Monday, March 28, 2011

Blind Item - Kindness

This B list television actress on a hit network show has gone from one hit show to another. Both of them are still on the air. She also does movies, but they are not usually box office hits. Anyway, with her very nice weekly paycheck instead of spending it on porn stars and blow, she uses one paycheck each month to rent a furnished apartment for a year for a family that comes to her via a homeless shelter in LA. Her contact person at the shelter finds the family and our actress moves them in so the family has a chance at a better life. She has done this so far for seven families and four of them are now paying their own rent.


  1. I hope it is Kate Walsh of Private Practice/Grey's Anatomy.

    And nice Charlie Sheen reference lol. Looks like the public opinion of him seems to be turning against him lately.

  2. Could also be that girl from Big Bang Theory (thus the Sheen reference)?

  3. I like the Kate Walsh guess. Or maybe one of the Desperate Housewives?

  4. Sarah Chalke - girl has a pretty good track record.

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I don't have time to look this up, but I would love if it was Rashada Jones.

  6. Ooooooh. REALLY like the Rashida Jones guess.

  7. Oh sorry, I take my guess back! I didnt see that her previous show was still on the air.

  8. God Bless her!

  9. Whoever it is, it's wonderful that they do that. A class act. Wouldn't it be nice if the good people would get more attention/have more success in life than those losers who I refuse to mention?

  10. Rashida Jones- The Office and now Parks and Recreation; except for The Social Network, her movies are not "usually" box office hits. The Sheen reference could be that they are both children of Hollywood.

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  12. I like the Rashida guess. I imagine this will be a reveal.

  13. I really like the Rashida guess. I'm with that one!

  14. Enty, you missed a step! You do the pictures then the blind! See, that's why I get upset when people complain about the blog. Now I've lost my pictures because so many people said they didn't like them. *sniff* :'(

  15. I thought Sarah Chalke as well, though is her latest a 'hit' yet?
    Whomever it is, bless them!

  16. I agree w/Mooshki! I miss the pictures!

  17. Haha don't expect pictures anytime soon... Enty might need another fundraising drive first.

  18. Isn't Enty "friends" with Rashida? I double her guess.

  19. Amazing, four out of seven are already supporting themselves with a little help. This one made me teary.

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  21. Tina Fey--SNL and 30 Rock

  22. I missed the post or whatever that said why there are no longer posts with the pictures anymore. I loved it :) I thought maybe Enty was busy with the Radio show and that the pictures would be back soon.

    Please someone tell me what's happening :)

  23. Rashida has been in a lot of successful Apatow movies and only one tv show. Don't think it's her. What about Kristen Chenowith?

  24. Forbes Top 10 earners for 2010

    1. American Idol (Fox) $7.1 million
    2. Two and a Half Men (CBS) $2.89 million
    3. Desperate Housewives (ABC) $2.74 million
    4. Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) $2.67 million
    5. Dancing With the Stars (ABC) $2.67 million
    6. Lost (ABC) $2.60 million
    7. The Big Bang Theory (CBS) $2.50 million
    8. 24 (Fox) $2.45 million
    9. Private Practice (ABC) $2.32 million
    10. Mike & Molly (CBS) $2.11 million

    If both shows are hits my bet is on Kate Walsh. She does movies, Legion was not a huge hit.

  25. What???? When did we vote off the pictures?

    I didn't get the memo that there even was a vote!

    Who could possibly complain about something they can just scroll past?

    *confused and concerned*

  26. Rashida has been in at least 3 tv series I can think of, The office, Parks, and something after the office on fox that go canceled.

    Mooski, I really don't understand why you take people's complaints so personally. Maybe instead of a hate Cdan blog make a love one.

    That's a honest suggestions. I'm not being glib. I don't get it.

  27. EL had lots of Blind Item - Kindness about the cast of The Office: he spoke about Mindy Kaling, Rainn Wilson's wife and Ellie Kemper. There was also the blind about Angela Kinsey's husband having an affair and the blind put a positive spin on her for the divorce. He must have an insider among the cast. So, it wouldn't be very surprising that the new blind is about an actress who works with the same creative team and Rashida Jones was my first guess anyway.

    Anyway, I doubt that the source is John Krasinski, because the blinds about him weren't very nice...

  28. @angela.

    He also has a spy on GA, he was the first with the news that TR Knight was leaving. Kate Walsh was on the GA set recently to shot the musical episode.

  29. I love this!!! Would love to know who it is, but I understand wanting it to be anonymous.

  30. I love when KW goes back to GA!

  31. Anonymous4:35 PM

    i do hope that kindness blinds are not revealed if the celeb wants it that way. i tend to be private about my "personal" charities.

    for the biz, on the other hand, i dedicated a link on my website that denotes are charities.

  32. I am going to guess Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliette on Lost and now on V) to be different and because she'd fit.

  33. From the first line, I thought Rashida Jones! I'd love it to be Liz Mitchell but Lost isn't on the air anymore...

  34. I like that there are so many people it could be. Maybe the other ladies will start doing it as well...

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  36. i immediately thought this was kaley cuoco of the big bang theory... she dated johnny galecki who was revealed to have done the awesome kindness of giving everyone at a shelter a $100 gift card to wal-mart and chartering a bus to get them there.. maybe their kindness was a factor in their attraction to each other.

    she is making great $$ on the bbt now that they've renegotiated their contracts.

    and charmed is still on the air in syndication.

  37. First guess is Rashida Jones. Wasn't she in another Kindless blind?

  38. I'd say Kate Walsh too.

  39. What about Patricia Heaton? Everybody Loves Raymond is still on and now The Middle is a hit as well and she's done several not big hit movies and she ultra nice.

  40. Way late on this one, but what about Alyson Hannigan? Buffy is in syndication, and HIMYM is still a big hit, right? Plus, she's been a Kindness blind before.

  41. Love the Rashida Jones guess.

  42. Anonymous9:45 PM

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  43. I'm going with Alyson Hannigan.

  44. I've been meaning to post that I miss the blog how it used to be. With Pictures and Blind Items. Is enty not ever gonna post pics again??!! That would suck big time. I figured he has been busy with the radio show and because he was sick.
    Enty, please, please, pleeeease bring the old format back soon!

  45. I want Random Photos back too! Where else can I see photos of Southside Johnny and Eddie Izzard in one place?

  46. er Patricia Heaton is nice? Maybe if you are Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, or a plastic surgeon offering a 5 for the price of 2 special... otherwise she has never come across as anything but completely fake and totally scary (from a political perspective) to me! I cannot imagine her giving anything away unless it was being covered by primetime tv or accompanied by a good spot in People.

  47. If it really went back to how it was, there would be no pix and lots of blinds. The pics aren't original to the blog.

  48. Dana Delaney. She is independently wealthy and doesn't need the work. Was on "Desperate HWs" and now has a new show on ABC.

  49. Sheri Shepard - The View, 30 Rock, Precious - She's travels back and forth from NY to LA.

  50. this is so nice. i'd love to have the funds to do something even as marginally charitable.

  51. @Izahart..didn't know that about Heaton...if she can be mentioned in the same breath with that bunch forget I mentioned her.

  52. Shouldn't be a blind...should be on a billboard...that being said, God Bless her. I can only hope what she does becomes infectious and the norm...then where would we be? Happier? Better off? Maybe the person in need would certainly be those things. My point is that this is a concept CS could never conceive in a million years. He's that pathetic.

  53. lzahart, I know lots of Republicans who give very generously to many charaties. I understand that you may not like the political views of Republicans, but to insinuate that they would never be kind or generous is really narrow minded. Like Rush Limbaugh narrow-minded.

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  55. I miss the old blog too, I enjoyed the sets of pictures and the daily blinds, I would check the site often during the day.
    Sadly, I no longer look forward to checking the blog, and I do so once a week, only if work is slow.

    I miss the good ol' days. I've not been here since the beginning, but shortly after that, and I'm just bummed that times are changing.

    I hope we still get reveals...

  56. Hope this is a reveal and can't wait to learn who it is!!

  57. Jane Lynch? She played Sheen's therapist on Two and a Half Men as well as her role on Glee.
