Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kim Richards Not Coming Back Next Season

I don't know whether Ted C is right or not, but he says that Kim Richards is thinking about not coming back next season for Real Housewives-Beverly Hills. Well, I am sure she is thinking about it. Everyone probably thought about it. Whether she actually commits is another thing. One part of me thinks she should stay away and focus on getting better and dealing with all of her issues. Another part of me thinks that being on the show is probably really good for her. Yes, there is stress and she does not always appear to be at her peak on camera, but what else would she do? I get the feeling that she spent a lot of time inside her place and not going anywhere and doing nothing but focusing on her kids. Well, her kids are for the most part independent or no longer living at home and maybe what Kim needs is a return to the spotlight and after a season under her belt she will start to feel more comfortable. Just as long as she stops with the Paris Hilton name dropping.


  1. She could, oh, get a job? And take classes to train for another career? All is not lost when older actors cannot relive their glory days.

  2. Aww, I'd miss her.

  3. Since she's either still in rehab or fresh out, she should concentrate on herself first and foremost.
    That being said, it's RH:BH - she'll probably try to use rehab as a bargaining chip for more $.
    She'd made mention last season about how she wanted to "do more" re acting - however whether that goes any farther than a Rat reunion show remains to be seen.
    And yes, please... unless they're paying you to drop the Hilton name please stop. And if they are, please give full disclosure.
    And stop.

  4. I'd rather see Taylor pack up her ego & her rubber lips and go away

    Kim seems vulnerable & Kyle never has her back

    If Kim can hack the mistreatment, she should stay

  5. I would love to see her back on the show - she seemed to be the most real. From what I remember seeing, it was her sister Kyle that does all the Hilton name dropping not her. AND I could see how she might not come back since Kyle and her mean girls (Lisa and Taylor) seem to jump on Kim for no reason. Can't wait for all the girls to turn on Kyle - waiting in anticipation.

  6. Wow, all this time I had no idea that Kim Richards was the kid actress. I have never watched any of the Real Housewives, but just might have to check this out.

  7. Kim just doesn't have the emotional strength to be on that show. Kyle does and uses every chance to bash Kim down emotionally. Kim would be better off collecting her alimony checks from Greg Davis and waiting by the phone for Disney to call.

  8. Oh, and I wanted to add that I've seen plenty of current pictures of Kim Richards and she's not the same person.

  9. Now that Taylor has been revealed to be a lying dog...she has nothing to be ashamed about. Come back're one of the few that the viewers liked at the end of the season. Your sister, Kyle and Taylor are players, who made Kim a victim...she needs to finally stand up for herself.

  10. I'm with you, JJ. I never knew that she was Prudence from Nanny and the Professor. I don't watch the Real Housewives, but after reading this blog and with this tidbit, I am going to have to check it out.

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  12. I really like Kim - i detest Taylor - please stay Kim!!

  13. I was a huge fan of Kim back in the day, and even saw that movie she did with James Spader and Robert Downey Jr - the pic Enty has up is from that movie (can't recall the name right now). She played an awesome guest spot on 'Little House on the Prairie' as a lame girl and of course I loved the 'Escape to Witch Mountain' movies. That being said, I hope she comes back.

  14. I don't buy it. She needs the cash. And I need to sit there all season waiting for her to tell Kyle and Duck Lips to go fuck themselves.

  15. Kim used to rock some extremely awesome headbands back in the day.

  16. She needs to get her sobriety in check, first. Then I don't see what the big deal is.

    I was watching the "Lost Footage" earlier today (what a waste of time that was!? Minus making fun of the crazy Allison). There was some shot of Taylor's arms/armpits that looked....well, OLD. Older than she is claiming to be. I think I'm on the train of thinking she is older than she claims to be.

  17. People name-drop Paris?? Honestly, if I was related to that, I wouldn't tell a soul.

  18. @Mindy

    It's from Tuff Turf, one of my 80's favorites.

  19. I guess I'm the only that doesn't care if Kim stays or goes. I found her quite boring. I think she doesn't have the emotional fortitude to play the Hollywood game. That's ok - she should concentrate on making herself stronger, and as someone else suggested, take some acting lessons, and get back into that game, as she hinted she was interested in.

    I still like Kyle, Lisa and Adrienne, don't particularly care if Taylor returns. Am interested in Camille returning only to see if her attitude changes at all, or since she seems to be feeling somewhat vindicated, if she goes on being her same clueless self.

  20. I hate to say this because I think Kim has issues and is very fragile, but let's face it, the girl was boring as hell. It was difficult to watch her one-on-one time with the camera because she really didn't have much to say or what she did say wasn't very interesting.

    I read that Kim hasn't been showing up for appearances and is pretty much M.I.A. and her friends and family are worried because she won't admit she has a problem.

    I would like to see her return though, but maybe in a smaller role and maybe after a stay at the Betty Ford.

  21. i'm thinking about starting to watch this show so i know who in the crap these people are...

  22. tuff turf was the shit back then!

  23. @ JJ - Kim is quite tragic on the show, all quivering lips and hurt feelings, but as has been posted above, she is a bit of a bore.

    Taylor, IMO, is also boring, albeit a big ol' liar. Her lies just aren't about anything interesting, unlike Cedric, for instance, who weaved a tale about being abandoned at the age of 7 to live on the streets by his French prostitute mother... grab your hankies and open your wallets! Between that, Camille's and Kyle's cat fights and Alison DuBois (who shot down any credibility she might have been clinging to with her vitriolic dinner show) the season was pure gold. (Well, gold by crap TV standards.)

  24. The one thing that is a sticking point for me, Kim was drinking soda at the dinner from hell at Camille's and was even called out on it by Allison Dubois. There a few scenes where Kim is drinking soda, but they run with her being an alcoholic. If she is, yes I hope she gets help, but from people they truly care about her. Not her family.

  25. Col, I think she may be a closet drinker. I've heard say on the show that she "doesn't really drink" and then her own sister calls her out for being an alcoholic? Hmmm, somebody is living in denial town. Obviously Lisa and Adrienne know what time it is too. I think Lisa has made a few comments that Kim has issues, but Adrienne won't talk crap about anybody except her own husband. LOL.

  26. I'll be disappointed if she doesn't come back. It would actually be a good thing if a "reality" show had some reality to it and followed her progress to sobriety. Many people go through this so why hide it? But she would have to be very strong to have her life laid bare and Kyle will be there to shoot her right down.

    I was hoping Taylor wouldn't return but, of course, she wouldn't pass up the opportunity for more money. I hope Adrienne sees through her now after that godmother thing. The look on Taylor's face was disgusting - big, big smile with pleading eyes for Adrienne to play along.

  27. Kim and I are almost the exact same age (OT--Courteney Cox and I are EXACTLY the same age re: date and year).

    When I was growing up Kim was an icon, but we didn't use that word, nor "role model".

    I look at RHOBH and wonder several things--how would *I* look at my age on camera in this milieu? How does she feel having the antithesis of my life (successful earlier rather than later)? How would I feel vice-versa?

    I wonder--had I gotten the same pampering and lifestyle Kim has had--would I look/act/feel/appear the same?

    You can feel the skin crawling right off of Kim during half of the episodes; last night's "dinner party from Hell" re-cap showed her giving the Ix-Nay sign a couple times.

    And....let me say that Kyle has man-hands, man-arms and man-legs.
    Bitch is STRONG, whereas Kim is not. For me, therein partially lies the bully/victim personae.

    Oh, and Kim's "alcoholism" is almost SURELY at least half pill-related.

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  29. I would hope Kim gets the help she needs before coming back to the show, I would love to see her call out Kyle on her not having her back and as much as Kyle whines about Kim not having her back she does nothing for her sister except humiliation and bullying, on camera that is.

    I have yet to see the Taylor lying episode, is it in one of the Lost Footage episodes or the Part 2 Reunion? I have only seen a litle of part 2, it is all waiting for me on Tivo!

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  31. I wanted to be Kim when I was growing up. I feel so bad for her. That's from Tuff Turf, by the way. I am going to have to dig out that movie again...
    Get better, Kim and RH lose Taylor
