Friday, February 25, 2011

Michael Douglas Is Still Feisty

Michael Douglas might just be recovering from his long battle with cancer, but he apparently still has enough testosterone to take on a pap who allegedly punched Catherine Zeta Jones. Last night in London there was a pap swarm and suddenly Catherine said she had been punched. Michael rushed her into the hotel lobby then came out and went toe to toe with the pap.


  1. Wow, either that is for show or MD really loves himself some CZJ

  2. I like you Michael even more now. Seriously. Way to go for protecting your wife.

  3. these paps act like they are trying to get a shot of Jesus H. Christ.

    They're just actors not Heads of State. They need to calm down.

  4. Well, it was an actor who did play head of state. That counts for something.......

  5. God, how old is he? 112?

  6. He reacted exactly as he should have. Sad if it's becoming the exception?

  7. Aww! Good for him.

    Although CZJ looks like she could hold her own in that photo.

    I am in NO way advocating violence & I know celebs ask for it sometimes BUT I think too many times lines are crossed w/ paps. If it were me there'd probably be occasions when I'd want to do the same.

  8. Someone assaulted his wife. Good for him.

  9. Why do I not believe her? Some pap punched her in her face and all the people around her didn't see who it was?
    Even the doorman who was standing in the doorway where the pap allegedly punched her in her face? And no one saw it?

    CZJ is full of some crazy

  10. CZJ looks a little Posh Spice in the face.

  11. Anonymous12:24 PM

    He better be careful or he is going to fall and break a hip.

    CZJ, what a drama queen.

  12. This picture is funny. He looks really mean lol
    If it's true, good for him. Will teach them some boundaries.

  13. They always 'accidently' do that.

  14. I'm sure the 'punch' was accidental, and you can tell CZJ was PISSED and being a drama queen, but Michael Douglas, in the heat of the moment, automatically defended her. A man always jumps to his wife's defense in public in a situation like that.

    MD didn't hit anyone, but he made his required puffed-chest and profanity show of defense, and managed to look very gallant, even though it was all for CZJ.

  15. As far as I'm concerned, if they were close enough that it was at all plausible she was punched, they were way too close.

  16. I remember reading that when Liz Taylor was pregnant, a pap punched her in the stomach. Effing POS.

  17. I doubt she was really punched. More likely, someone brushed against her and and she got offended. Either way, I'm sure she will be suing someone for this, since that is her favorite past time.

  18. KUDOS for standing up for your lady Michael!!

  19. I've seen those paps in action; it's really scary. Good for him.

  20. What a joke, I saw no punch, and if he was a regular man in the street, he would have been set on for pretending to defend his wife. It was just a push to act tough
