Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jodie Foster Keeps On Loving Mel Gibson

One thing you have to say about Jodie Foster is that if you are her friend, you apparently are her friend for life and she will stick up for you through anything. I think that is pretty admirable, especially in a town where they will throw you to the wolves the second you do anything wrong and then when you make it to the top again, they claim they were with you all along and would never leave you.

I have already talked about Jodie and Mel, so I am not going to rehash that. What I saw though when I was reading the article and which I did not know or slipped my mind is that Jodie just finished shooting a Roman Polanski movie. See, this is the strange thing. I have always thought of Jodie as this powerful feminist who would take no crap from any man and here she is loving a woman beater, anti Semite, and working for a director who raped a child. This does not mesh with the Jodie Foster that she portrays to the world. Although the reporter asked about Mel, no one asked her why she would want to work with Roman Polanski. Maybe I don't have as much respect for Jodie as I thought. It is one thing to be loyal to your friends and another to embrace every bad guy in LA.


  1. I really can't figure her out. What's she doing with Polanski? Why so buddy-buddy with Mel? Baby daddy? What's the back story?

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    All I can say is: What a disappointment...

  3. Is she ever going to come out of the closet?

  4. Well, Johnny Depp hung out with Truman Capote back in the day. Capote allegedly was into underage males. Depp is also a Polanski supporter.

    I no longer care at this point.

  5. I have never heard that about Truman. Young men, yeah, but never that he was a pedophile

  6. I love how the cover revers to her as "the beaver director".

    I think it's great that some people will stay loyal to their friends no matter what, but when the friends in question has said some of the things Mel Gibson can stay supportive but maybe make sure people know you do not agree with those comments. You know? Unless, of course, you do.

  7. Blubonnetmom. She is out of the closet to people close to her, she just hasn't announced it to the world. She feels her personal/private life is her business and who she chooses to share her sexual preference with is up to her and no one else.

  8. I read the article.
    She's complicated, and driven to experience a lot of life. More than just the comfortable bits, and most of it first-hand - not just from the couch.
    I'm OK with it.
    Will I see the movie? Probably not ...

  9. Robert Downey Jr. also has a soft spot for Mel Gibson and would never turn against him. That's what created friction between BFF's Robert Downey and Jude Law. Jude Law can't stand Mel and doesn't understand Downey's loyalty. Downey said he will never turn against Mel, because Mel didn't turn his back on him when everyone else did in hollywood during his drug filled years. He said Mel was the only person who trusted in him and gave him work and support.

  10. crilla16, funny you mentioned RDJ because the first paragraph of this post had me so thinking of him. He was loved, then fell from grace and hated and now that he is on top again he is loved. Hollyweird is one fucked up town lol

  11. I don't post on here very often but felt compelled to with this story. I love & admire Jodie Foster and even more so after she shows support for her friend Mel . We should all be so lucky to have a friend as loyal as her. We don't know the whole story about Mel & his rants & the demons behind them but she does and still offers out-spoken support. Says a lot about her loyalty & character. Stays by a friend even when it's not-PC to do so. I think it's pretty kick-ass.

  12. Katsluv: Do you think there is ever a time when you should not stand by your friends? I am curious as to what you think.

    To me, there is a line between supporting a friend in need and being an enabler. And Mel crossed the line where he should be supported in my book, but I am interested in hearing where you would draw it.

  13. I think if you love someone, you love them no matter what. That is what this shows here. My mom always said that when someone is acting their worst, it is when they need the most love and understanding.

    I'm NOT condoning anything Mel did. Just thinking about why Jodie is standing by him. I have no problem with it. Also, she has enough credibility to not worry about her reputation.

  14. you love them but that doesn't mean you condone awful things they do. you don't make excuses and rationize horrible behavior. you say 'i love him because that's not the person i know, BUT.......'

    that's loyal but honest. and that's what you need from real friends. i don't agree that you just love them more when they're acting their worst. no way.

  15. Hi nancer - I don't think loving them at their worst means condoning them at their worst or rationalizing their behavior. It means supporting them when they are clearly troubled.

  16. Her working with Polanski upsets me way more than sticking by Mel when they have such a long-standing friendship. Mel would have known she is gay, yet he didn't abandon her, even though he is a radical Christian.
    Polanski though, when you are a parent? Add her to my Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan list of 'why would you work with a child rapist when you have kids?' Bet none of them would let him babysit.

  17. I really like what Ms. Cool said.

    I think Mel Gibson and Roman Polanski are each total assholes, and I'm not condoning ANYthing they did, but I have mixed feelings when it comes to Jodie's loyalty. There's a line between being supportive and enabling a person, and since we don't really know what kind of friendship they have, it's just impossible to know whether or not Mel has expressed any remorse to Jodie. Maybe he has, and she's trying to help him change? I kinda think that putting Mel in a movie is enabling him, though.

    I think Jodie approaches filmmaking from a purely aesthetic stance (uh, even if she did just direct a movie called The Beaver...*smh*), and it's easier for her to separate the performer/director from the actual person. She's been a pro since toddlerhood -- perhaps it's just easier for her to flip that switch than it would be for a more sensitive person.

    Anyway, she's such a private lady, and I can see how she would compartmentalize things that way.

    And who CARES if she never actually comes out? She's still a badass actress with enormous range. I've known she was gay since the eighties. It's pretty obvious.

  18. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Can unconditional love be a bad thing? I don't know...

    Great comments here, by the way! I am reading and thinking deep thoughts at WORK of all places. Usually I spend all afternoon just dreaming about the Snickers bar in the snack machine.

  19. It has been over a year since I posted a comment or contributed anything to Enty. Mainly because I work in this industry and had too many close calls. Anyway - I felt compelled to crawl out of the morass to comment here (though few will read it so late in the day I guess).

    I cannot and do not speak for Jodie Foster. I used to know her via Ed Limato in the old ICM days. What I do know is this: She is a total barracuda when it comes to close pals. Why? It goes back to the 80s and when John Hinckley shot Reagan all to win Jodie's love. To say it wrecked her life and career is beyond exact. The entire town closed down on her. She was in college and hoping for a comeback, that dream faded fast. Her agent dropped her and only tabloids cared for her - hounding her night and day. She almost killed herself. She tried many times.

    But a few people (including Limato and his roster) saved her life and then her career. She took every shitty role offered to prove her worth, all while living in a closet. As time progressed, Limato and crew (including Gibson, Gere, Julia, Denzel, Michelle Pf., etc.) all protected her.

    She cried in Mel's and Denzel's arms many nights. It took until ACCUSED and SILENCE before studio execs wanted her full time again. Back when Mel did Lethal 1 - he was the hottest star alive. It took his balls and loyalty to force execs to allow Jodie to direct on her own, and if Mel didn't force it - there would be no Lil Man Tate or anything else.

    This is why the loyalty.
    When Gibson made Air America - the insurance bond wouldn't cover Downey. They refused due to his refusal of a physical (due to drugs). Mel posted the completion bond from his own pocket (as in millions). Even after 50 arrests and rehabs, Mel stood by him. There would have been no more RDJr. had Mel not threatened execs at Warners if they refused to hire RDJr.

    Those types of pals in this town are rare and very few. Now, as for Polanski? I do not know him.

    Mel Gibson has serious issues and I have talked with him several times in the past few years. All I can say is there’s much, much more to this than anyone knows. That does not excuse him or his drinking and rants. Mel has issues and is trying to get better. I will defend him professionally as he did for me.

    For two years people in town gossiped about ME being a dope head. Because I took MORPHINE every day. And Fentanyl patches (very strong). They all said I was a junkie. Some agents and execs stopped speaking to me. My movies got put into turnaround everywhere. Doors closed and invites stopped. Why? Gossip. They never knew that I had a tumor in my spine wrecking my life and killing me with pain daily. I didn't publicize it so they spread gossip. But when a film I produced earned almost a billion dollars? Suddenly they all wanted me again. Even though my tumor has gotten worse and my meds even stronger.

    I still can work, am still on meds - but they all come from my oncologist and neurologist – as always. I knew the truth, as did my friends and family. But they just wanted gossip - not compassion.

    Two big pals DID stand up for me and stick by me. One was Johnny Depp (who came to my house for my daughter's bday dressed as a pirate!). The other was Mel Gibson (without whom Batman Begins and Dark Knight would still be on a shelf. Though his name is not related to either. True story).

    Today? I keep going. We all have to. So anyone might hold judgment until we know ALL the facts. There's always 3 sides to every story. And as MLK said: The measure of a man is how he acts when everything around him crumbles." It's also a measure of loyalty and compassion. They may be stars, but they are people too. Bless you all.

  20. @Himmmmm -- uh, that's the best post I've read here in forever, and it was a COMMENT. Thanks for your showbiz insights, and I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say that I hope you're healthy and doing well.

    Are you aware how you've just totally set yourself up as the subject of a new blind, though? :-) I'll bet I'm not the only CDANer trying to figure out who the heck you are!

  21. Amazing post Himmmm. Thanks. Loyal friends are gard to find ANYWHERE.

  22. Himmmm -- Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to this segment. You are writing from a perspective that i think a lot of people should consider and learn from. Most people who have commented about the Gibson/Grigorieva situation have done so without knowing all of the facts.

    Also, i think i can say that consistent CDAN readers have missed your comments in the last year. Under the circumstances, it's perfectly understandable. I hope that you have peace in your life now.

  23. Anonymous4:57 PM

    regarding himmmm's post...

    now that my friends is someone IN THE KNOW! that is all.

    may you have continued success in whatever dreams/plans you have himmmm!

  24. I, for one, have missed you Himmmm.

  25. Aww shucks, thanks guys! (as he stands with hands in pockets and kicks rocks on the ground).

    I assure you that while I lead an interesting life - and work with many interesting folks - I'm just like each of you. We all strive, love, dream, and lose just the same. I'm not especially famous - but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

    Seriously - thanks for the well wishes and consideration. It's not lost on me that absolute strangers can muster care and empathy to another stranger. You guys never fail to prove what's best about us all. It's called humanity. (Though a lil snark is fun now and then).

    I'll not be a stranger - I promise. 'Til then? My hat in hand - I bow to you all. Be safe, and smile a little. No matter how bad your worries, debts, or pressures? That sun will rise tomorrow. Just never give up ;-)

  26. Thank you, Himmmm--the insight into various people you've known does help bring home the fact that celebrities are real live human beings, too (not that we ever doubted that, but sometimes it's hard to remember when one only sees certain aspects of theirs). Loyalty is a rare trait these days in all circles, not just showbiz, and it's refreshing to hear that some people do in fact still have it. (I'm guessing that just because one is still a loyal friend who defends another publicly doesn't mean that one wouldn't have a word with a friend over the friend's misbehavior--while one might not want to say anything publicly, privately is another matter, and we just don't know what goes on between people in private.) Anyway, welcome back, and don't be stranger, you hear? *hug*

  27. Why would she want to work with Polanski, Enty? Maybe because she wants to work with a very talented director (his personal life is surely separate from his work)? Working with someone - or enjoying their work - doesn't mean you condone their personal wrongdoings or opinions. If anything it shows that you have the intelligence and capability to separate the work (the 'art') from the person.

    Also, to Himmmm, let me join those thanking you for your invaluable insight!

  28. As much as I love good dirt, I often wonder what led up to someone going astray. There are always details we never hear about and certain people are demonized while others carry on protected by their industry for reasons unknown.
    I'll keep my anonymous life thanks.

  29. Wow Himmmm, what a fantastic post. Thanks for giving us an alternate perspective, and if you don't mind, I'll send a few prayers your way in hopes for a less painful days.

  30. Himmmm...I have missed you dearly.

    I could have sworn I read about Johnny Depp showing up to a birthday party dressed as a pirate...I remember because I was so envious. ;)

    Much love to you and yours

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  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. "you can sit behind a blog or behind a comment section and cast stones....."

    Are you joking? Why are you here at all, with that attitude?

  34. Thank you Himmmm. I think we all learned something today.
    I also think we need to separate the person from their talents. Do I enjoy Michael Jackson music? Yes, however I do realize that this man may have been a pedophile. I feel the same way about Roman Polanski.

  35. Very insightful, Himmmm! Thank you.

  36. Thank you Himmmm for the insight. You have provoked all of us to think at least. I wish you well and a miracle.

  37. Himmmm, enjoyed your post and sure wish I knew who you were so I could support you with all that is in me.

    People forget the true things going on in Hollywood and the challenge of the mountains that have to be succumbed. Thanks for doing it and thanks for standing up for people that are railroaded (to me it is just that).

    Mel might have his weaknesses, but without those weaknesses and him getting frustrated here or there, he wouldn't be the actor/director he is today. Jodie wouldn't be as dynamite as she is today.

    I'd like to hear what Mel had to do with batman :-).


  38. Himmmmm - your commentary is both fascinating and insightful. Please post more often. I wish you well and take care.

  39. Himmmmm - your commentary is both fascinating and insightful. Please post more often. I wish you well and take care.

  40. Thank you so very much for your comments Himmmmm. I am so very glad that Mel Gibson has friends like Jodie Foster and in some way you. It is also heartening to see that he is the type that will go to the wall for people as well.
    I have firmly believed there is much more to the situation with him than we any know.
    I hope you won't mind if I will send you healing thoughts and positive energies. May you have many days of creativity.

  41. Loyalty aside I am no longer a fan of hers.

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  43. I've been a long time lurker but have never commented before. Himm, I'm so glad you commented, since I used to work a little in the industry and was very much aware of what of Mel had done for RDJr. As someone who had an addict for a brother, I know first hand how incredibly difficult it is to tolerate or help someone with an addiction, so I knew Mel had to be a genuinely good and generous person to have stood by RDJr through the worst of his habit, which is why I've always thought this whole situation with his shady wife is very strange. As a woman, I certainly don't condone hitting one's wife, but I've found her behavior to be questionable and I've had no sympathy for her - I've thought all along it was to promote her own career. So I've never believed all the garbage circulating about Mel Gibson and this situation. It's nice to know there's validity to my belief.

    I'm a commoner these days and have told countless people what I've posted here. Unfortunately, they all think I'm crazy. I wish you and Mel only the best, though. Thanks again for sharing.

  44. If we should disavow and cancel our friends based on their apparent bigotry, there wouldn’t be many popular people left in Hollywood. Sarah Silverman for a start, she’s done black face and is an open racist, sexist Christophobic pig, but her targets are mostly white people so it’s all OK. Going by current standards of love and tolerance in Hollywood Mel definitely should get a free pass.
