Tuesday, March 08, 2011

3 Year Old Almost Killed In Road While Holding Mom's Pot

Maybe the three year old was headed to a nice quiet place to spark up. Whatever she was intending to do with the 15 grams of pot belonging to her mom, it almost resulted in the toddler's death. On Saturday a little girl was crossing a road in upstate New York, and a car almost hit her. The driver stopped, got out of the car, grabbed the child and held her while they called the police. The police came. They discovered the girl was holding a bag of pot. It seems the girl got out of the house while her mom was sleeping. This at 5pm on a Saturday. The mom was charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Who the eff is so wasted they need to sleep at 5pm on a Saturday?


  1. I don't think Ent is writing the blog today.

    Obviously, there are lots of reasons why someone would be asleep at 5 pm.


  2. I think Ent is writing the blog, but is putting much less time into it. Methinks he's getting distracted by his radio show. I hope today's blind item is at least somewhat challenging.

  3. I sleep/nap at 5 pm on Saturdays quite a bit. And without the aid of pot or any other drug--I'm just naturally lazy. Then again, I don't have kids to worry about either.

  4. "Who the eff is so wasted they need to sleep at 5pm on a Saturday?"

    Busy parents. People who work a lot. Lazy people. Cats. Sloths.

  5. Sad part is, the child will probably be back with her mother in a few days.

  6. Before I have to go one more thing: I don't know if pot is any worse than alcohol, or pills, so I won't judge the pot thing too much. However, the mother should have been more careful where she left it. That's what high cupboards are for.


  7. I'd be upset if my dog (which is like a kid to me) took my pot and went wondering around the neighborhood unsupervised. I don't nap fortunately.

  8. Sad story, but nothing new. I used to work in an area that was by a center for women & children & I lost track of how many times I heard kids under the age of six talking about drugs. The saddest was walking up the stairs to our building on a Saturday & having to walk past a woman & a girl who was no older than four. "Momma, ya betta put your crack away otherwise she might call the cops on you," said the daughter frantically as I walked by. The women was so out of it I don't think she realized anything going on around her.

  9. Unfortunately, just about anyone can become a parent -- no degree or training necessary. Thank God the little girl was not hurt or killed.

  10. Who the eff tosses their 18 day old chid into a SNOWDRIFT??? - Bad parenting is pretty much universal, I am afraid.

  11. Way past time to have some men's birth control. Maybe then children will be more appreciated.

  12. More pending Darwin Award winners who should have NEVER reproduced. I hope that three year old is being well cared for somewhere else.

  13. What Tempestuous Grape said, except substitute the word "dog" with "cats."

    This woman could be a bartender. She could work all night as a checkout clerk somewhere. She could bake bread for a living. PLENTY of people have wonky schedules, and sleeping at five p.m. on a Saturday isn't necessarily indicative of having some terrible habit.

    And if you think pot is a terrible habit, then *I* honestly feel terrible for YOU.

    It's FAR worse that the kid was able to get outside by herself and wander through the roads. It would be an effed-up story even if drugs weren't involved at all.

  14. One more thing: back in college, a friend of mine accidentally left a dimebag on her desk, and a puppy she was watching happened to snack on the whole entire thing. Turns out that some animals can have catastrophic reactions after injesting even tiny amounts marijuana, and she was left with a gigantic emergency vet bill and a life lesson. But the puppy lived and grew into a happy, healthy, and exceptionally dim Golden Retriever. Awww.

    So, 'heads: lock up your grass!

  15. @amoteafloat - "And if you think pot is a terrible habit, then *I* honestly feel terrible for YOU."

    You have made my day a little bit brighter. Thank you.

  16. @Nightmare -- I aim to please. ;-)

    I wish some of the pothead parents in MY neighborhood would leave their stash out and forget to lock their doors.

    Kidding, kidding, kidding...

  17. My son grows weed for a living. I can have all I want, except I don't want any. I know, what a waste.

  18. @Sunnyside, you must be one of those mystical Cool Moms, because most of the weed dealers *I've* ever met told their parents that they had some bullshit day job.

  19. i nursed my poor dog after some asshole thought giving her a laced brownie would be cool. uh no. not with weed and not with chocolate!

    lock your ganja up!

    i keep mine out of sight and i don't have kids.

  20. I am just an aging hippy who lived on a commune in the 60s. Guess what our cash crop was? However, I don't smoke at all.

  21. oh and how many people here knew Enty must have dabbled a bit the second he typed "Spark up"

    g-u-i-l-t-y. lol.

  22. Anonymous2:59 PM

    More white trash parents, just what the world needs.

  23. I just reread this and I thought that said *1.5* grams.

    I hate negligent smokers. They give the responsible & intelligent ones a bad name.

    And I hate negligent parents even more.

    So this chick can go sit on a chainsaw & spin.

  24. My workday starts at 6 a.m. during the week. Which means that I get up just before 4 a.m. So for me to catch an hour or two around 5 p.m. is not unusual. Nor is it really for a lot of people who don't work traditional 9-5 jobs. What I want to know is who the hell leaves their house unlocked so a kid can wander off?
