Friday, March 18, 2011

Charlie Sheen Threatens Denise Richards - Makes Big Bucks On Tour

It won't be as easy money as doing Two And A Half Men, but Charlie Sheen is expected to take home about $7M for his 21 concert dates. Meanwhile, in the why he is not always the fun and shiny warlock who is always winning, US Weekly says he threatened Denise with physical harm when she would not provide their two daughters for a photo op. I can't say that I blame her. Would you want your kids to be in that environment? Who ever thought that Denise would be the one who I think should be raising all of Charlie's kids? Charlie's people deny he ever threatened harm to Denise but if her head ever shows up in a box on the front step of her dad's place I am guessing we will know who did it.


  1. If he really doesn't get why Denise would refuse that request, he is truly a lost cause.

  2. Anonymous11:00 AM

    That photo is just...

    *dry heaves*

  3. It's unbelievable that so many are willing to pay to see Charlie do his circus-sideshow-crazy act. Guess he is not the only one who needs mental help.

    Good for Denise for trying to keep her children away from the sick publicity surrounding Charlie. I wonder if there is a way for her to get extra security to protect her from Charlie and to get Charlie to pay for it.

  4. Just proves how sick our culture is. With the economy being what it is, people are spending hard-earned money on this insanity?

    I stand by what I said last week. Even if this circus was free, I wouldn't go. I don't support abuse.

  5. Denise should be raising the twin boys as well as her two daughters. She is the only rational, drug free option there is. These children just break my heart, money sure does not buy everything.

  6. It's Complicated

    Wow, I guess Denise was right.

  7. I heard last night that he's going to be appearing here in Toronto April 14th. Tickets go on sale tomorrow, and they're priced at $79.50 - $109.50.

    To echo what others have said, I think it's pathetic that people would pay to see such dreck.

  8. I admit I was tempted to buy tickets to the Radio City show. But my better common sense got a hold of me . Those ticket prices are outrageous for a 75 minute show of him just smoking and sitting in a chair rambling.

  9. I keep looking to see if he's coming to my town and then I'm like WHY?!?! A) I'm not going to go
    B) Why feed into the over-flated ego that is Charlie Sheen
    C) I'm not going to reward the bad behavior.

  10. Huh. He's actually coming to Houston. Wonder why? I certainly don't know anyone who wants to see him. He's not worth 57.00, much less 107.00.

  11. When Charlie and Denise broke up I didn't like how he came off smelling like a rose and it was she who was the villain. It's rarely ever that black and white. I'm glad the truth is coming out for her sake, she never struck me as being a nutcase until she started dating him.

  12. seeing that photo .... wasn't there a BI about a tv star who lost their teeth due to drug use?

  13. Can't imagine there'd be a BI about Charlie Sheen, he's been so open about his lifestyle for all these years, it's been common knowledge since the Heidi Fleiss Fiasco.

  14. Didn't he (successfully) take Denise to court to block her from showing their daughters on her reality show? The judge ordered that they could appear, but their faces had to be blurred or obscured.

  15. In January 2008 Richards decided to include her two daughters with Charlie Sheen in the show, but Sheen deemed her plans "greedy, vain and exploitative".[2] On January 25, 2008, Richards won a court case against Sheen so that she can include her daughters in the show.[3] When a judge rejected Sheen's request to block it,[4] the latter urged fans to boycott it.[5]

    An agreement was reached between Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards regarding the custody of the children. [6]
