Friday, February 25, 2011

In Other Anti-Semitic News

It used to be that for anti-Semitic rants you really only had Nazis and Mel Gibson, but now everyone seems to be joining the hate Jewish people parade. Yesterday not only did Charlie Sheen become a FOM (Friend Of Mel), but now John Galliano has also joined. Galliano, who is the lead designer for Dior allegedly got drunk at a Paris bar and then started abusing a couple that was sitting next to them and making harassing remarks about Jewish people and Asians. Galliano's side of the story is he did no such thing and that the couple thought he was a bum when he sat down next to them and they insulted him. Police briefly detained Galliano and Dior has suspended the designer indefinitely saying they have a zero tolerance policy concerning hate. As they should. Good job Dior.


  1. oh my, makes me wish I had enough money to buy a new Dior bag.

    btw, love FOB referance!

  2. FOB - hahahaha I meant FOM - to all FOB fans, my deepest appologies

  3. Wonder if anyone will wear his dresses at the Oscars.

  4. Witnesses to the altercation say that Galliano said no such thing.

    I have zero interest in fashion so I'm not a supporter of this guy, but since the reports are SO lacking in substance, this is absolutely a case where calling him anti-semitic is jumping to conclusions.

  5. Odd, aren't the French known for being anti semitic? Actually anti-Africans, anti-Americans, etc

  6. MontanaMarriott

    Yes, However they are Pro French....

  7. Um, I lived in France for a while and don't believe the French are known for being anti-Semitic. It's certainly not something I ever noticed.

  8. I thought the French hated everyone!

  9. I don't even *want* to get into who hates who, because the end result is that virtually everyone hates America.

    Anyway. I say that if this IS true, good for Dior. I'm sure that some other pompous, anorexic, flamboyant little snot of a fledgling designer would love to take Galliano's place.

  10. Dior don't mess around.

  11. It would be a shame if he didn't say it.

  12. I'm with sunnyside, did he actually do this?

  13. just smacks me as another (drunk) entitled artist thinking they can say or do whatever they please with no reprecussion.

  14. Wow - this singlehandedly could have ruined his career. If he did say it, shame. Especially since there are lots of wealthy Asians and Jewish people who probably loved his designs and bought them regularly. If he didn't say it, shame - particularly since it could be very hard for him to fix this PR disaster.

  15. What..a fabulous set of pigtails.

  16. According to what I've read is that the accusing couple called him "ugly and disgusting" after he wanted to toast with them and he replied, “You’re ugly and you’re fucking bag is ugly too.” Whatever happened to the golden rule? Sticks and stones, may break my bones but words will never harm?? Or was that "whips and chains excite me?" I donno. Poor guy I feel sorry for him. I say boo to Dior!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. There is no report of what he actually said other than the "your ugly and your bag is too" comment. Until there is, I call bull.
    I bet the snooty people who were mean to him are embarrassed and trying to make it his fault.
    If he did say something horrid, he deserves all this. If not, Dior owes him, big time.

  19. Well, good for Dior unless he didn't really do it. He said he didn't. Seems there might be some evidence that he is telling the truth. In which case, I hope Dior doesn't fire him to appease someone with an agenda.

  20. Les mots d'oiseaux auraient fusé : "Sale tête de juif, tu devrais être morte", à la femme, et "putain de bâtard asiatique, je vais te tuer" à l'homme. -- from one French blog

    If you want to pretend this isn't an anti-Semitic rant, go ahead. I'm not here to tell people what to think. However, it's pretty foul by any standard.

  21. I got the Asian part but I do not understand the beginning except the dead part.

  22. Okay, I read the translation and the first part is most definitely anti Semitic. If he said that then it is unforgivable.

    Sorry, if something like that even goes through your head you are reprehensible.

    I just wonder if he really said it. Is there better proof in the French press?

  23. Paris Match, which is kind of a glossy celeb 'n rich bleached blondes with money magazine, has a story that almost makes me think Galliano was drunk off his ass and insulting people in English:

    The insults translated into French are what show up in Reuters France and AP France's news bureau stories.

    Le Figaro and Le Monde don't have anything on Galliano's suspension. My take on all this is that if you work in fashion, you might not want to go on anti-Asian and anti-Jewish tirades in public. Such rants are so last century.

  24. Charlie Sheen is a douche and a nutjob, but I am confuse... how does revealing that Chuck Lorre's real name is Chaim Levine make him anti-Semitic? A hypocrite, yes, since "Charlie Sheen" is also a stage name (Carlos Estevez, come on down)... but "anti-Semitic"?

    I couldn't give a shit about Sheen, but it seems to me that the point of revealing Lorre's real name was to paint him (hypocritically, as I mentioned) as a liar and a fraud. The happenstance of his real name being so obviously Jewish doesn't render the comment in any way "anti-Semitic".

    If it does, exactly when did the definition of "anti-Semitic" change so radically and so absurdly?

  25. wooow!

    Im totally shocked with this news!

    very very sad IMO. I am a huge galliano fan (as an artist)

    This is going to cause a huge strir in the fashion business

    I guess natalie portman (face of dior) wont be dressing anything by galliano on sunday...

    galliano fucked badly this one

  26. Le Figaro actually does have a brief article on the affair, a "what he said" article at

  27. @Captain Angrypants,

    Do you know anything about Alex Jones and how he and his audience feel about Jews? Spend a little time on their discussion boards, read about how they believe Jews are the masterminds of the Satanic conspiracy against God-lovin' 'Mericans, and ask yourself: Why would an Alex Jones fan like Sheen spit out the name "Chaim" in such a venue? I'd be interested to hear a positive spin on this one.

  28. @Barton Fink...

    By your logic, everyone who's been interviewed by Bill O'Reilly agrees with his audience.

    Google "specious logic".

  29. I could be wrong, but I think Charlie Sheen's mom is Jewish...which would make him technically a Jew, as well.

  30. He might indeed be a giant, racist asshole, but I do not understand the connection between that and designing dresses, particularly if the alleged offense did NOT occur in the workplace. If Dior really is suspending him, I suspect it's been in the works for a long time and this incident is just convenient. Suspending him based at the first allegation right before fashion week?

  31. @Captain Angrypants,

    I'll just assume that we're done, and I hope I haven't been too impolite. Alex Jones is an insane, ranting, homophobic, bizarre rightwing extremist, and his listeners and fans know this. His agenda with "the Jews" is clear, and if you spend any time on Prison Planet or other Alex Jones sites you'll quickly get the temperature there. Why would Charlie Sheen (whose name isn't Charlie Sheen) spit out the name "Chaim" in such a place? To suggest that anyone with a working name different from their birth certificate is unreliable,, "a liar and a fraud"? Really? This is the theory? I don't want to sound impolite, but I must disagree.

  32. @Barton Fink

    > I'll just assume that we're done

    Not when you follow that assumption with...

    > Alex Jones is... insane


    > ranting


    > homophobic

    Gah? Where'd you get *that one* from?

    > bizarre


    > rightwing


    No-one has ever been able to figure what side of the artificial left/right divide AJ falls on, what with the diversity of his targets and views. I wish you the very best of luck proving that one either way.

    But if you have indeed solved that one for us (one of the world's greatest mysteries), maybe now you can tell us what the difference is between opera and musical theatre; and hard rock and heavy metal?

    > extremist

    No doubt, but who isn't these days?

    > His agenda with "the Jews" is clear

    *IS* it? Show me one page - ONE page - on infowars or prisonplanet on which Alex espouses anything to do with a "Jewish agendum", the "Zionist controlled media", holocaust denial/revisionism, the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", or indeed anything that might be seen as *anything* other than criticism of Israeli/Zionist policy in a geopolitical or moral context.

    > and if you spend any time on Prison Planet or other Alex Jones sites you'll quickly get the temperature there.

    I do, and I know enough of Jones' work to know that while he's likely out of his gourd, he has an infinitely more pure agendum than a lot of the people who follow him.

    > Why would Charlie Sheen (whose name isn't Charlie Sheen) spit out the name "Chaim" in such a place?

    Gee... I don't know... maybe because he *hates* Chuck Lorre?!

    Having an obvious and irrational contempt for a person who happens to be a Jew is not the same thing as having contempt for every Jew *because* they're Jewish. Get real.

  33. So again I'm going to have to make assumptions here. You clearly knew a great deal about Alex Jones and his audience and attitudes toward Jews, but still can't figure out why someone no the Jones show would spit out "Chaim" in order to discredit someone by alluding to their Jewishness. I'll take you on your word on this one, you don't know why Sheen would emphasize someone's Jewishness in an anti-Jewish venue. Thanks --

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. What Barton and Enty said. These haters, regardless who they hate, need to stop being defended.

  36. -- First let me apologize for posting so much on this thread and for a combative tone that seems to me to be out of place on CDAN. However, I want to point attention to the Sun's video of Galliano in action.

  37. I may get my head bitten off for this one, but...I have to agree with Captain Angrypants here. I personally find it difficult to listen to Alex Jones because of his voice and his manner of presenting his material, but unfortunately I cannot take issue with much of what he says.
    The term "anti-Semitism" paints a broad stroke with a broad brush, indicating that an anti-Semite is somehow "against Jews and all things Jewish." Alex Jones differentiates between "Jews" and "Zionists," which he cconsiders two entirely different things; similarly, when Charley Sheen calls Chuck Lorre "Chaim" supposedly to discredit him by referring to his Jewishness, he isn't referencing Chuck Lorre's being Jewish to discredit him, he's referring to Chuck Lorre's changing his name to discredit him. Why would Chuck Lorre do that? To broaden their appeal, Jewish celebrities have frequently changed their names to more "mainstream" ones, thereby appearing...not Jewish? Less Jewish? Why would they do that? That's what he's referring to: not the fact that he is a Jew, but that he changed his name, somehow disguising the fact.
    Ironically, Carlos Estevez changed his name to Charley Sheen, thereby discrediting himself with his own argument....

  38. Robert, Chaim was not his given name to change. It is his Hebrew name, not his legal name. I don't use my Hebrew name. That doesn't mean that I am hiding anything. The use of Chaim was meant to point out his Jewishness.

  39. I thought I read a news report last week that Kate Middleton had selected Galliano to do her wedding gown? ( I remember because they had a weird pick of Galliano with the news item.)

  40. The lutefisk: I see your point, of course. This is what happens when I post before doing all my research. Still, ironic that Charles doesn't call himself Carlos, his given name, no? Watching that interview on GMA here today is disturbing as. "He's as nutty as a Payday bar!"

  41. Robert, I don't think Charlie Sheen is anti-semetic. I think he is totally off the wall, and just spewing out hatred at anyone in his way. It just so happens that Chuck Lorre is Jewish, so that is who he is directing his tirade against. If it was a woman, or an Asian, he would have a different snide comment to make.

  42. @weezy, I'm trying to swear off this thread, but -- it's Cokate (Moss) who wants Galliano for a wedding gown.
