they can be found I will have the two boxes that are not in the big six. Did you know there are 8 and not 6?
    help me out with this. i'm confused.

  18. Peanut butters and Samoas!!

  19. Tagalongs all the way - it doesn't get better than chocolate and peanut butter!
    Mint sucks - you can't taste anything BUT mint with even the tiniest amount added to anything, besides the fact it tastes like you are eating toothpaste.
    Tagalongs for life!

  20. Anonymous11:59 AM

    thin mints get my vote!

    if you do not eat your cookies within 6 months, you can freeze them up to a year. or you can just keep 'em in the freezer.

  21. Thin Mints right out of the freezer, with Samoas a very close second. I can eat an entire sleeve of Thin Mints in a matter of minutes. I'm sure I could eat the entire box, but have managed to control myself. Hmmm, maybe this year I'll give it a whirl and try it.

  22. Anonymous12:02 PM

    i know too much about these cookies: there are two bakers who make those cookies, so the samoas on the east coast are called caramel de lites. i think cali sells their cookies in april?

  23. Lemonades. Load up with a half dozen and a glass of cold milk, and it's bliss.

  24. Samoas. I'll eat a whole box and won't realize it until I'm pulling the last one out of the sleeve...then waddle off for a nap.

  25. I really don't think we have all those different kinds here in Canada - just the vanilla and chocolate. Am I wrong, Canucks?

  26. I think I'd kick somebody's ass over Samoas, but Thin Mints? Nah.

  27. PS - just read the police report about this....was it really necessary to mention how much the woman weighs??? Rude.

  28. Before I went gluten free, thin mints & trefoils (shortbread) were my favorites. I really liked them all.

  29. @RQ -- that IS rude as hell. :-(

  30. I've never heard of Caramel delites. Here in Georgia I'm pretty sure they are Samoas.

  31. Huh, how have I never tried frozen thin mints? Off to put the other two boxes in the freezer...

    For me, thin mints, tagalongs, and samoas. Coincidentally, the 3 that I bought this year :)

  32. Anonymous12:15 PM

    SAMOAS!!!! :)

  33. Here in Texas the Samoas are called Caramel Delights, and they are most definitely my favorite, but Thin Mints are a very close second. Never tried them right out of the freezer though. Might have to buy a box this weekend just to see how good they are cold!

  34. Anonymous12:18 PM

    i stand corrected, valerie. i should have said that each baker calls the samoa a different name. samoas in my area are named caramel de lites.

  35. They are Somoas in the mid-west. Yes, there are two different bakers. Personally, I prefer Little Brownie Bakers. It switched a year or two ago and the cookies were not as good. I bought again this year because they returned to Little Brownie Bakers.

  36. Thin Mints are the Top Selling Cookie.

    It's Frozen Thin Mints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Samoas all the way. I was at Walmart the other day and saw that the Keebler elves are now girl scouts and they make a cookie like samoas now.

  38. Enty, I don't know if they are available in Cali, but here in NY my local grocer sells Girl Scout cookie ice cream- available year round! It is every bit as drool-worthy as it sounds. I'm fond of the thin mints and whatever the peanut butter & chocolate ones are called.

  39. Anonymous12:43 PM


    Nuke about four of them for a few seconds in a bowl and put ice cream over it.

    a - bl**dy - mazing.

  40. I'm in East Texas, prior to that (North) Louisiana, they have always been Samoas.

  41. RQ, we do have a mint chocolate variety here. And it's like CRACK.

  42. I like Samoas and Thin Mints but at the end of the day I am

    100% a TAGALONG girl!!!

    I've gotten 6 boxes of those so far this year, from two different Scouts.

  43. It's hot where I live so when I'm lucky two or hopefully three Samoas get stuck together and I tell myself I have to take the entire clump. Wouldn't wanna break 'em.

    That reminds me, I ordered from a co-worker weeks ago and still haven't got my order. Thank goodness for the little girls in the mall, in front of the bank, and some kid that just showed up last week at the office...

  44. Thin mints after they've been in the freezer for awhile.

    I hate Samoas. I can't stand fake coconut on anything.

  45. SAMOAS!!! And thin mints frozen...

  46. there are three girl scout bakers,for the record.

    for me, lemonades hands down, but my troop doesnt sell them. I actually have to a girl friend's daughter's troop rather than my own to get them

  47. When I get a craving, I just get the Keebler knock-offs. Maybe not quite as good, but much easier.

  48. I was a Girl Scout for 4 years as a times of my life. I stopped eating/buying the cookies when I looked at the ingredients. I was disgusted to find out how absolutely horrifying the ingredients are in these cookies. Maybe it's changed, but I doubt it. Heartbreaking.

  49. Samoas are where it's at - this past Saturday night the kids and the husband was asleep, so it was me, the widescreen tv, netflix and a box of Somoas. Good times.

  50. Thin mints. I'll have to try putting them in the freezer like some posters mentioned.

    Tempestuous Grape said: "I was disgusted to find out how absolutely horrifying the ingredients are in these cookies."

    Now I have to pretend I did not read that.

  51. Samoas with Thin Mints second. Never tried them frozen though. Going to try that this year after hearing so many of you say how good they are. What are Lemonades? They must not sell them near me cause I've never heard of them until now.

  52. I always have to send several boxes of Samoas to my sister in Wasilla, AK every year, because apparently she either can't find the Girl Scouts up there, or would just plain rather I do the buying & shipping for her. :-) As for me, it's a 3-way race between Thin Mints, Samoas & Thank Yous (the kinda shortbready ones w/chocolate on one side and "Thank You" in 1 of 5 different languages on the other), but I'm not picky--just bring 'em on!

    (I wanted to be a Girl Scout growing up, but they didn't have them in our part of Podunk, NH, so I was in 4-H cookies for us. :-(

  53. Not actually on topic, but please remember Operation Thin Mint, where the send cookies to our soldiers. It really matters. A lot of our soldiers are in places with only sand or rocks, and some never get any mail or packages. Okay, back to snarking

  54. I will personally break out the old school class rings with masking tape and hurt someone over some tag alongs, samoas and thin mints-in that order. (smile)
    And Dollface-thank you for the shout out for OTM. My husband got his last year.

  55. I'll tell y'all what I told my sister, who sent me this article last night: I would cut a bitch over Thin Mints. MY FAVORITE!

    A few weeks ago I saw some post on Lifehacker about making your own Girl Scout cookies at home. Some links for CDAN bakers Here & Here.
    I can't bake AT ALL, so I'd rather support the Girl Scouts.

  56. Frozen Thin Mints!

  57. And!-Take your favorite frozen GS cookie and mix it into some vanilla ice cream.......Yall will need to head to church after that because yes, it is that good and that sinfull.

  58. I bought Thin Mints and Samoas this year from my coworkers' kids. All boxes went in the freezer as we feel they are best frozen - Thin Mints for me and Samoas for husband.

    Now to more important items. I had surgery a few weeks ago and have been out of commission (mostly emotionally speaking). Do we no longer have random photos each day or what? I am having a hard time with this transition if this is the case. Still enjoying general camaraderie of course, but just wanted to know what I've missed in my depressed haze. And what's up with the radio show that is supposed to happen soon. Waiting with bells.

  59. And I thought I was the only one to eat Frozen Thin Mints! They are the absolute best. I tried the new Begian Carmel whatevers this year and was not impressed...give me thin mints every time.

  60. SnowCherries, I'm glad you're back from the blues! Enty has apparently been too busy lately to finish many days' posts, so we've missed a lot of pictures and blinds. My theory is he's spending the time getting that radio show going. :) No word yet on when/where the show will be happening...

  61. I live in the UK so can only live vicariously through you all. Le sigh.

  62. Thin Mints and Thin Mints only - I've tried the rest over the years but they're the only ones I buy now.
    I got turned on to the freezer trick some years back - there's absolutely nothing better on a hot August day than a couple of 'em right outta the freezer.
    The only problem is that my friends know about my addiction and that during "cookie season" there are at least 2 boxes in the freezer (this year there are 4...hehehe)- so they're safely hidden deeeeeeep in the chest freezer.

  63. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Bought mine today. A day's supply, anyway. 1 box of Lemonades, 1 box of Caramel deLites/Samoas.

    Lemonades are my new fave. Those will be gone in minutes. Oh my word...

    I used to be a Thin Mints girl but now have jumped onto the Caramel deLites/Samoas & Lemonades train. Here, I will happily stay.

    Unless, that is, I get to try the Thank U Berry Munch or the Dulce de Leche cookies and decide they're better...but nobody here that I know of (Ohio River valley) is selling either of those. :-/

  64. MCH -- Thank you SO much for the links to the homemade Girl Scout cookies! Although i need access to GSCs year-round like i need a hole in the head.

    Also, i'm with Klondyke -- Could someone please explain the reference to boxes of 6 or 8?

  65. Thank GOODNESS we don't have a Girl Scout troup nearby! Or I would never get rid of this baby weight! having said that - I can eat entire boxes of Samoas and the same goes for the thin mints, but they need to be frozen! *sigh* I may have to start a local troup.

  66. Thin Mints frozen. Samoas almost as much.

  67. Those ones that come in the red box: They're peanut butter cookies covered in chocolate. LOVE those!!!

  68. Do si dos for me, formerly called Savannahs! When I was a Girl Scout we sold cookies for 50 cents a box, uh yeah a long time ago!

  69. Thin Mints! I like to put a box or two in the freezer. When summer hits, I'll crush a few on top of vanilla ice cream.....yummmm!
