Thursday, February 10, 2011

Reading A Vanessa Hudgens Interview Led To Something Good

Vanessa Hudgens was interviewed in Details Magazine this month. I think they interviewed her so they could take half naked pictures of her, because the interview is like a half a page long but they have lots and lots of pictures. Most of the interview is her talking about how Michael Caine keeps hitting on her and how in her latest movie she spent much of it rubbing oil and water all over her chest to make it glisten. Yeah. So, that was like the worst two minutes of my life, BUT, and it is a big BUT, I notice off to the right on the Details site, an article about Party Down. Now only is it an article, it is 9 pages of goodness. It is an entire oral history of the show from all the creators. If you loved Party Down and miss it as much as me you have to read the article.



  1. Loved Party Down will miss Party Down I hope one day the creator comes up with a movie the original cast can star in. But it is nice to see Adam Scott going up the A List ladder. So cute, so funny, so talented.

  2. I'm still wish they did something so people knew what happened everyone on the show.

  3. Vanessa & Michael Caine...hmmm, that reminds me of a blind from around here a few months ago...

  4. When I win the lottery, I'm starting a tv station that will give second life to "Brilliant but Canceled" shows. Either that or a 24 hour All Aaron Spelling channel.

  5. @mooshki: i think that's called 'ifc.' but regardless, i'd totally invest in that shit.

    just watched this show last week on netflix instant. so, so good. have been telling everyone about it. and every time i think of jennifer coolidge saying 'sun eggs' i can legit put myself in to hysterics.

  6. I so wanted to like that show, but I just couldn't get into it.

  7. Thank you Enty ! Did the whole series on Roku recently. So sorry it ended.

  8. Awesome Balla, I don't just want to rerun them, I want to bring them back for new episodes. :) I do spend a LOT of time on IFC these days, though. The shows they're airing, you don't ever get tired of watching.

  9. @mooshki: while i totally wish some shows were brought back, others like undeclared and freaks and geeks would obv just not work. party down, twin peaks even arrested would work but you know, ive made my peace with the fact that they are gone. i've mourned, although i'm hoping party down pulls an easter miracle.

  10. Mooshki - I'd totally invest in that company.

    My first request is Arrested Development.

    How did I miss that Paul Rudd was involved in this show?? LOVE him.
