Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Gabriel Aubry Used The N Word

According to TMZ, it looks like Halle Berry's taste in men is about the same as it always has been. After marrying a wife beater and then a cheater, she is back to the allegedly abusive kind of guys. A source says that when Halle and Gabriel Aubry would fight he has called her the N word and also called her a f**king bitch. I just don't get why you would ever call the mother of your child the N word. I also hate the fact that when Nahla learns how to read and to use the internet she is going to read these allegations about her father.

Apparently this was not just a one time thing but happened with some regularity. There also text messages in existence which are just as bad.


  1. People in custody fights never make false allegations...

  2. sorry i call bullshit everything about this guy has been he is laid back and easy going he is possibly the only one who didn't beat her or cheat on her.

    Halle has the money and power to drag his name through the mud. She wants sole custody and is going to make his life miserable until he walks away like her dad did. But I don't think he will.

  3. Yea I can't help but think she is gripping at straws- trying to make him out to be a bad father. I hope it's not true though, because that is intolerable.

  4. what .robert said.

  5. ...and what has SHE called HIM?

    I am sure she just cried and took all the abusive words and said nothing back to him.

  6. I agree with Robert and Timebob.

  7. I agree with Robert and Timebob.

  8. I wonder how many times he heard Halle use the same word....
    And I know that you know exactly what I'm saying....I hear it said all the time among my black friends...
    And no it doesn't make it right.

  9. I agree with the people who agree with Robert and timebob.

  10. All of this agreement has me wondering if I'm totally off-base.

  11. i guess it will be worse than Kim Basinger/Alec Baldwin !

  12. Yes, to what y'all said. And Halle is shady, I don't care what anyone says. She pissed me off with her hit and run years ago.

    Useless fact: David Justice is a distant relation to my mother. And he's a dog.

  13. omg now tmz is reporting she think he is doing something 'unhealthy' to Nahla. She is bat shit crazy I hope the court mandates she gets a mental observation. To publicly infer her ex is molesting their child is so disgusting without proof or arrest.

  14. Team Gabriel. Why would anyone believe this hit- and -run bitch. She has serious issues including suicide attempts.

  15. I think she's lost it, she's obsessed...did she really think he would just disappear ? He loves his daughter.

  16. Really Halle, does this all need to be done in the press? Save it for the courts. I thought you couldn't discuss pending litigation?? Personally, I think she's trying to dig a hole which he could never climb out of.

    timebob raises an interesting point regarding her father. I wonder if she truely expects all men to act like her father and when they don't (Gabriel), she makes it like they did.

  17. Isn't Halle to be rumored to have a problem with heroin?
    Maybe, she's trying to destroy her ex' reputation before he can tell the press that she's an addict?

    I think that woman has problems, but that doesn't mean that the guy is a saint. They both might be totally nuts.

  18. honestly halle should of done the right thing and gone to a Sperm Bank to have a child. But noooooooo she had to be all hollywood and shady and drag this guy into her web of insanity. So her "boyfriend" knocked her up.

    She coveted his DNA to have a baby and then had no use for him after she got what she wanted. A little girl to fashion in her image. God help that little girl if she pisses Halle off. And like the others said, her hit and run shit and lame cover up after the fact was beyond pathetic.

  19. @Mina - that's probably not Halle, only because Enty wrote the blind and was obviously disgusted, then a couple of days later posted her picture with a glowing review, so we all kind of figured she couldn't be the answer to the heroin mom blind.

    Personally I'm staying out of this one since no one knows what went on behind closed doors. There are a lot of people jumping to conclusions right now, but until I get some Oksana-type proof like tapes and photos on either side, I just hope the best for Nahla.

  20. I would never give any man the chance to call me a name like that more than once!

  21. I agree with you all too... I doubt Gabriel used the magic "N" word. The other words (effing B), maybe, but I am sure it was deserved. She has probably snarled at him and said mean, nasty things.

    I feel bad for the guy. He can come over to my house and crawl under the covers with me and I will make him feel all better ;)

  22. How the heck are all so quick to jump on the Gabriel Aubrey fandom train? Why? Because he's cute? I don't get it. He "seems" nice? I have to go with the one or two that are reserving judgement. Nobody here is behind closed doors and have no idea what was said to who. I'm not denying that Halle has her issues, but I'm truly shocked at so many to just simply dismiss this outright. As though nobody says the N word anymore. Give me a break...

  23. Thanks for clearing that up, Rocket Queen.
    I just remembered that there was a picture of her not so long ago with Kylie's ex and she looked awful. I think someone in the comments said something about her being a possible candidate for being heroin mom.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I call BULLSHIT. Halle's camp just tunred up the custody train by smearing his rep..the latest is "Nylah cries when she has to go to Daddy's-something is NOT right"
    inferring there is some kind of abuse happening. If there is,good for Halle but if there isn't she is a fkn bitch.

  26. I'm not buying this either.

    And what is up with TMZ and their increasingly partisan "reporting"? First all the Oksana-bashing/Mel Gibson ass kissing, now they're trashing Gabriel. I know it's a gossip site and journalistic standards don't really apply, but damn. It's kind of bad form to be so obvious.

  27. Like most of you, I'm with timebob & .robert. That Halle has issues, is, putting it mildly, an understatement.

    The fact that she is going out of her way to smear him, not only puts her in a very bad light (despite what she may think), but makes her look bad, not him. To infer the things she has is really low.

    She should keep it classy and take the high road, not air her grievances in public. That will probably come back to bite her.

  28. Anonymous1:33 PM

    She's now suggesting that he may be doing something abusive to Nahla because she cries when he comes to pick her up. Unreal. And yet rather than go to the police with her claims, she's sending out 'sources' to snitch to the media outlets - that is vile. She's resorting to any means to destroy him.

  29. Look Halle might be as crazy as batsh*t but let's not forget Gabriel "dated" Kim Kardashian. So, yeah, he ain't no prize either...

  30. Why am I on Team Gabriel? Because all of this started when he went to court to have his paternity legally established. Smartest thing he ever did. Get the custody and child support written in a court order so both sides know the deal. For some reason, this makes Halle go crazy. She never said a bad word about him before this. Now all sorts of stuff is being leaked from her camp. The timing is mighty suspicious.

  31. Halle Berry has never seemed real stable to the kinda chick who has a few glasses of wine and gets weepy, depressed and mean. don't know much about gabriel..but he seems to stay out of the spotlight so THUMBS UP for that, and he hasn't publically jumped into a new relationship before the see ya was finished on the old one.

    The only one to suffer here is the child...sadly they're always the one to suffer. If Halle was an adult she'd handle her shit out of the media, settle custody/$$ and go on her way.

    he is the kids father, he does have rights. If there is abuse then don't make your kid go through a public share session.

    thats just crass and low class- to me it screams i'll get you buddy F*** you for moving on ...even if i already have

  32. I call bs. She hasn't called the police and she only did this AFTER he filed in court to get some sort of custody. Halle is lower than low.

  33. Sorry Enty, I am TEAM GABRIEL. For all the reasons that those above have stated.

  34. Bull$hit. She just wants people to hate him. He never said that. Hell, he had a baby with a half black woman. If it would have mattered, he would not have offered to be her sperm donor for 2 years.

    she's horrible. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Ask Eric Benet and David Justice.

  35. u all are crazy on team nahla both halle and gabriel are messy... and from what i read about halle and her hollywood fixers gabriel is not going to win this battle she has deep connections with seedy people and even deeper pockets ..halle should have consulted madonna on how u make a guy sign over custody rights but still allow him to be in the kids life cause its like that is what she wants ..full custody just visitation from him..

  36. I was staying neutral until I read PS's comment in the last post about them. Now I'm definitely team Aubry. Or rather, team joint custody, and ending all this bad stuff for the sake of Nahla. Yes, Nahla will have to be moved around a lot, but spending quality time with both of her parents will more than make up for that.

  37. Why on earth is this written as if the accusation was a proven fact? It isn't. Halle and her camp SAY it happened. No one has seen any Text's. It is complete B.S. to put information out there that you have no facts to back it up except some vague "source". I hope Gabriel Aubrey has something hideous on Halle Berry- she's a bitch and a liar.

  38. It bothers me how gossip turns into the truth. When it concerns petty matters, I don't care. But this is a child's life here. Things like that should be kept private and be proven by the ones who make the allegation.

  39. Anonymous3:10 PM

    OT: slave owners raped black and native american women in the old days, but did not respect them as humans. screwing and having a kid with someone of another race, doesn't guarantee that someone is not racist.

  40. Someone who believes their child is being abused goes to the police about it. They do NOT go to the gossip rags about it. This is BS and its lower than low.

  41. I really hope he didn't use the N word, and I hope she is not making this up.

    If he did use the N word,why in the hell did she stay with him?

    I really hate the N word, but I would lose so much respect for her if she made this up.

  42. This was a blind back in November on blindgossip that was "solved" to be Halle, Kim K, & Gabriel.

    She’s Screaming About His New Relationship

    BlindGossip – When Boy and Girl 1 were together, Girl 1 had lots and lots of nasty things to say privately about Girl 2, another celebrity. Since Girl 1 and Girl 2 have never run in the same circles (one is known for film, and the other for television), it was unlikely to ever become more than a running joke between our couple that Girl 2 was a “no-talent” “sl*t”. Well, that is, until they split up. His first public hookup after the split? With Girl 2. To say Girl 1 is furious would be an understatement. The tide has turned, and what started out as an amicable break up has now become an all-out private war that includes lots of screaming matches on the phone about how Girl 1 doesn’t want that “plastic wh*re” anywhere near their child/ren. For the record, the new relationship is a PR setup. Boy couldn’t care less about Girl 2. He just loves the attention that another relationship brings. And he really, really loves that there is nothing on earth that irritates Girl 1 more.

  43. ITA with all of you, she's using her fame to overpower him and get her way in court. Halle Berry, always the victim, never the abuser huh???

  44. Halle first went to People with her statement/accusations. That's a HUGE red flag right there- we all know People is known as Kneepads for a reason. There has been absolutely no proof of any of the things she has claimed, and no proof of alleged texts. Halle also has considerably much more money and power than Gabriel, so of course her words are going to carry more weight- doesn't make any of it true, however. I call bullshit on all of it, and it disgusts me that Nahla is essentially being used as a pawn in all of this.

  45. Also, if Gabriel Aubry was a racist would he really have been in a relationship with and had a child with Halle? What a baseless fucking claim.

  46. Okay, I'm going to wait and see how this unfolds. I just don't get the racist vibes from the guy. He seems pretty cool. Maybe I'm blinded by the hotness, but I

  47. Because when I am angry and fight with someone I never say anything that would make me look bad.

  48. I don't have an opinion on which one is telling the truth, but the fact that she is leaking to the press that their daughter cries and doesn't want to go to her dad's is, to me, very tacky. If she really has an idea that something bad is happening then she should be talking to the courts or the police, not the tabloids. Also, many children at that age have separation anxiety and cry when they leave one parent. My niece, who is two, is totally attached at the moment to her father and screams and cries if left with anyone else, including her mother and her grandmother.

  49. Halle seems to have forgotten the old adage... When you throw dirt, you lose ground.

    If a man did that to my child; after I beat the snot out of him; I'd call the freaking cops not a tabloid.

  50. I'll bet there was lots of name calling and plate smashing on both sides at the Berry manse. I think Halle is playing a dangerous game if she's claiming abuse or neglect by Gabriel if it's not true. Her daughter will be the one who loses.

  51. If she thinks there is something going on then she should be talking to the police,not the tabloids. I'm sure she has called him plenty of not so nice things too,but so far he seems to be thinking about his daughter's well being and not totally trash talking her mother in public. Halle just needs to accept the fact that Gabriel is not just going to walk away and let her have control of her. He is her father and wants to be part of her life. She should have went to a sperm bank if all she wanted was a sperm donor and not a father for her child. If she cares about her childs well being she should work this out with Gabriel in private and quit the smear campaign against him.

  52. Enty, love this site.

    I am starting to believe an item posted on the panache report site about the Kardashians. Isn't it interesting that when Gabriel and Kim start dating, a message left by a screaming Halle surfaced? Anyone who tangles with them or is associated with them and it ends in a bad way winds up having serious pr problems afterwards. (Reggie Bush comes to mind. I would like to know who was the tipster.)

    I think this has more to do with money than with parental rights. If he gets partial custody, he will receive some kind of compensation for caring for the child while she's is in his care. Truthfully, I think she wasn't smart to draw up some kind of contractual agreement before all of this to prevent something like this from happening, or did she? Maybe she has some kind of legal agreement on file, but he changed his mind after "consulting" with some people.

    Enty, would you shed some light on this so I don't feel like some kind of conspiracy theory addict?

  53. Halle has the best "fixers" in Hollywood and this is just the beginning. How else do you think she ended up never paying spousal support or any $$ to any of her exes. Her private life is on lockdown.
    Watch the drama unfold and then pick a side.
