Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Gabriel Aubry Not A Safe Parent?

According to a statement from Halle Berry's people she has concerns over the safety of her daughter Nahla when she has to spend any extended amount of time with Gabriel. Um wow. Although Gabriel showed bad judgment when he went out on some dates with Kim Kardashian, he does not really seem to be that bad of a parent. In fact, at least in the pap photos, he seems to be a pretty loving dad. He does not seem disinterested when he is with Nahla. Sure, he can turn it on for the cameras, but it does make you wonder what Halle is not saying.

Last month, Gabriel filed papers with the court to be recognized as Nahla's baby daddy and that he wants joint custody of the two year old. Halle is fighting that. When someone fights to keep another parent from having joint custody, that is a scary thing. Must be something really wrong or maybe Halle is setting the table so she does not have to pay any money. It is serious enough that Halle dropped out of the latest movie she was set to shoot and that big pay day.


  1. I hate the idea of a child in danger....I also hate the idea of something like this being done out of spite. We will probably never really know what is going on.

  2. I've heard rumors that Halle is very spiteful and jealous. I hope the kid turns out ok.

  3. Honestly, the Kardashian episode alone causes you to question his judgement - however given Halle is the primary income, her legal team is probably trying to do as Enty suggests and set things up so she isn't paying Gabriel any money, ala Fed-X and Britbrit.

  4. i've read he has incriminating emails/voicemails of her being very manipulative. Would it shock anyone that this woman is bat shit crazy???

  5. I'm guessing it has nothing to do with money.

  6. I am sure this is all about the money.

  7. any simple research on her past history with men will explain it all. David Justice, Eric Benet, her suicide attempt, domestic violence.

    She has issues with men and self loathing.

  8. I have to chime in here. I'm going through a divorce right now and we had a huge custody fight because I was trying to keep my kids away from their father.

    After years of marriage he began using drugs and became very angry and verbally abusive to all of us. He denied all of my accusations and the kids were ordered to live with him pending a custody evaluation.

    Fast forward 1 year, to now. He broke one Childs arm, threw another across the room, sprained one Childs shoulder, physically attacked me, has threatened me numerous times (including on voice mail) and threatened my attorney IN COURT.

    I was given custody of the kids, but they are emotionally damaged and will probably never have a decent relationship with their dad because no one would believe what I was saying.

    If there is any doubt about the safety of the children the court should error on the side of caution, pending an evaluation. People change and they can be very different in their private moments.

    And anytime someone fakes allegations against the other parent it damages the believability of of all parents in divorce.

  9. I'm starting to think that Halle belongs in the "bitch column" of actresses. Nothing concrete. But I just think her image may not be reality. I think he wants to have both time with and access to his child and she won't let him have it. I also think it is retaliation for him trying to move on with his romantic life and her getting upset by it. Nevermind she has done the same. As canadachick said, batshit crazy may apply to her.

  10. IMO, I don't think money has much to do with it. Garbriel has his own career and money. He's not Halle-rich, but I'm sure he can pay his own bills, unlike Kfed.

  11. Audrey,
    Yes I heard the same thing, and Halle is still pissed because Gabe sited the age difference as the reason for the breakup....I don't think that was the reason. Halle better tread carefully....because if her secrets come out..he's just libel to get full custody...
    Shes been giving him a very hard time...and the child is the looser...

  12. My guess is that if the court puts in a formal custody agreement, unlike the current setup, Halle will be permanently inconvenienced when she goes on movie location shoots. Didn't she just do a movie in South Africa and had to bring him along? Now that she has a new boyfriend, I doubt she wants to keep doing that. And with Oliver Martinez as her boyfriend, I bet she travels a lot.

  13. Wasn't there a BI about an actress with a child and a heroin problem that a lot of people thought might be Halle?

  14. i thought he wanted SOLE custody.

    i'm sure it will get ugly but in the end, they'll end up with joint custody. i can't imagine either of them has done anything so horrible that they'd lose custody altogether.

  15. There's always 3 sides to every story and who knows what is real. I hope they can work it out and keep the child's best interest as their guide post.

  16. Sorry Halle, but after your hit and run, and knowing people who have worked with you who have said you are an insecure mess, I have to side with Gabriel here.

  17. @canadachick "Would it shock anyone that this woman is bat shit crazy???"


  18. I don't believe he is harming the child, and if he doesn't confirm himself as the father then he has no control over their daughter.

    I think Halle is most likely fighting it because she wants to be the one in charge and make the decisions. I don't think he ever went on a serious date with KK. I think he did it to piss her off. Petty, but I'm guessing their is a lot we don't know about Halle.

  19. I agree Rose. He needs to establish paternity.

  20. In my mind if they make such allegations they have to prove it. It's really easy to spin the truth and make the other parent look bad.

    And why make a public statement about it? Shouldn't they keep this private and in court?

  21. Anonymous12:16 PM

    This is the first time that she comes up bad mouthing Gabriel.

    His face expression makes him look like a nice guy and very lay back type of person. Halle's face makes her look like a bitch.

  22. Money's probably part of it, and she certainly seems to have control issues. Now that Steve Harvey's ex-wife has started talking (good for her, btw), I'm wondering if Berry plans to drag this out and lawyer Gabriel into the poorhouse.

  23. She better be very careful, if he decides to dig into her past ...it's not pretty....like how she earned her living when she lived in New York early in her career.....
    I think they'll settle....that's the smartest thing to do.

  24. Wow...lots of anti-Halle sentiments here. I get her past with men hasn't been great, but I'm going to reserve judgment since I have no idea what's going on with these two. She seems like a good mom (actually they both seem very hands-on), so hope they can resolve this amicably for the sake of Nahla.

  25. Wasn't Halle the blind item of a woman who couldn't stand her child, but was only seen in public with her, and really wanted her nannies to keep the kid?

    Honestly, Halle is a megabitch, and it has always been thought that she was a bitch to all men who were around here.

  26. I agree with RQ and in Gabriel's defense he isn't a K-Fed he doesn't want the child just for the child support.

    When you have two careers that have you living out of suitcases it isn't the easiest to have 50/50 custody.

    I was hoping this wouldn't turn bitter but I think some dirty laundry is going to be spilling out soon.

  27. After the way Halle trashed David Justice (by all accounts the nicest guy EVER, according to my sportswriter pals who know him) I wouldn't believe a word out of her mouth.

  28. looks like she's bringing the crazay!

  29. Why would she make such hints about nasty goings-on (or instruct her PR people to) that her child will read down the road, unless she wants to smear her ex? Wouldn't this have been better done in private and the proceedings sealed?

  30. Cancan--those sports guys weren't ever married to him now were they? My ex used me as a punching bag for a while. All his friends and co workers think he is the nicest guy ever. Me--no so much.

  31. They were never married.
    What did he expect?
    To be 'The Boss'?

  32. Unfortunately, I can't even count the number of times I've seen women file for sole custody of the children, basically to punish their father for leaving her. It seems to happen over and over again. Like because of how courts treated the idea of single fathers in the past, women think they have the right to keep the children all to themselves. Like if the man walks out on her, he's walking out on her kids. But that attitude is SO detrimental to the children involved, and they are the losers in these situations.
    @Me - your situation is horrible, and I feel for your kids, however, in my experience that kind of story is the minority. Most men are excellent fathers who love their kids and take care of them. Those men shouldn't be separated from their children, simply because they wanted to be separated from their wife.

    I don't know how I'll feel if my partner and I ever split up, but I HOPE that will all my years of psychological training, that I could remove myself enough from my emotions about it to realize that being with their father for half the time would be in the best interests of my children. No matter how much I might hate him (though obviously I hope we never split up and I never hate him!)

  33. @Me - I'm glad you are out of that situation! :(

    @Char - Well said!

    I hope she has something legitimate on him. It'd be a pretty shitty thing to do to a father, if not.

  34. This woman screams bat shit crazy to me, second only to Angelina Jolie. If I was as nuts as I believe she is, I would immediately come out with innuendos that Gabriel is not a good father so that when the truth of my bat shit crazy behavior comes out by him, it'll just look like a scorned man and not taken so seriously.

  35. Halle should hang out with Padma.

    I think both women are crazy.
    They moved on and now want to cut off ties with both guys.

  36. I know someone who want a child...she went off to Italy for a long vacation...came back preggers...and no she never told him...the little girl is 10 now,

  37. Wow--lots of Halle haters here...

    I worked with her for a couple years right before and after she won her Oscar, and from my experience, which was not particularly limited, she is a really nice woman with really bad taste in men. She's not the brightest crayon in the box, but she is in no way crazy, and she was never a bitch to anyone, including crazy-ass fans with no boundaries, all her management team, reporters on press junkets, or even Robert Downy when he broke her arm on the set of Gothika.

    Her biggest problem was always picking men who abused her in one way or another--Wesley Snipes and David Justice were physically violent, and Eric Benet couldn't keep his pants on. I know nothing of Gabriel A., but based on all her previous relationships, I would guess he's the problem here.

  38. @bitterella, either I know you, or you are not being honest. I do know Halle personally, and I've worked on the same projects (she was not my superior / boss, but we did work together), and I have to disagree. Halle can be charming, but when the cameras are off, she is not the same person. She absolutely, no question, without a doubt has screws loose and can be really, really nasty. And, in her personal relationships, she can be a truly frightening holy terror. I am not at all indicating that ANY woman deserves abuse, and Halle has suffered her fair share, as did her mother. But, I also think she has not only a victim mentality, but also a skewed perception of the men with whom she has relationships. Wesley was an ass, and she was nutty - but, Wesley shouldn't have touched her violently. But, F! she was psycho. She was also psycho with David, but he still should have kept his hands to himself and just fled. Eric was a total pansy, and she was hell on wheels, and he cowardly cheated. But, I swear to you on everything good in this world, Gabriel was 100% the real deal: solid, down-to-earth, devoted, moral, decent. He's not terribly charming; he is ridiculously gorgeous. He's not terribly smart, but neither is she - and he is kind, through and through. And, he was smart enough to know, eventually, that Halle needs help and has too many issues and is unhealthy. So, for the first time in Halle's life, a man was leaving as a gentleman - Gabriel didn't cheat, he didn't lie, he didn't abuse: he left, because he was unhappy with HALLE. And OH IS THE SH*T GOING TO HIT THE FAN FOR HALLE, because there's NOTHING she can make HIS fault. Not only that, he has ONE public date with a younger woman (OUCH for HALLE at 42+). Halle is absolutely spinning with jealousy and lack of control and hatred and venom. But, let's be clear: Gabriel is calmly and quietly just done and has always been and remains 10000% in love with his daughter. This is NOT about money. The guy lives modestly and makes over $.75million a year and has invested well. Almost a million dollars and lives quietly in Canada! And LOVES his daughter. F*CK! All babies should be so lucky to have a dad like him. He traveled to Africa with a Baby Mama he can't stand; he traveled to England to be with this daughter to accomodate an unyielding mother. But, enough is enough. Halle as the mother is not a more valuable parent than he as as the father; and he is a far more loving and stable parent! He's making all the concessions, too, while Halle is out with Olivier and also filming on location and calling paps - Gabriel NEVER does this. Halle's controlling, and she has issues, and she needs help. Gabriel is an excellent father and has truly tried. He wants to see his daughter. he wants sole custody, not so that Halle can't see Nahle, but so that she doesn't deprive him of his time and rights, and so he can ensure they both ahve access, and that Nahle has both her parents. He doesn't want sole physical custody - he wants Halle to see Nahle half the time. But, Halle abuses control; she needs help. Trust. Phew - done (sorry for the rant, but this situation just kills me .. Gabriel is just such a great person and dad, and Halle, while occasionally charming, is screwed up and vindictive and so far out of line ... okay, yes, bat sh*t crazy..

  39. @bitterella interesting, I can see that being the case.

  40. So basically Gabriel can travel all over the world to see his daughter with Halle but she isn't going to return the favor and let him take his daughter to live in Canada.

    Which I think this all this is really about. Not jealousy or beatings or money. He wants to live in Canada and no way is Halle going to allow him to take Nahla to Canada months of the year.

  41. How could she not be crazy with all she's been through. I'm not saying she's not to blame but just when does it stop. Sounds like she didn't have a chance from the beginning. I can see how she wouldn't recognize that Gabriel is actually a good person. I wish things would work out for them both. Sometimes you just don't get over being beat repeatedly by several different people all your life.

  42. @PS

    Perhaps we do know each other...we'll have to take it offline to figure that out. You sound like Gabriel's publicist or friend to me--that's a lot of personal information--but I don't know him and can't comment on him. I do know Halle (although I would not call us friends), and she has really shitty taste in men.

    I do, however, stand by what I said. Maybe she has changed, or perhaps she was her "real self" around you. Without saying too much, I worked for an agency that provided services for her (mind out of the gutter people, just regular old professional services) and I was on her account. I've seen her in all sorts of situations, personal and professional, at home, on set, etc., and, although she is as narcissistic and self-absorbed as any actress (and they ALL are), she was not crazy or evil or particularly bitchy. Is she as sweet as her public persona? No, and who is? But the ranting and spewing that I read here compelled me to speak up.

    That said, I haven't worked with her in years, I don't think she's a very good actress, she's made dreadful career choices since the Oscar, and I do think she attracts a lot of unnecessary drama in her life.

    But I do not believe that she is the harpy that folks here want her to be.
