Thursday, March 10, 2011

Julianne Moore As Sarah Palin

Julianne Moore has been cast to play Sarah Palin a new movie for HBO about the 2008 election. Hmm. I love Julianne Moore, but I am wondering if she is the right person for the role. That being said, I am trying to think of others that would be better and I am coming up with blanks. Obviously I first thought of that look-a-like porn performer who did those parody Hustler movies last year. I believe one title was Nailin' Palin. Then, I realized that HBO would probably want to go in a different direction. I guess if you color Julianne's hair darker, throw on some glasses and make her sound like an extra from Fargo then she could probably do a good job.


  1. What about Tina Fey?!

  2. There's only one Sarah Palin.


    ha ; )

  3. Blech. Not Julianne Moore. I still was thinking someone like Frances McDormand or Annette Bening. Julianne Moore cannot do accents. I like her, but it's not a good fit.

  4. Frankly, Sarah Palin should be ecstatic that the gorgeous and talented Julianne Moore actually WANTS to portray her.

    Whhhhhhyy, Julianne?! You are SO MUCH BETTER than a made-for-television biopic about one of the world's dumbest, most dangerous people!

  5. Yes, this will be a stretch for Julianne. I'm not sure she can play stupid very well at all!

  6. Julianne can do anything. I have no doubt she' it.

  7. Why is no one commenting about the fact this site has been taken over by some stupid ad? It took me almost 2 hours just to get in here and it is still throwing me out every few minutes. Keeps popping up over the site logo at the top of the page and won't go away.

  8. Do you guys have/use Google Chrome? This site ALWAYS crashed in the past until I switched to a new browser.

  9. I'm using Google Chrome without any problems. But I also have adblock ;)

  10. So, Julianne is reprising her role from "Psycho?"

  11. annette bening is only about 20 years too old so forget that.

    i think moore's a very good actress. she can pull it off.

  12. I'm not a huge fan of Palin, but what's funny is 1/2 the people who hate Sarah Palin have no clue about what's going on in the political world. They're just sheep that follow what everyone else is saying, because they're afraid people won't like them or will make fun of them if they don't agree. Also, they don't know anything about her and aren't well read, and are afraid they'll look stupid if they admit to it.

  13. @crila -- uhhhhh, that's a gigantic generalization, to say the least. The majority of the people who despise Palin do so precisely because they ARE politically aware and interested in the world at large.

    "They're just sheep that follow what everyone else is saying"

    Are you getting anti-Palinites mixed up with the Tea Partyers, by chance?

    Personally, I don't hate SP because it's ~trendy.~ I hate her because she's ridiculously unqualified, completely hypocritical, hilariously stupid, a dangerous hindrance to her own gender's fight for reproductive rights, a bigoted homophobe, and is a gun-happy sociopath who doesn't care about animal welfare or environmentalism.
    In a nutshell.

    Hell, I'm not the biggest fan of the GOP, but I can also admit that not every Republican is as evil or ignorant as Palin. There are surely a few examples of informed conservatives who follow reputable outlets, instead of Fox News. I hope...

    I'm interested in what you meant by "well read." I mean, the fact that I haven't picked up Palin's stupid (and ENTIRELY ghostwritten) flag-wavin', Biblethumpin' bio doesn't mean I'm not well-read. It just means I have good literary taste. ;-)

  14. I agree with RQ, Julianne Moore can do anything! Love her!

  15. Thanks must be the 1/2 that knows what's going on then. Congratulations!!! The other 1/2 are just followers...or sheep rather.

  16. @crila -- I kinda think that the other half are the ones who are too lazy to vote in the first place. :-)

  17. I was going to post something, but amoteafloat took the words right out of my mouth. And she's incredibly dangerous because of the undue influence she wields with like-minded individuals. Most of whom own guns.
    @Drcocks: People are complaining about it on the FB page, too. What's the deal?

  18. I couldn't have said it better Amoteafloat...thank you bunches!!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I wonder how it is going to turn out. Why is it even being made?

    I can't see ads, have no idea what you are talking about. And I am using Safari.

  21. amoteafloat...couldn't agree with you more.;-)
