Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another Elizabeth Taylor Tribute


  1. Sigh. I've still never seen Cleopatra...I keep waiting for it to come on TCM but I guess it's too long ;)
    Guess I'll have to be satisfied with Cat on a Hot Tin Roof tonight.

  2. truly a remarkable woman...the last of her kind....

  3. RocketQueen...I bet they play Cleopatra on the weekend...keep a lookout for's glorious....

  4. @MISCH - you're so right! When Tony Curtis died last year, I finally got to see all his movies that I'd missed :) Going to set my DVR to record all the ones I missed with Liz!

  5. She sure was in some with very interesting plots.

  6. I think she got more beautiful with age. Toward the middle of that montage when she got out of early youth and into more middle age, there was a certain character and intelligence that blended with her beauty to make her truly exquisite.

    I am so sad today. I had no idea I'd be affected like this when Elizabeth passed.

    p.s. Sammy Davis, Jr., was really a great crooner. Haven't heard him in years.

  7. Never a more beautiful woman in the world. One of a kind.

  8. Confession: I've never seen a Liz Taylor movie. o_O

    I do think she's fabulous, though.

  9. Chop~first one you should see is "A Place in the Sun" Liz is jaw droppingly stunningly beautiful in that movie. And the story is great, too.

  10. Holy shit - she died?!? When???

    I remember my Dad took me to a horror movie she did in the 70s. Scared the crap out of me, but it didn't stop me from being a fan.

    Cleopatra really is a great film.

  11. Who's afraid of Virginia Wolfe was her favorite.

  12. @chopchop - and you must see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. SO GOOD.

  13. Hollywood doesn't make stars like this anymore. RIP, Liz.

    Time for a movie marathon.

  14. Chopchop, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof and Giant are great, great movies. Of course, Elizabeth was beyond gorgeous, but the supporting casts and storylines are very good too.

    There will never be another...

  15. Another great Liz movie that is not will known is "Conspirator" from 1949 It is far fetched but Liz is great in it.

    Robert Taylor plays her husband

  16. Thanks skeeball - never heard of that one - will keep a look out!

  17. I read Furious Love last summer and went back and watched a lot of the movies I had never seen. My mom introduced me to old movies when I was little and I loved Father of the Bride then and still have to watch it when it comes on now. But yes, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Who's Afraid of Virgina Wolfe are excellent too.

  18. Enough already. Elizabeth Taylor was a hosebag garbage slut who became an drunk and a drug addict who befriended pedophiles. She's been repulsive my entire life, and now she's fucking dead. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  19. I have to be in the mood for Virginia Wolfe since it's so dark, but I think that was her best acting ever.

  20. I'll add National Velvet to the recommendation list. Good picture for the whole family.

  21. Her performance of Martha in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf is my favorite ever by an actress. It's hard to watch, but it's just so exquisitely good.

    R.I.P., Dame Liz. I hope you're frolicking on a yacht with Richard somewhere.

  22. Liz said the performance she gave as Martha was the best acting she'd ever done, and her favorite role; this just goes to show that a great movie may not always be enjoyable to watch.

  23. @Doug: But how do you really feel about her?

  24. @Doug. You are obviously a vile human being (and I use the term loosely here). Please, just go away.

  25. I ran to the library today and grabbed Giant. There is no one who will ever compare to her. RIP Elizabeth Taylor.

  26. TCM APRIL 10th ALL DAY LIZ MARATHON..............
