Monday, March 28, 2011

Barefoot Contessa To See Child

Some good news on the shaming front. The Barefoot Contessa who had previously been unable to find time to see a dying child had some room open up in her schedule. It is amazing how fast that calendar opens up when an entire country calls you out on not fulfilling a child's wish. Ina Garten says now she only became aware of the request this weekend and had no idea that the child had made the wish. Uh huh. Make A Wish probably won't make any waves but that is such a crap statement. She is not that big of a star where she has hordes of people screening things and not passing along requests. The good news is though that she is going to meet Enzo and spend some time with him at Food Network and probably film it and make it an episode on her show and make a couple of bucks off the kid.


  1. Gross. Just gross. Hope it makes the kid happy though.

  2. Poor little boy. I believe it is possible that the people who work for her made the decision for her. Just trying to think optimistically.

  3. So, a liar as well as a bitch.

  4. Maybe she didn't know?

    I wonder how she'll work Jeffrey into the conversation?

    "I know you have cancer, but I think we should make Jeffrey's favorite meal!"

  5. I hope the parents attach a rider to any appearance he makes. Round trip first class transportation, 5 star accomodations and transportation. A dressing room with X-Box, PlayStation, Wii and a 60 in HiDef Flat Panel. Candy, desserts, munchies, soda, etc... And then he stands her up! LOL!

  6. Didn't two other chefs step up when they heard about this? She should have been told that it was too late, and other arrangements had been made when she said she was too busy.

  7. @ surfer, yes per TMZ two other Food Network Chefs are dropping everything to give this child two seperate first class experiences. This woman should just be ashamed of herself.

  8. Thanks bluebonnet. Enzo's parents should release some sort of statement praising the other guys and let everyone know that they look forward to meeting with them. Or something along those lines.

  9. @ califblondy - "Jeffrey loves my chicken!" LOL

    She had to do something - the comments on her Facebook page were scathing! She def lost man fans, me included.

  10. Well, I dunno... I believe it is possible she didn't know about it and her "people" denied it those times. I can imagine she lives a pretty insular life. Whatever.

    She does grate but I watch her show. Makes me wish hubby would love me as much as Jeffrey loves her if I got fat as hell. Of course I'm sure Jeffrey loves the money BC is bringing in...

    In the end--only thing that matters is YAY for the little boy!

  11. For cooking shows, give me The Two Fat Ladies any day.

  12. I hope little Enzo still gets to have his days with the other Chef's also. If he wanted to meet her, then he's all about him and his wish.

    Hell, FN should give him an episode on somebody's show!!

  13. I wish I didn't know this about her. Now I'll always think of her a little less.

  14. I hope Enzo, has a great time, he seems like such a sweetheart, hope he still gets to visit the other Chefs, who immediatley stepped up to the plate! Prayers and blessings for this little boy. No words, for she who shall not be named.

  15. I'll give her a pass, since she did agree to do it. Still, I think the kid would have a better experience spending the day with either Michael Symon or Beau MacMillan. Both of those guys come across as down-to-earth people in addition to being talented chefs.

  16. Let's just say she did know about this request and turned it down. How many other celebrities get requests that they can't possibly fulfill? And why are we only hearing about this one? Half the country has no idea who the heck Ina Garten is, now all of a sudden she is public enemy number one? And why would an 8 year old boy ask for some semi-famous chef to make him dinner when he can ask for Batman or something that kids like?

    This reeks of a smear campaign to me, and I am surprised this "charity" would be a part of it. Of course, now any celebrity is going to be terrified to say no to them now so maybe they used IG as an example of what could happen if you turn them down.

  17. Anonymous4:32 PM

    i'll take a ride with basil on her comment.

  18. Gawker had a grotesque piece basically making Make A Wish out to be a bunch of harassing thugs who the world would be a much better place without. What a load of crap. I swear I am so over that stupid site. Sorry for the digression but it was just draw-dropping and they shit all over the 6 year old too.

  19. Emotional blackmail.

  20. About 99% of HUGE stars can make time to spend with a child via Make A Wish - an absolutely wonderful foundation. I'm not impressed with this woman at all, though if she would've just made time for this child, she'd have much less publicity, because sh*tty behavior is what makes the headlines these days.

    When the A+++ list stars can make time out of what I'm sure are much busier schedules, her lame excuses fall flat. If her reps didn't tell her about this, she should fire them. Yeah, right. She should be flattered. No one will care who she is in a couple of years.

  21. And if it is blackmail to call someone out who turns down the wish of a dying child, then I don't know what this f*cking world has come to. I really don't.

  22. ^ I couldn't agree more.

    I thought it was pretty darn shocking that she would deny the poor kid in the first place. I mean, this kid could have asked for Batman, Superman, Johnny Depp, or Gerard Butler. (whoops.. those last two would have been me. :D )
    But she's his favorite. Is she just such a heartless piece of horse poo that she won't give a terminally ill child ONE day out of her (probably not THAT) busy schedule? Yeesh.

  23. I hope Enzo refuses to see her. I can't wait for her show to be cancelled.

  24. I am just kind of curious how many Make A Wish requests Johnny Depp has had, and how many he had to turn down. No one has turned on him. I bet Angelina Jolie probably gets a few requests that she can't fill too.

    I don't even know this woman, or watch her show, and for all I know she might be a bitch in real life. But I really do think it is odd that this particular refusal has come to light. And I am still not buying that an 8 year old kid who is dying is going to ask for this woman. Maybe his mother, but no way him.

    Something in the milk ain't clean about this story and I am not buying it.

  25. The Barefoot Beyotch, turned this baby with cancer down twice, he waited for her, to finish her 10 month book tour, after she used that as her first excuse. Than, the request was made again, only to be a final no, not doing that.
    If you want to take the time, read Enzo's Moms blog page. Google it before you keep on defending this POS TV Cook.
    You know what else, if my baby had cancer, and this happened to my child, I damn sure would be dropping a dime on the Barefoot Beyotch, who denied my dying child, their fondest dream.
    Make A Wish is an awesome foundation, I have seen it live and know how much they do for sick children and their families.
    What the hell has happened to this site?
    Btw, Basil, bite me

  26. You know what else? BS on the MAW intimidating celebraties, it is a fine organization, who after somebody tattled on the BB, put out a statement defending her and praising her for her contributions to them.

  27. It's not so much that she couldn't meet with him right away. It might not always be possible to drop everything, even for a kid with cancer. If you're on tour, for example, there are a lot of people depending on you being at a different place every single night for several months.

    But Enzo wasn't just waiting for a few months, he had been waiting for 3 years. 3 years is a long time, and you'd think that she could find at least one day out of 1,095 to come and visit a sick boy for a few hours. Hell, I bet Oprah is a lot busier than this woman and I'm sure she could have wangled it.

  28. @Connie Sorry you feel such hostility towards me for just asking questions and trying to get some facts before someone is burned at the public stake. When it comes to a child I know for a fact that I don't always take a step back. I go for the throat. But since this situation does not personally involve me, I CAN take a step back.

    If it turns out this Contessa person is a heartless bitch, I will stand corrected and apologize to you personally. But until I see proof, I see no reason why someone should be the victim of a witch hunt because of hurt feelings. And again I am sorry if I offended you, so I won't bite you.

  29. I am also trying not to condemn IG without knowing what truly happened, but I agree that it is not good if she simply ignored the request.

  30. My nephew has luekemia, too, the same cancer and trust me it is pain and agony like you can't imagine. They have chemo in their spine every 7 to 10 days, a spinal freaking tap filled with toxic chemicals and this is standard treatment for 2yrs after diagonosis.after they are almost dead from that you go to maintance only 2x a month, oh and Enzo could have had the harsher treatment which is radiation to the brain. You have no idea how it hurts to see them wasting away, killing the cancer, but also killing them, slowly, months in the hospital, ICU. Will they make it, is this the last breath? Lots never even get to the Make A Wish
    Just speaking up for this sick child, and like I said, BB knew full well about Enzo, it's there if you care to educate yourself.

  31. What a B---h and a liar. I've worked with several people who have been contacted by Make-a-wish and they knew exactly what was being asked and they were big stars. There's no way she didn't know. I feel bad that the people at Make-A-Wish now have to bite their tongues because she's now been shamed into doing this. I hope she sticks her head in an oven and forgets to take it out.

  32. I read Enzo's mother's blog (and she sounds smart, rational and very loving). She posted:

    I want to make it VERY CLEAR we have NO ANGER OR ILL WILL toward Ina Garten. Enzo made his request and she declined, end of that story.

    I think Ina Garten had a right to turn down the request, whatever her reason/s. But do I feel differently about her now? Yes.

  33. @Terri - Me too. And the dolphins too!

  34. I am done with this, Basil, I m sorry I called you out, but bite me, Basil, thought it was amusing.
    Yes this punches my buttons, ok?
    I am just so tired of our society, moving so far away from empathy and compassion.
    It used to be charity began at home, now it ends there.
    I'm safe, why do I care?
    How can you ever hope to recieve, if you don't know how to give. Trust me, any celebrity who gives their time to brighten these childrens darkest days, to be their Hero, will be much richer from the experience, than all the millions they could ever acquire.

  35. @Connie. This will be my last remark on this. Promise. The bite me comment, while I think it wasn't as much of a joke as you said, I didn't take too seriously But I did feel I had to respond just so you think I wasn't a total asshole.

    I do know what it feels like. I know of a 4 year old that is going through horrible treatments just to keep her alive, and it is heartbreaking. But I also know that her parents are so desperate and angry that they tend to blame a whole lot of people for something that they cannot control as a coping mechanism.

    So again I never meant to offend, but just tried to point out the other side of the arguement.

  36. I'd like to offer up this link to Enzo's mother's blog where she asks people to stop referring to her son as 'dying', 'terminal' or references to his 'last dying wish'.
    She also asks all the anger and hate to end, because she would rather everyone take all this wasted hateful energy towards a random celeb and turn it into healing, healthy, positive energy to direct toward her child - who is a warrior!


  37. Sorry, here is the link:

  38. I'll betcha her handlers really never did tell her. They probably thought it best to weed out all requests not caring who or what it was. Just a thought.

  39. My first reaction was to say - heartless witch ! Then I guess you have to stop and wonder if you have the full story. - Best wishes to the little warrior, may angels watch over you !

  40. Two things: I agree with Basil. The kid was 6 when he requested this. Three years later he still wants it? I have a 6 year old nephew. His passion changes weekly, if not hourly. I have my sister buy gifts for him because by the time it arrives in the mail, he's onto something else. Something is not right about this story, and I could never stand the BC, so I'm not defending her. Also, Connie, don't blaspheme "namaste" with your bad vibes and hostility.
