Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ottawa Radio Station Bans Carrie Underwood Songs

At least some of the people in Ottawa are upset that Mike Fisher, the husband of Carrie Underwood, was traded to Nashville and what they think is Carrie meddling in their hockey team. Kiss 105.3 in Ottawa has decided to ban all Carrie Underwood songs. Apparently Carrie was upset about the ban and Mike Fisher told the Vancouver Sun that Carrie had nothing to do with the trade. She might have had nothing to do with the trade but I think we all know the marriage is behind it. It is kind of like when The Great One was traded from Edmonton to Los Angeles so his wife, Janet Jones, could be in more movies. Of course Mike Fisher is not Wayne Gretzky, but for Mike Fisher to say it was just random chance that he ended up in Nashville is disingenuous. He also said that he spent a lot of time praying he would be traded. Yeah, otherwise Carrie would have only seen him after the season.


  1. I wish every single radio station here in the U.S. would follow suit. I would give up my left tit to never, ever have to endure "Jesus Take the Wheel" ever, EVER again.

    And LOL @ grotesquely overpaid athletes/celebrities who "pray" for career advancements. If there IS a God, I'm pretty sure he's got way bigger shit to worry about at the moment.

  2. I cannot stand this girl..Never heard anything nice said about her. They are a weird couple. Didn't take him for the praying type. LMAO!! Im sure
    GOD is listening to him....

  3. I doubt Carrie Underwood had a lot to do with this. My guess is that the Nashville hockey team thought it would be a good pr stunt to have Carrie's husband play for their team. Plus she might start attending the home games and bring some of the other Nashville elite with her. It's probably all a marketing stunt by the Nashville team.

  4. I agree @looserdude. Do we really think Carrie Underwood wields that much power over the sports world? Come on.

  5. so who's blowing Bettman, Carrie or Mike?

  6. ottowa is reading way too much into this...altho it will be funny when carrie and this guy become the next j-simp/t-romo game cursey-curse.

  7. Like this will save their marriage. He probably only has one testicle now as it is.I don't think she was acting in that "Before He Cheats" video.

  8. My understanding is that he had an option to decide which teams he DIDN'T want to go to, and there were three viable options for him, one of which included Nashville. Of course his wife's location had a lot to do with his final choice and negotiations! However, I think he would have left either way.
    I like that Carrie does a lot for animals, beyond that....good riddance.

  9. And what a stunning movie career Janet Jones had after the move.

  10. OT, but I thought the W-K thing was US only, do Canadian radio stations use that too or is the KISS-FM just a name?

  11. I think this young marriage will have a chance now with them in the same town at least. I doubt Carrie is powerful enough on her own to do this, I think @ looserdude is right. PR move.

  12. This guy's jaw is so huge, it's disproportionate like a prosthetic or something. I can't stop staring at it.

  13. @chopchop-LMAO. Great minds....

  14. Actually, Enty, Fisher was bound to be traded because he's an expensive player for a team that's not heading for the playoffs. He's also having his worst offensive year so far. Given all that, he was on the block and he had a chance to go to Nashville. Makes sense.

    I know folks really hate Carrie Underwood. But this time, she's not the reason for the trade.

  15. Nashville has a hockey team? Interesting.

  16. Of course Carrie had EVERYTHING to do with this. Wasn't this a blind vice...or wasn't it something Lainey had guessed? She or somewhere it said how much do you want to bet that Mike Fisher ends up playing for Nashville, because Carrie pushes it....and then BAM!!! SHe's such a biatch. She's so disliked in the business. I can't stand her whiny singing voice. It's torture.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Oh, Crila, come on. Apparently, you're not paying attention to what's been happening in hockey. Right now, the Senators (Fisher's old team) is in last place in the NHL's Eastern Conference. Fisher's contract is about $4 million a year, huge for a franchise in one of the NHL's smallest cities. And Ottawa hasn't exactly been playing well for the past couple of years. Fisher for a first- and third-round pick is a no-brainer.

    I hardly think Carrie Underwood could push for the Senators to make a trade if they didn't want to make one. Let's use a little reality and hockey knowledge for this one.

  19. @chopchop he looks like Jay Leno's love child.

  20. He is so whipped.

  21. LOL, Patty! I think Janet Jones was only in one movie anyway.

  22. Ok, so I live in Ottawa and listen to this radio station. 1053 Kiss FM flat out admitted it was a joke and publicity stunt. They don't play Carrie Underwood to start with, and because it caused such an uproar, they actually posted a message on their website to this effect. They also referred to their sister country station if you wanted to hear any Carrie Underwood. Our hockey team is a mess, so they are rebuilding. Sorta sad to see him go, but something had to be done, and with the price of tickets the way they are, who wants to see a losing team. Sure as heck not me.....

  23. Mike Fisher will be going from a town that loves him, where he's recognized on the street and where he's a celebrity to a town where he will always be known as Carrie Underwood's husband. I give this marriage another year at most...

  24. Anybody remember that story that came out a few months ago where they were going over plans for a house in Canada, and Mike referenced the nursery in the house? Supposedly Carrie said something about not raising her family in Canada. There was never a retraction to the story, and now this comes out. I bet an ultimatum was given here.

  25. Why oh why can't they ban her on MY radio station. I would be thrilled to never have to hear her whiney ass screech on my radio ever again. I hate American Idol so much for inflicting her on country music.

  26. @canada girl -- GOOD CALL!!!

  27. Oh honestly who really cares? He didn't want to play in Ottawa anymore. Do you really want someone playing for you who doesn't want to be there? Good riddance. And who wouldn't want to move to be closer to their spouse if that was an option for them? Good on him for prioritising his family over his job. More people should.

  28. Stacy, a man who chooses to live in the same town as his wife is whipped now?

  29. Char and Tatyana thank you. Im going to take it one step further. I like Carrie Underwood and I like her music.
    That nastiness that everyone talks about? If a football player gave the F U to someone for not liking who they dated or what they ate. I dont love Carrie Underwood, I wouldnt pay for her music but I think its very nice that she and her husband can work in the same country like everyone else.
