Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No One Likes Leah Remini

I think we could all see this one coming from a mile away. On that CBS ripoff of The View, it appears that Leah Remini has managed to make every other host mad at her and even many of the crew. The Enquirer is reporting that Leah is pulling the little Miss Diva thing in addition to trying to control the spotlight. The show which features Holly Robinson Peete, Sharon Osbourne, Julie Chen and Sarah Gilbert has done ok ratings wise. One incident that The Enquirer reported was when Holly told Leah to talk a little more softly. Well, that set Leah off and the former friends are just that, former friends. Has anyone watched the show? I have not even seen one episode.


  1. I have seen one segment. She was like a hyperactive child demanding attention.

  2. this is what happens when you hang around jlo for too long. seriously.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It has to be the egotistical Scientology personality. Going all the way back to Saved by the Bell she isn't that good of an actress. And not that attractive. Probably thinks she carried Kevin James all of those years on King of Queeens.

  5. Anyone who's BFFs with J-Lo is SURELY a total beeyotch. No question.

    Ugh. Scientology. It still pains me that Beck, Elizabeth Moss, and Amy Heckerling have all been suckered into that bullshit.

  6. It's an okay show, but does she realize that Chen's hubby could make her life a living hell?

  7. she grates on my nerves. I hated the sitcom she did just because she was on it.

  8. Amy Heckerling too?? Really??

    Saw this show the other day, and her and Sara Gilbert got into it. She was bff's with a radio talkshow based in DC when I lived there about 7 or 8 years ago when King of Queens was just starting to take off, and she got into a big ugly diva fight on air with them too.

    I've never heard of anyone having a positive experience with her, though I'm kinda surprised she's such good friends w JLo considering the Scientology people tend to flock together. Unless it's for recruiting purposes.

  9. She's the Rosie O'Donnell of that show.

    I hate people. :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I watch the show. Much prefer it to "The View", as do my friends. Love Holly! I like Leah's energy, but can often tell she's offending the other hosts.

  12. I find her very offputting in general, with that horrible voice and general air of bitchiness.

    I generally turn off a show if she's on it. Just can't like her.

  13. is that shit show still on?? really?

  14. @amoteafloat: I don't know about Heckerling but Moss and Beck are second generation COS. They can thank their parents for getting them into the cult.

  15. ...but...but...but they're so SMART! Especially Beck. I mean, I love Juliette Lewis, too, but her affiliation with the church doesn't surprise me because she's obviously crazy.

    Hell, my mom was raised by two Southern Baptists, and my dad was raised by a Catholic mother -- and you'd better believe they ran SCREAMING from the respective faiths they grew up around -- and those are actual religions, and not scary cults!

    Um. That's up for debate, I realize, but I'm not gonna do it here. ;-)

  16. I am sure that many of you will make fun of me or think my opinion is stupid...oh well.

    At first, I would have agreed -
    #1 - The Talk is a rip off of The View
    #2 - Leah is annoying.

    However, I gave the show a chance. I started watching when it began. The first week or two were rough. But since then, it gets better. I really enjoy the banter between the ladies. It seems friendly and fun (but editing probably helps that.) Most of the topics are interesting as well. The show's premise is about girlfriends talking and that is what it comes across as. Not like The View, which if you thoughts are different than Whoopi or Hasselbeck, you will get screamed at.

    Leah can be over the top sometimes, however, having her with the other ladies helps. Leah and Sara are wonderful together. Sara is so quiet and Leah sitting right next to her pulls Sara out of that shell.

    Mrs O is awesome. She doesn't care if Julie's husband is their boss. She says how she feels. Sometimes you may not agree, but that is life!

    It’s a really good show; much better than The View. Give it a chance. As for Leah, well, I guess she is an acquired taste....

  17. She looks like a middle-aged JWoww.

  18. lol @ Pookie! Word.

    And I'm not surprised. There is something very unlikable about Remini. She emits a.....sourness.

  19. Show of hands of who thinks that organized religion, in general, is a cult?

    One ...

  20. I have seen bits & pieces of this show. She is like the Joy Behar of the show. She's a little loud & can be very offputting/bitchy.

  21. As others mentioned, she has 2 things against her, CO$ and JLo.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Best Friends with J Lo - check
    Member of the Cult of Scientology -check
    Wonder which of these two would make you more of a self centered bitch?

  24. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Since my husband watches Kings & Queens once in a while I would watch it with him. I really didn't like the show because of her.

  25. I remember a few years back she was having troubles with her young daughter. Was she on SuperNanny or was it just a magazine article? Can't remember ... anyway this kid was just a piece of work and Leah's parenting or lack thereof was the exact cause of it. I didn't like her before, but since then that I've been so repulsed by her.

  26. She was on Rachael Ray and in People talking about it. Here's part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58F9mV4Gd1s

  27. I can't tell if I dislike her or the character she played on King of Queens, because I have never seen her on anything but that show. If she is different from that character, then she is a great actress...if she isn't, then damn, she is annoying.

  28. Never heard of this show. However, I did hear that she is a homewrecker, which is how to got her current husband.

  29. I've NEVER like Remini. This is not a big deal.

  30. Fundamentalists, be they Christian, Muslim, or Jewish, or whatever, are cultists.

    Your average, run-o'-the-mill organized religion don't usually have people who go to services on a regular basis, or maintain strict adherence to the tenents.

    Scientologists, on the other hand, are brainwashed fools.

    That being said, I boycott anything with Scientolocultists on the show.

  31. @jp, I TOTALLY understand your sentiments, but...does your ban on Scientologists include a ban on Mad Men?! I cannot IMAGINE a Don Draperless world, personally.

  32. So I was home recently recuperating from surgery so I ended up watching this show many times (since they pulled the plug on my favorite soap earlier this year - damn them!). Anyway, I remember a few gems. One was Leah giving Sarah shit about her shoes (I actually had to agree with her on that one though) and then there was an episode where a bunch of the guys from Bold and Beautiful were on and they were doing their own version of America's Got Talent. Leah was the first to do a remark and her's came off pretty darn serious. The other ladies did funny comments and you could tell Leah was pissed that they made her look bitchy. She just wouldn't let it go. Pretty funny!

    And I actually like the show. But then I love Sharon, Holly and Julie (Sarah is ok).

  33. I love Sharon and Sara, but I will not watch that show because I detest Leah Loudmouth. If she quit, I would watch in a heartbeat.

  34. I tried, but gave up because of her. She's obnoxious and hogs the conversation. I'm not interested in the Leah Show.

  35. I'm wondering if I watched the same episode as @Ruse or if Leah always picks on Sarah. It was odd. Leah was accusing Sarah of being argumentative but came off as the problem herself.

    Other than that, I kind of liked the show.

  36. You would think someone who can birth a child in complete silence would be able to control herself and her voice a little better.

    I've never watched the show but after watching Holly on The Apprentice I don't care for either.

  37. i went to a taping if the show very boring....

  38. I always remember she had an MTV special when she was pregnant, and she was sooo demanding. Fast forward a few years, and her daughter was so spoiled and she was a horrible parent. The little girl was about 3, drinking out of a bottle day and night, and the parents had ZERO control of her. I'm sure a lot of that was Co$ related.

  39. If, of course, you define a cult as "...a quasi-religious organization using devious psychological techniques to gain and control adherents...." (from the World English Dictionary)

  40. I won't watch it because they took off AS The World Turns to put it on so I wanted it to fail. However the fact that Leah is on it would keep me from watching it anyway. She's what kept me from watching King Of Queens. That would have been a cute show without her grating voice and personality. I can not stand her.

  41. I like Sarah and Holly Robinson Peete, they seem like people you'd actually enjoy a conversation with. Don't know much of Julie Chen, wouldn't wanna sit near Leah or Sharon trying to have dinner or coffee.

  42. @G seven!

    @ Rose - totally agree with you about Holly. She was so sanctimonious with the other contestants. The way she spoke to Cindy Lauper, as if she were an errant child... I was so turned off by her. Of course, I delighted when her crappy seafoam green apartment was dissed by the designer.

  43. Off topic: Am I the only one who has problems with posted comments that keep disappearing after refreshing the site a few times?

    On topic: I wasn't aware that there is another talk show similiar to 'The View'. I liked watching 'The View', but then I realized that the show is just a big tease. I noticed that they're always pussyfooting around when it comes to discussing controversial and thus often really interesting topics, which makes the whole point of even discussing them in the first place completely moot.
    Especially when it comes to discussing a celebrity like Lindsay Lohan. Instead of telling it like it is and finally ripping her a new one, they are only talking about the poor girl wanting to get it together and that they're all hoping that she will be fine again. Who wants to see this?
    I also begin to think that the women on 'The View' are scared to tread on the toes of somebody who they don't want to mess with career-wise or who might sue them for defamation of character or whatever else.

    'The Talk', however, might be very interesting because of Sharon Osbourne, who doesn't let anyone censor her thoughts and opinions. I also think that Leah Remini could be that kind of person.
    I just watched a segment of the show on Youtube in which they were discussing kids who are excercising on stripper poles and Leah talked to one of the mothers and told her quite clearly what she thought of it.
    The ladies on 'The View' do not always get their points across that blatantly or even passionately, which makes watching the show very boring.

  44. Sorry, Mina, they DO censor their comments. They had Kate Gosselin on last week and instead of asking her real questions, they let Gosselin lie and spout her nonsense without pointing our her contradictions. These hosts are very protective of children, but yet they sat there and let Kate spew about how wonderful filming is and how close the crew is to her kids. Even going as far as saying the crew memeber were lifelong friends, when everyone knows when the show is over, the crew is gone.

    One interesting note is that Sharon Osborne who has been vocal in the past about her distaste for KG was absent during the interview. Cudos to Sharon for not compromising.

  45. Do we really need another snooze show like the View? The View was only interesting when Debbie Matoplopois (sp) was on it back in 1997. I saw this rip-off show twice and was not impressed.

    Julie Chen got the job because she is married to the head of CBS. Sara Gilbert has the personality of paper, as does Holly Robinson Peet. Robinson Peet just gushed over the Big O and has no interview skills whatsoever.

    Sharon Osbourne is the only interesting one. Leah Rhimi is LOUD and it makes her even more obnoxious.

  46. Leah Remini was a snotty bitch, with a bad attitude, when she was on DWTS. I didn't know who she was, at the time. But, I remember thinking,
    'What a poor sport.' She kept complaining, and making excuses, for her lousy dance moves. Most annoying celebrity off all time.
