Monday, March 14, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This fairly new celebrity couple with two C Listers were out to dinner this week when the male ran into an old flame at a restaurant. The old flame is famous too and was there with her husband. The couples ended up sharing a table and enjoying the meal together. All seemed to be going fine until the ladies left to go to the restroom and there was an apparent argument. The ladies got into it in the bathroom and the C Lister shoved the ex against the wall. The ex left the restroom and stormed to the table, grabbed her stuff and her husband and exited the restaurant. She then went to the C Lister’s car and keyed the door.


  1. I know it's super obnoxious when people prattle on and on about blinds being fake, but I just CANNOT believe any of the BuzzFoto stuff. The details are either too vague or outlandish.

    I like CDAN's blinds (obviously), Blind Gossip, and Lainey, but BuzzFoto has always seemed like a dubious source. I dunno.

    If this had really happened, I just think there would be photographic proof.

    Um. Speaking of Lainey, does anyone have a guess for the recent blind? I kinda want to say Amanda Seyfried.

  2. I agree. Are any of BuzzFoto's blind items ever revealed?

    Amanda is a good guess for Lainey's blind, but I think she still gets a lot of work, so I don't think it can be her. My guess was Ashley Judd. She's known for passing out the silence stones to people when they are not allowed to speak to her. She also doesn't get much work anymore.

  3. I really don't know my C-Listers very well.

    As for Lainey's blind, I don't think Seyfried. She's a total health nut according to recent interviews, and this person sounds like a drooling mess. Usually Lainey gives hints, but I wasn't getting any from this. Maybe Winona Ryder?

  4. See, I really don't WANT it to be Amanda, but she doesn't have anything in production right now, and she's been doing the press junket thing for Little Red Riding Twatlight or whatever the hell it's called.

  5. How about Scarlett Johanssen (for the Lainey blind)? She's having sex with Sean Penn, either TMZ or enty said it was all about chain smoking, drinking, and sex ... I'm just thinking she's capable of driving the batmobile.

  6. Oh, and yes, these Buzzfoto blinds are either so obvious they're silly to be blind, or so vague there's not even a clue in them.

  7. We might all be wrong. Scarlett, Ashley and Amanada are all either currently filming, or have movies in pre-production.

  8. @Lorelei -- Scarlett's actually known to be pretty professional, even if she attracts diva rumors and has terrible taste in men. I really don't think this is her -- one thing you can say for SJ is that there aren't many pictures of her stumbling out of a club drunker than hell. Plus, she hasn't had a movie to publicize lately.

    I still kinda think that this might be Amanda. She seems a little petulant, she's casually dating (i.e., shamelessly porking) Ryan Phillipe, and she's been hitting up clubs and stuff lately. Plus, she's been making the rounds for her new movie. Have you seen the photos from her at the latest press junket? Enty posted one here in the random photos a few days ago. She REALLY DOES look like she's about to pass out!

    She's gorgeous, and I want anyone associated with Mean Girls to succeed (even Lindsay), but Amanda *does* strike me as kind of a pill.

  9. I saw a tweet from Lainey the other day where she was gloating about this quote from Jason Patric to EW: "I was working with Ashley Judd and she is a nightmare. She's lazy, selfish, arrogant."
    Defintely could be Ashley for the Lainey blind!
    I don't think Amanda for this one at all. She's not a mess is she? From what I've heard she's very professional and a sweet person.

  10. Yeah, I get the impression this is someone who's been around longer than Amanda based on the phrasing of the blind.

  11. @Reno -- Lainey's actually hinted that Amanda is kind of a...handful. I actually think she comes across as pretty likeable, too, but I also don't really mind it when actresses get bitchy in print. :-)

    Mmmm! Jason Paaaaaatrick. Yummy. And I trust him. But Ashley's been a Lainey blind before -- she's the one who makes disgusting messes and basically wanders drunkenly around her house naked and drunk and screaming at her employees.

    And, again, I think Lainey's specifically referring to someone who's participated in a press conference recently. Ashley hasn't done anything for a loooooong time, has she?

  12. RQ -- at first, I thought Halle, but she was the most recent Lainey blind subject. The "I hope she gets cancer" one.

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  14. People are actually guessing Paula Abdul for lainey's blind. The "She's straight up crazy" was hinting to her song "Straight Up."

    I'm going to have to stick with Ashley Judd and her mute stones, who did a junket fairly recently for Tooth Fairy...or Paula is a good guess, cause of the straight up hint.

    I think Amanda might be too young for this BV. The way Lainey makes the BV sound is as if it's a person who's been in the business a while, used to have great gigs...and is now fading and losing work. Amanda is still fairly new.

  15. Okay. I LOVE the Paula guess. Booze? Check! Pills? Check! Proven wackiness and mental instability? Check!

    She's surely angling for an X-Factor spot, and she's been involved with that dance show. I can see Paula fitting this, for sure.

    My ONLY beef with Paula as the answer is how Lainey says she's suddenly "able to speak in complete sentences" when she has the proper audience. Paula's most coherent statement to date is one that expresses her desire to cut off David Archuleta's head and hang it from her rearview mirror, remember?

    At any rate, I still love her. I had an autographed picture of Paula when I was nine, and then I turned fourteen and was suddenly ~too cool~ for it. I sold it at a yard sale, but you'd better believe that it would be hanging in my living room if I still owned it today. It was awesome.

  16. amoteafloat said...
    I like CDAN's blinds (obviously), Blind Gossip...
    Just an FYI - Blind Gossip makes up most of their blinds, or quickly writes them from current news sources. Such as Timberlake/Biel breaking up. They will now write one saying this singer and his "hot" ex had more going on than you think...
    It's total garbage over there.

  17. crila16 said...

    I agree. Are any of BuzzFoto's blind items ever revealed?
    BuzzFoto used to reveal almost ALL their blinds. They had a special group you had to sign up for and every weekend they posted 2 or 3 reveals. They had to quit doing it after they started receiving cease and desist letters from attorneys.

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  19. Jessica. Actually...Gossip Boy (who has also been questioned for its legitimacy) I think got the Justin/Biel BV first. Buzzfoto will probably be next.

  20. @Jessica -- eh...I dunno. Their blinds are clue-heavy, well-written, and coherent (which is a rarity in the celeb gossip world), and most of the commenters are pretty intelligent and provide good guesses. I think that there are a few CDANers over there, actually. I used to comment, but I HATE being in moderation. What's the point of being the forty-fifth person to say the same thing?

    That said, I've found a few of BG's stuff to be pretty scandalous and believable. I LOVE this one, for instance:

    Awww. Demi and Madonna. They're just like us!

    The only thing that site does that I *don't* like is excitedly announce every once in a while that they're going to publish five blinds, and then those blinds just end up being rehashed from other sites. Kinda boring. Most of us make the rounds, so to speak, and I don't need to read yet ANOTHER Brangelina guess for a clue. I want exCLUsive dirt, not regurgitated dirt.

  21. I was guessing Ashley Judd for the Lainey Blind as well; someone very close to me almost did a major project with her and was warned off by a lot of people. Apparently she has burned nearly all her bridges in the movie world and now is headed for television...where there's a whole new world of people to piss off.

  22. OMG. Remember when Ashley played Swoozie Kurtz's snotty daughter on that trashy show Sisters? I would honestly watch that whole series again if it were on Netflix or something, no lie.

    Off-topic PSA: My So-Called Life is on streaming Netflix. I know I can't be the only one who still pines for Jordan Catalano.

  23. amoteafloat: A friend of mine totally made up blinds and sent them to Blind Gossip and they published them immediately.
    Case closed.

  24. crila16: I don't read BG and only referenced a Timberlake/Biel blind as a guess as to what they would be writing about soon, it was an example.

  25. @Jessica - I get that you think BG is full of crap, really I do. But I don't think it's ALL crap, sorry.

  26. Jessica - that's hilarious! I've wondered what would happen if someone like me ("normal") sent a fake (or even real) blind to a gossip site or tabloid.

  27. @Jessica - btw, which "fake blind" did your friend send in? So we can ignore that one? ;)

  28. @Jessica -- I WANT to believe you!
    :-) Which blinds were they? I'm totally curious.

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  30. OH. MY. GOD. I forgot that Clooney was on that show! And Springsteen's ex-wife! Julianne something!

    Sela Ward is seriously gorgeous, BTW. Talk about aging well.

  31. OH! And do you remember when Swoozie's husband began his cross-dressing habit?

    Jesus. That show was the shit. It really, really was.

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  33. They were a year ago last October - 4 of them. So don't think it's any you are currently stewing over. And it was pointed out to them pretty heavily when it happened, I'm sure they wouldn't be stupid enough to do it again.

    Believe it or not, I'm not trying to make you not believe BG, but just saying that many know they are total bullshit over there.

  34. Oops, *A year ago last July.

  35. @jbdean -- "I used to wear my sunglasses below the chin like she did (still sometimes do... it's comfortable)"

    Now I'll be doing this all the time, on purpose, just because Sela did it. :-)

    Sela has an autobiography?! How did I not know that? I LOVE bios. Check out Candice Bergen's Knock Wood, if you're into stuff like that. She's a GREAT writer, and it's a pretty juicy and substantial book. Also, yaaaay Murphy Brown, while I'm at it. That's ANOTHER show that needs to be on DVD. Seriously -- fucking Small Wonder is on DVD, but Sisters and Murphy Brown aren't? WHAT A TRAVESTY.

    @Jessica -- I am NOT doubting you, believe me. I've long wondered if the author of that blog is an actress, publicist, etc., and I also wonder who tips her off. Either way, I could certainly stand to peruse the web a little less. If I have to knock BG off my list, so be it.

    I think that site is a LITTLE more valid than Ted C's., though. I get so, so, so tired of the outing. Sometimes, I just like tales about bitchiness, jealousy, and drunkenness. That's *my* kinda Hollywood!

  36. yous ladies are crazy today

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  38. @jbdean -- OMG. You have made my day, no shit. I'll be buying the first season of Murphy Brown STAT.

    The only other person who shares our intense love for trashy nineties television is dlisted's Michael K. He remembers EVERYTHING.

    In fact, I think that Wade Halsey (kill me now for knowing his name, BTW) and his lacy panties should be a Hot Slut of the Day!

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  40. Jessica...thanks for the heads up. I'm done with Blind Gossip.

    I know that Lainey is 100% legit gossip, because I actually have some gossip that I emailed her about a few times. She said even though it was good, and she believed me, she couldn't use it, because it had to be a legit source that she had facts to back it up. Understandable.

  41. @crila -- I love Lainey. I'm sure she's a total bitch in real life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. She seems to truly know her shit, and her blinds are AWESOME.

  42. I love Lainey too, even though she loves Gweneth Paltrow.

  43. ...oh, I totaly think this is Ashley Judd. Can't stand her.

  44. @sunnyside -- I think she loves Nineties Gwyneth more than Actual Gwyneth. :-)

  45. i believe this. a friend of mine had just started dating her now husband when his ex (who i HATED)showed up at the restaurant where the new couple was eating and ranted and raved in front of about 20 people that he was a pig. then, as she's walking out she turns and says to my friend, "and by the way, he likes to do it doggy style". and HE was a state senator.

  46. @jbdean -- Sela's on CSI:New York and has made it that much better.

  47. Swoosie Kurtz is now on Mike and Molly, she is so funny!

  48. Did a little research on Sisters...apparently there is some issue with music licensing and/or possible royalties. I did find a Facebook fan site, the person who runs it waited for 500 people to join before she sent off a petition to the studio to release it on DVD. Here is the fan site:
    Also, you can find it on Amazon and get on their waiting list-so when it becomes available Amazon will e-mail you.

  49. @girltrav, you're the shit. Thanks!

  50. Hey wasn't Lainey dissing on Fishsticks recently in regards to her singing? Yeah here's the link:

  51. No problem, I love to research!

  52. Loved the show Sisters! I'll have to read Sela's autobiography.

    I just finished Tatum O'Neals, and it is completely tragic on what that girl and her brother had to go through while growing up and some as an adult and that is just with their father issues! She should not be doing a reality show with her father he is a total scumbag (and worse than I thought). Yuk!!

  53. George Clooney was hot hot hot in Sisters!!

  54. I loved Sisters too!!!

    I hope the blind is made up b/c that is totally ridiculous.

  55. Late to comment here, but wanted to add there are more than several instances I know of where Blind Gossip published some made-up BS that was sent to them as "blinds"...and that's when they aren't busy making up their own. Not legit. At all.
