Monday, February 21, 2011

Now Kacey Jordan Says Her Baby Could Have Been Charlie Sheen's Baby

Kacey Jordan gave an interview to Radar this weekend and says she had an abortion of that baby she was trumpeting so loudly last week. Why on earth would you tell the world you are pregnant and then a week later get an abortion? I am wondering if she was even pregnant in the first place. Plus, last week she says she did not think the baby was Charlie Sheen's but now says it could have been.

She says that it could have been the baby of another celebrity but she cannot talk about that because she had to sign a release. Uh huh. So, there you are, naked about to have sex and the guy pulls out a piece of paper and says sign this. Oh, or maybe his manager comes in and hands the piece of paper over. Sure beats candles and Barry White. Kacey says she went home to have the abortion and that this is her third one. She says she gets pregnant very easily. Hmm, there is this little thing which might come in handy since you are having unprotected sex everyday in your job. It is called the pill.


  1. I think her goal in texting Charlie and releasing all this is to get a "thanks for not trapping me" reward. Or prove her "honesty" and "fairness" to him so she can get closer to all that money and fame.

  2. Has she never heard of birth control? Abortion is not birth control. I can't believe how she can proudly tell everyone she had an abortion, not her first, her third or fourth!! What a peice of trash. What diseases does she have and is spreading around?

  3. I can't let go off that pic.

    @sparky birth control? what about her dream of becoming a trophy wife of some old sack and get filthy rich?

  4. This trick.....And what in the f-nuttery is she coming back up to Oregon to get an abortion? Because there are no clinics in So Cal? I agree with you Sparky, she is trash. The fact that any outlet wants to talk to her and throw a little money her way.....

  5. Not to be picky, but it drives me bonkers when details are wrong. Per the Radar article you used as your source:
    "...who has already terminated three previous pregnancies."
    Which would mean this was her 4th, not her 3rd.

  6. You know, I don't wanna get all political, but at a time when Congress is threatening to cut public funding for Planned Parenthood, this piece of trailer trash has to run around and actually hurt the Pro Choice cause?


  7. She is just so gross, I hope this is the end of her 15 min.

  8. I'm with ya, Lauren. It's infuriating.

  9. It's because of people like her that women's reproductive rights are in danger. I couldn't care less about how this relates to Charlie Sheen. I'm just pissed as a woman.

  10. Forget the pill! Someone slip her a roofie and let's tie her tubes!!!!!

  11. This girl will be dead by 26 with her lifestyle.

    She doesn't need to have any kids period.

    And after hearing her on howard she is way too lazy to make the effort to go on a pill or get an iud. in her head she goes to oregan pays 600 bucks she goes to sleep pregant and wakes up shiny new and unpregnant. Voila!

  12. She told Howard she was on the pill for awhile and it made her 'way bi-polar'. On top of slutty and stupid!

  13. I want to comment, but I'm paralyzed with disgust at the moment. It's gonna take me a while to recover.

  14. Having an abortion is no walk in the park, mentally. That has got to fuck her up royally.

    And I agree with Lauren 100%

  15. How does having sex with Charlie Sheen make you a celebrity? 1. It's a job occupation 2. There are thousands of women that have done it.

  16. I could have saved years of anguish and thousands of dollars in fertility treatments if I were a 2-bit hussy and slept with Charlie Sheen. That's one I haven't tried. Off to tell the husband...

  17. GACK! This woman sounds like a walking petrie dish for STD'S. The CDC should just close down as a walking biohazard.

  18. I am a complete supporter of pro-choice and Planned Parenthood...and personally I think this hooker is full of shit. I doubt she was pregnant, let alone had an abortion....or the 4 she claims to have had. Her making these comments are extending her 15 minutes of fame. I think she is just making all this shit up.

  19. Third? Try FOURTH abortion. When she was on Howard Stern a few weeks ago she already claimed to have had three, so this makes number 4. And I agree, she is not helping the Pro-Choice movement at all. The dumb ho claims that the pill "makes her crazy" and acts as if there are no alternative methods of birth control.

    She needs to just be sterilized.

  20. I support her and every woman's right to have an abortion, as many abortions as they need. For any or no reason at all. No apologies.

    It is not a bad thing, people. Know what is a bad thing? When she or women like her are guilt-tripped into having an unwanted baby (or two, or three) because nosy moralists decide that's better than taking care of an unwanted pregnancy.

    Good for her. At least she's being responsible enough to NOT be a mother.

  21. This cavalier attitude about one's abortion(s!) is the exception that always gets attention, and that is so annoying.

    I also find it amazing that these MEN sit there and talk about something they can't possibly relate to. Basically it's a desire to take family planning decisions and give them back to the man. Women get raped by their husbands, aren't allowed birth control, etc. The myriad of tragic scenarios that abortion entails is staggering.

    I was so afraid of it that I made sure at 17 that I was on the pill when I started having sex. I was working as a cashier at a pizza place for 3.45/hour, so guess how I afforded the medical exam and pills? Planned Parenthood.
    PP prevents more abortions than it could ever perform.

  22. I agree, Squeezebox. Better a woman like that have 100 abortions than to bring a child into this world. There are already enough neglected and abused children in this world. Hers would be another. That being said, she needs to keep her eff-ing mouth shut. By using abortions as birth control, she is absolutely hurting those of us who are pro-choice. Bitch needs to have her tubes tied!

  23. Squeezebox, completely agree with you politically, I just think being so cavalier is gross.

    It is my opinion that using abortion as birth control is gross too. There are options to at least TRY not to get pregnant.

  24. While I certainly would hate to see what kind of damage a person like this could do to an impressionable child, it's still gross that she flaunts the fact that she has had so many abortions.

    I know that the other side says it isn't killing because it is not a person, and I also know that there is no convincing you otherwise.

    My faith and my intuition tells me abortions are killing, but my faith also says the use of contraceptives is wrong. I wouldn't advocate contraceptives, but I sure think it is a heck of a lot better than having several abortions.

    If anything, isn't it dangerous to have so many? I thought that I had heard one abortion might make it difficult to conceive in the future? I'm no expert, but if that is true, then 4 can't be healthy--mentally or otherwise, but that is presuming she has a brain to begin with.

    Though I'm sure some might consider me a nosy moralist, I certainly see the gray area in *forcing* a woman to carry a baby to term, it still makes me sick to my stomach to know she is using abortion as birth control.

    May God have mercy on her.

  25. Well, this is disgusting on a thousand levels.

  26. Why on earth would you tell the world you are pregnant and then a week later get an abortion?
    Because she's a gold digging fame whore.

    I love that this has become the go to picture for Charlie. :)
