Friday, March 18, 2011

Katie Holmes Got A Sewing Machine For Her Birthday

Apparently Tom Cruise likes his outfits to be hand sewn by Katie Holmes. Well, probably not, but with millions of dollars to spend on fabulous birthday gifts, Tom Coruise bought Katie Holmes a sewing machine for her birthday. It must be time to feed a big bunch of horse crap time to Women's Wear Daily because Katie Holmes or someone pretending to be her told them that she loves to make every place she goes with Suri feel like home and the best way to do that is to set up the sewing machine "her husband" bought her for her birthday.

"My husband got me a sewing machine for my birthday. My mom grew up making curtains and pillows and everything, and it made our home very warm, so I like to do things like that with my daughter."

Yeah, does anyone see Katie lugging around a sewing machine to every place she visits with her daughter? Do I think Tom bought Katie a sewing machine for her birthday? Absolutely. No question. He probably has this little vision of Katie sitting there humming "Whistle While You Work," while she makes matching outfits for the whole family. This is such a bunch of crap. Every few months some story comes out like this to try and show the world this family is like something out of a Leave It To Beaver episode. I don't buy it for a second.

You want to know why I don't buy this for a second? One very interesting clue. The WWD reporter asked for the sewing machine name. Katie said she could not share such details. Please. Such crap.


  1. In the name of clothes-wearing humans all around the world, I must beg Ms. Holmes to STEP AWAY FROM THE SEWING MACHINE.

  2. I hate to sh!t but seriously that is one ugly assed outfit.

  3. First, she doesn't lug anything except Suri. She has people to handle the luggage.

    Second, If she is a fashion designer, as she claims, I would think she should have already had a sewing machine. You know, the designers on Project Runway can sew and create their designs themselves.

    Third, she's an idiot.

  4. If he bought her a sewing machine, he probably bought the wrong brand and forgot to get a serger too. Many sewers are fanatically brand-loyal.

    Katie lugging a sewing machine? No way. Each home would have its own sewing machine in a sewing room.

  5. This wreaks like a big ol' steaming pile of BS.

  6. Good points, Patty. I was about to say, I'm sure she has people to carry her sewing machine.

  7. This is such bogus BS and I don't believe that she has had the time to sew in years. Seriously, do you think that we are all stupid?

  8. She is just following the scientology script that Tommy requires her to perform.

    And like the others above, some poor scientoligist earning oh, right $0.00. is lugging it around to 5 star hotels while Suri kicks them for sport.

  9. We clearly do not grasp the genius of her Sewingtology.

  10. I honestly DO want a sewing machine for my birthday (or sooner, or just eventually). If any of you have any brand recommendations, I'd love 'em. A Bernina would be nice...

    Katie Holmes really is like a wind-up doll in mismatched clothes. I want her to win Go Fug Yourself's Fug Madness competition. And I don't believe for a MILLISECOND that Suri -- a child who probably has her very own wallet crammed with Benjamins -- is content with crayons and paper as entertainment devices. Nuh uh. That kid probably has a Merry-go-Round in her bedroom. I think Katie's probably a good mom, but those homebody scenarios sound like pure bullshit.

    Seriously. Is she on 'luudes, or what?

  11. I was thinking...
    Whatever brand it is, it is probably AMAZING!

  12. @amoteafloat,
    I have my grandmother's sewing machine which is about 35 years old. I'd love to have a newer one with the bells and whistles (like an automatic button-holer). Heck, I'd just settle for more time to be able to sew. Tons of projects ready to go.

  13. I want a new weed wacker (sp?) for Mother's Day. Think I can get Tommy boy to buy me one? I got a new serger for my birthday. So much better than my 25 year old one.

    I don't believe her for a moment. Is she making Suri's play clothes and jammies? Didn't think so.

  14. For the next gift I recommend an IRON, I can't believe she left the house in that wrinkled rag.

  15. @Patty -- thanks for the rec! I've honestly wondered if older models are ultimately better, given how so many manufacturers nowadays don't craft anything to last that long. I come across sewing machines at flea markets and yard sales sometimes, and I might snag one if it's a good brand.

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  18. How can we be sure that this isn't actually a device that will let Tom secretly monitor his wife's Thetans while he's away?

  19. What Patty said. Real designers already have sewing machines.
    That outfit is ATROCIOUS.

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  22. this reminds me of tom thumb's oprah interview when he said they bake cookies all the time.


  23. I think it is offensive that she can't reveal the details of the name.

  24. Doesn't she have to say "homey" stuff like this until the 5-year mark of her contract comes up in November? (They were married in 2006.)

    Every time I see her I honestly think that she did not know what she was getting into when she got married. (I know for sure I didn't when I got married and she was much younger than I was.)

    I think she was a starry-eyed young lady enamored with a big time star. I'm also pretty sure TC did NOT tell her all the stuff (xenu and otherwise) that she would have to accept/endure if she got married to him. He probably sugar-coated everything, or just showed her the top-layer of scientology (not all the brainwashing,etc.) and she thought, "oh, it won't be that bad..."

    Yes, she was an adult but how many of you who are divorced knew everything about your ex- when you were married and decided to get married anyway thinking you could change him/her, or that those things won't really bother you in a few years? Were you able to change those things? Did they eventually wind up being deal-breakers because the problems/conflicts turned out to be much more than you initially imagined? Or even those who didn't have questions before you got married,found that several years down the road things were pretty rough and you hadn't imagined any of it?

    I just hope her parents have been able to cut through all the Scientology stuff that has been forced into her head, and have been able to maintain some kind of "real life" link with her so that when she does want to/get to leave that she won't be reluctant to change back to our thetan lifestyle.

    I honestly hope Katie blossoms when she gets out. Maybe not into acting or fashion design, but at least into a normal, happy person, and that Suri is not lost either. She is a child who did not have a choice as to how she has been brought up.

  25. From the looks of her outfit in that photo, TommyBoy should have bought her a steam iron or a stylist. That outfit must have either been picked out in the dark or she was drunk off her ass.

  26. Excellent analysis, Panda. But if you think the GMD is going to let Katie take Suri with him when she escapes from the compound, I think YOU might have been drinking the Xenu Kool-Aid. That little girl is the GMD's property and she ain't goin' nowhere.

  27. let Katie take Sure with HER. Oops.

  28. I love my Bernina. It is on the lower end price wise but is much better of a machine than my bells and whistles Brother was. I kiss it and my 12-year-old Kitchen Aid mixer a lot.

    I don't believe she sews.

  29. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I wonder how Tom feels about the miserable failure of his plan to make everyone start calling her "Kate"?

  30. Ms Cool -- thanks for the rec! Bernina seems like they make a sturdy product. I don't need fancy stitches or anything -- as long as I can thread the bobbin and it doesn't break in less than a year, I don't care. :-)

    And I'd like to join the chorus of people who think it's insulting how someone with her own fashion line doesn't already own her own sewing machine.

  31. @amoteafloat

    My Bernina is very sturdy, easy to thread and easy to wind the bobbin. It has plenty of stitches to boot. It is the Activata 230. I realize that even at the low end, it is still pricy. I recommend you go to a few local sewing shop dealers and test some out.

  32. Amoteafload, I have two sewing machines, a top of the line Elna that's 20 years old now (was a present when I got married) that is wonderful for fancy sewing and light fabrics. I also have a heavy duty Singer that I use to sew more durable fabrics or things with lots of layers. Berninas are good, but they're imports and sometimes the parts they require are expensive. Depending on where you live, it can be hard to find a place that will work with them. My singer gets fixed in my little town, my Elna requires a trip to Houston an hour away.

    My sister in law has a Husquavarna that she loves, she used to have an Elna as well, but she finds her new one much more hardy.

    Keep in mind also that needles and bobbins that fit the imports can be hard to find in a small town, Singer bobbins and needles don't work with all models.

    Also keep in mind if you really want all the bells and whistles, or if a more basic job will do you.

    Sorry, I love to sew, if you can't tell. That said... I don't know anyone who sews that can't tell you the make of their machine and it's good and bad points. She's spinning a yarn!

  33. @fairy lights - that's some good advice. I live in a metro area where there are several dealers so I haven't worried about parts, bobbins, or extra feet. However, a regular sewing needle works just fine.

    I used my mom's old singer to start and then bought a new Brother that was fancy but not sturdy and caused me many problems. It was a big deal for me to get my Bernina!

    I concur with getting the best you can afford and opting for stability over bells and whistles!

  34. Doesn't anyone here remember the first season of Project Runway? The first "designer" voted off didn't know how to sew. She also had delusions of being the next great designer.

    Not trying to excuse the Katebot.

  35. Amotea, I really like my Kenmore machine, and it wasn't too expensive. I salivate over the Brothers at the fabric store, but they are pricey!

  36. hasn't anyone taught her to stop making that stupid smirk that makes her face look paralyzed?

    And if she makes cookies and sews, I'm the Queen of Sheba.

  37. Why doesn't she just make a quilt and pack it to bring with her? Quilts are homey, non? Making entirely new pillows and curtains for a place they will only stay for a short amount of time seems extreme.

  38. I have a pedal Singer made by my Great Great Aunt in the Singer factory in Glasgow, it is one of my most loved possessions, and I'd never trade it for any other, even if it was "just" an antique, LOL
    Having said that, if Katie loves to sew you'd think she could have done some alterations to that mess before she left the house in it.
    Also having said that the Spring is here and the amount of bulls**t in that article can be spread on my garden.

  39. Is it just me or does it seem Katie (sorry Tom...KATE)is abused? Maybe not physically, but she just has that emptiness around her eyes that she sure as hell didn't have before she married Mr Movie Star. She seems to have just given up.

  40. Anonymous4:33 PM

    When I first saw the headline I thought it was just Enty being snarky about the outfit she's wearing in the picture...insinuating that it's her first sewing project on a new sewing machine.

    Maybe she'll get a new vacuum for her birthday.

  41. I can believe that she sews and bakes cookies, she probably does these things to feel normal and a good mother. I'm quite sure the cookies taste like crap but Tom eats them and grins from ear to ear anyway :)

  42. Next time, Katie shouldn't tear the lining out of jackets to make her dress.

    Tory Magoo, the Scientology critic, calls the $ci world the "Truman Show." This is the Truman Show meets Hints from Heloise.

  43. I think this is wonderful news.

    Maybe she can sew her kid a fucking coat!

  44. the reason she wouldn't share the details of her crap gift is because she doesn't want to give free advertising to whomever said crap gift came from.

  45. I just think it's funny that as soon as they've hit the 5 year mark that everyone's been saying is the contract, break up rumors have been surfacing.

    Now this. I say it's laying the groundstones for a Tom and Katie broke up because he wanted a housewife and she needed to be an independent woman story.

  46. I just can't believe how old she looks.

  47. I agree @Basil, her eyes have died.

    @Blackcat I totally see her lounging on a chaise while Suri runs around breaking things. A light bulb will go off in her head and she'll run around NYC in rush hour getting ingredients for some crazy recipe with 43 ingredients just to make the day go by.


  48. I have a White sewing machine (think it's Elna) that I bought from my boyfriend's older sister when I was 13 for $50. She had never learned to sew and she gave me her fabric and patterns and I made all her clothes for her that summer. I am now 51 and still use the same machine. It doesn't have a free arm, which I'd love to have but I don't use it enough to justify buying another one. I paid $75. once to have it serviced, oiled, etc. and it still runs perfectly. And Katie Cruise... don't know whether to feel sorry for her or say she deserves everything she signed on for. Tommy Boy is just plain scary.

  49. I'd like to see if she knows how to pronounce "PFAFF".

    All - best thing I ever did was take the metal 1965 model and have it placed on an industrial table with motor. Fastest machine EVER!


  51. Tom Cruise, thy name is Rumpelstiltskin.

  52. My god, I sew a lot and I bake cookies. I smell a contract coming on. Plus, I'm not quite 5'1" so he could pack the extra tall lifts away. Of course, I'm not much for playing pretend so it probably wouldn't work out.

    I have a Singer 7470 that hasn't let me down on a project yet. And it has the one step buttonhole function which is super awesome. I also have a Brother Serger, but I haven't actually used it yet as I've been finishing up other projects.

  53. It's a nice domestic touch to make up for all the pictures last week of suri with the gummy penis's...
