Friday, February 18, 2011

Four For Friday

#1 - What A list movie actor managed to walk the red carpet at the Berlin Film Festival despite drinking for 36 hours straight. People got drunk from his fumes it was so bad.

#2 - This B- list movie actress who had that relationship with the guy you all like and made you sick, was overheard at Fashion Week saying, "If I listen to one more model puking in the bathroom, I am going to lose it." Apparently the sound of it makes her sick.

#3 - This former A list tweener who is now trying to find her own way in the world has been telling people she has lots and lots of secrets about daddy he does not want the world to know so he needs to be quiet.

#4 - This Twilight actress got an abortion just so she would not be replaced in the movies.


  1. #2 Kate Bosworth
    #3 Miley
    #4 Stewart

  2. 3- miley
    4- that one dating the jonas brother. ashley greene

  3. #3 I was thinking Jamie Lynn Spears, but Miley makes more sense. She's seemed to side with Tish, despite her cheating rumors. If they are true, Billy Ray must be even worse, eh?

  4. 3/ Miley is a good guess
    4/ Nikki Reed?
    1/ i know Gerald Butler was at Berlin Fest!

  5. If #1 were a director, I'd say this was a repeat of that classic long blind item of yours, Enty. :)

    #2 Huh?

    #3 Bad news, Miley - no one cares about your father's dirty laundry.

    #4 If only this read "This Twilight actress is super-careful about birth control so she won't get knocked up and be replaced in the movies." (Unless it was a b.c. failure, in which case I feel sorry for her.)

  6. For 3 I'm guessing Miley Cyrus- But I was surprised no one guessed Lindsay Lohan

  7. #1: I know it's a cheap guess, but wasn't Clooney at Berlin? He always looks sloshed lately.

    #3 Is totally Miley.

    #4 Many women have had to make terrible choices for their career or for school--I'm not judging her, and don't need it to be blind.

  8. Rosie, Michael Lohan doesn't keep his secrets, he sells them to the highest bidder. There's nothing he won't do for more fame/$.

  9. #1 Keanu Reeves
    #2 The Kate Bosworth thing sounds good. She keeps the weight off a much more wholesome way-coke.
    #3 Duh-Miley
    #4 Nicki Reed

  10. whoops, meant to add
    4. Ashley or Nicki

  11. I know Sean Penn was at the Berlin Film Festival.

    The actor/actress pairing that made everyone sick was John K. from The Office and his now wife, whatsherface. Sorry, long day, I'm blanking on names. But aren't they married? The blind reads like the actress is no longer in the relationship.

  12. #3-- Thora Birch
    #4-- Nikki Reed
    #2--I like the Kate Bosworth guess
    #1--Nic Cage or Kevin Spacey

  13. Isn't Miley too old to be a "tweener"?

  14. 3. Miley for sure.
    4. There's no way it's Kristen. That would be the icing on the Summit cake if there was a Robsten baby. So it could be any of the other ones. Bryce Dallas Howard? Anna Kendrick?

  15. I want the aborted baby. I would have taken it.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. 1. Was Keanu in Germany?

    2. Loving the Bosworth guess. Dump her, Alex!

    3. Miley for sure. I considered Lilo, but Michael Lohan has been blabbing her business for years now. If she could control either parent, she'd have done so by now.

    4. Gotta be a 2nd-tier actress, as I don't think replacing KS as the lead is an option in the Twilight films.

  18. could #3 be Demi Lavato? When she first went to rehab her father went to the tabloids selling stories/info about her

  19. I've heard that the Cyrus family has many secrets supposedly going back to the grandfather and some backwoods church. Wasn't Tish a country music groupie before hooking up with Billy Ray?

    Depp has been looking raggedy lately. Was he in Berlin? (I hope it's not him)

  20. Number 4 has no business being written and it offends me.

  21. For #1, I'll side with bflogurl, and here's my reasoning:

  22. #3 is Miley, and if a young girl says she has secrets about her daddy, that's a pretty big clue about what kind of secrets they are. Which would explain that creepy father/daughter photo shoot, too.

  23. As if #3 could be anyone other than Miley

  24. #3 Is obviously Miley. The text in the random photo reads:"Miley Cyrus does not look too happy. Apparently she is really mad at Dad."

    I guess she is threatening to tell the world about his male lovers.

  25. Gerard Butler has been sober for over 10 years. I would be sorry if #1 was him.

  26. #2: Vanessa Hudgens

  27. #1 Gerard
    #2 ??
    #3 It's Miley!!
    #4 Kristin Stewart & Renesmee Carlie Cullen

    I'm going to hell when I die!

  28. Sorry about that last guess. Crass, I know. I'll blame it on the happy hour beverage.

    I actually don't think this is Stewart b/c she's the lead & no way would they replace her. Aren't they filming the last movie now anyway? So is that blind from earlier movies?
    It's probably one of Edward's sisters.

  29. and even if KS were pregnant, doesn't her character get pregnant anyway? I haven't read the books and only saw the first movie but even I've seen that somewhere

  30. rebellious, contrary & nice - I agree with you. This is nobody's business and it should not be written. I definitely hope this is never revealed. This should be private information.

  31. Anonymous6:06 PM

    #2 kristen stewart
    #3 miley cyrus
    #4 bryce dallas howard

  32. @Jamie's girl--that made me so sad! I wish! I hate these kind of blinds.

  33. I hope number 4 is never a reveal. I'd hate to have her private moment put out there.

    I remember reading a piece Bryce wrote about her PPD after one of her child was born and I felt for her so much.

    I don't think it would be her just because I don't think they would recast that role again.

  34. # reese witherspoon

  35. Gerard Butler has been sober for 10 years? His face has that drinker's bloat sometimes. My first thought was him. If not, then Jeff Bridges

    2: No clue

    3: Miley, and the secrets are women and drugs.

    4: Not Kristen (she's gay)

  36. @Amy - You are correct.

  37. Was Josh Brolin in Berlin for True Grit? He could be a guess for #1.

  38. I have no clue who 4 is, but it is a pretty sad statement in this day and age that a woman could get fired from a job for being pregnant, especially from a project that has made millions of dollars off of teen girls. But of course, didn't they fire the original Victoria for some stupid scheduling conflict? And didn't they almost fire Lautner until he bulked up (steroids maybe?) The company sounds pretty ruthless and don't seem overly concerned about the health of the people that work for them.

  39. Enty, love you, but I'm also disappointed that you published #4. I could never have an abortion, and it's certainly not a form of birth control, but by using the word "just" in this blind, you imply that the woman's reason for an abortion is not good enough to justify an abortion. As a person that is decidedly pro-choice, I believe that a woman has the right to do with her body what she wishes, and there is no "just" about it--that's our judgement of her choice, and I don't believe any of us have that right.

    Stepping off soap box now.

  40. As much as I love Gerry (and do believe he doesn't drink), he isn't A list. Yet. Especially with his latest films.

    That pic of Jeff Bridges doesn't look like he's drunk to me.

    I don't have a guess tho.

  41. 1. Johnny Depp. He's known to be a heavy drinker.
    2. Emily Blunt
    3. Miley Cyrus since her dad has been talking to the mags lately
    4. The one who plays the vampire mother? I don't see Kristen Stewart getting pregnant - she seems quite cautious. And she wouldn't lose her role, they'd work around her.

  42. I'm just not sure that #3 is Miley. Don't we all consider her current A lister rather than former A lister?

  43. #3 Miley is on her way down so I can see her being former A lister. It's so obvious it's Miley.

    #4 Makes me sick -- that a girl would have to have an abortion to keep her job. This should be illegal. People say it should be the woman's choice but this doesn't sound like it was her choice, does it?

  44. #4 isn't Bryce Dallas Howard, she isn't in the 4th movies. (hangs head in shame for knowing this)

  45. 1. Jeff Bridges

    2. That stick figure Bosworth.

    3. Not Miley. Definitely Demi Lovato.

    4. This is just repulsive. I have a guess, but I don't even want to put it out there.

  46. Sean Penn is a known boozer, and definitely A list. I'm betting on him for the win!

  47. Check out these photos - I rest my case!

  48. I don't get why people are complaining about #4 and saying things like it is a private matter. Most of the things in these items are private matters: affairs, addiction issues, reasons for divorces/break-ups, etc.

  49. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I really don't think a blind items post is the place to share your personal beliefs on issues. If you don't agree with one of the items then don't post about it. You're not changing anyone's mind and it just clogs up the comments.

  50. 2. Blake Lively. You all like Ben Affleck, who she is rumored to have had a relationship with. She was also present at Fashion Week and many parties.

  51. Sorry if this posts twice. I'm pretty sure Ted C suggested this a couple of years ago, during the New Moon frenzy...I mean, filming. I just can't deal with wading through all the Twilight related posts on the Eonline site. It was widely believed to be Nikki Reed - but considering how the Twi-hards think anything slightly unsavoury is Nikki, I'd take that with a grain of salt.

  52. #1 I skimmed through the wire photos from the Berlin Film Festival and the male A list actors I saw are Colin Firth, Ralph Fiennes, Gerard Butler, Jeremy Irons, Kevin Spacey and Sean Penn. I also saw Zachary Quinto and Paul Bettany, but I would consider them B list. Based on the photos, I'm going with Gerard Butler.

    "Get away from me, you reek!"

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. You people are acting like as if #4 is the complete truth. The actress could've also had other reasons for an abortion, namely not read/wanting to be a parent, mental illness, etc. the job/role could've been one of a plethora reasons as to why she sought one. I know if i found out i'm pregnant tommorrow my job/s would be part of the reason why i'd have one (along with the fact i never want children and don't want to raise one)

  55. Sorry but Penn looked much worse than Butler, my favorite man-whore!

  56. 3 It has to be Miley. Especially with her skanking out and Billy Ray trashing Hannah Montana while eating corn pops and a taco bell party pack.

    4 Ashley Greene, I feel it in the force.

  57. 4 is obviously not KStew as there is no way they could possibly replace her. If she decided to have a baby, they'd have to wait for filming (or you know, spoiler alert if you haven't read the 4th book - work it into the filming. Must be Ashley Greene or Nikki Reed. Or even the mom, can't remember the actress's name.

    3 is obviously Miley.

    1 and 2 are pretty lame blinds and I don't care nor can I be bothered guessing.

  58. #2 Vanessa hudgens? She dated Zac Efron and was all over fashion week

  59. They say Sean Penn for #1...and I believe it

  60. 1 maybe Gerard

    Have to agree that 3 would seem to be Miley.

    4 is Nikki Reed but that's common knowledge...tell us something we don't know.

  61. #3 Miley is likely but so is Lindsay

    #4 I recall rumors of Nikki Reed being knocked up by Paris Hilton's ex

  62. I know a lot of you think #4 is inappropriate and shouldn't be discussed, but if the woman seriously wanted it to be a secret, people wouldn't know. Not even Enty. Unless the clinic/etc has an employee giving out info, the only way anyone would find out is if the woman told them. Who in turn would tell other people. My point is, if you want something kept a secret. You keep your mouth shut.

  63. Wrt #2- I'm going to guess Julia Stiles for something different. She is a B- list movie actress as per the revealed blind from New Years, she was in the pix recently @ Fashion Week, and she has always been a big advocate of not changing your body due to the pressures of Hollywood/society- unlike Kate B. Kate B is like the opposite of that. Not to mention her hook up w MCH did irritate/bother lots of his fans, I would even say "made them sick" makes sense if said affair was in fact going on at their place of work, the same place his soon to be ex wife is employed, and where he is an exec producer and therefore somewhat in charge. I would also say that MCH is well liked on this site and even by Enty himself so that foots too.

    Otherwise I agree w Nic Cage and Miley for 1 and 3 and do not care to know the answer to #4. That is a sad situation, I know that many of the blinds are about personal/sad topics, but that one is just too much for me to be curious about. I just wish happiness and safer sex for this person going forward.

  64. Well said, GladysKravitz.

  65. Don't be so quick to say "obviously couldn't be" anyone for #4 - this could have happened between casting and filming the first movie, when the actress would still have been being "replaced" in the movies without it affecting the series.
