Monday, March 14, 2011

Leg Grabbing And Bathroom Photo Taking - Hello Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal had a very interesting weekend. I think anytime you spend the weekend in Austin it has the potential to be interesting. I love Austin. I want you to know that I am referring to the city of Austin and not Austin Nichols. I am sure Austin Nichols is a fine guy, but this is about the city. You know, the one that brought you Austin City Limits, Sixth Street and a tolerance for me using side streets when the bathroom lines are too long. Oh, and bats.

Anyway, Jake was in town for SXSW. He showed his new movie. He also showed his peen in the bathroom which is, you know kind of necessary unless you go the diaper route. Even then, you need to change it so I guess you would still show it. A fan took a picture of Jake while in the bathroom and Jake got ticked off and the fan felt bad so deleted the photo. Meanwhile, Jake was so happy to talk about the reaction of his male friend to the movie when they were watching it.

"Literally he grabbed my leg at one point and then at another time....he was like 'Oh my god, what the hell?!' I was like 'Yes!'"

Read that out of context and it makes you think.


  1. You can do out of context where Toothy's concerned?
    Who knew?

  2. I would have supporting him decking the fan though. What a classless invasion of privacy. To the point of being disturbing.

  3. Gross, there's a time & place ...and this wasn't it...

  4. Ted's gonna have a new Toothy Tile blind ANY day now. I can practically smell it.

  5. Enty left out the part where Jake said that the dude that grabbed his leg was his best friend and had brought his girlfriend along with him.

    So either Jakey saw the gay angle and purposely said his bf had a girlfriend to cover himself.

  6. Anonymous11:29 AM

    When I read this story in the morning I almost thought it was going to be a scandal like that senator that got caught tapping the guy next door LOL.

  7. Timebob, I think Jakey's "friends" are required to have beards before he'll hang out with them.

    I think Texas should secede from the Union, but Austin should stay "ours" like West Berlin.

  8. "I think Texas should secede from the Union, but Austin should stay "ours" like West Berlin."

    I fully support and endorse this proposal.

  9. The fan felt bad because Jakey slammed him up against a wall and the police showed up.

  10. FREAK! if that isn't illegal, it certainly should be.

  11. LMAO subtle much, Enty? hahahah IN freaking funny for everyone who knows about Toothy Tile and Grey Goose :)

  12. ENT is trying to tell us that Jakey Fag fucked Austin Nichols up his asshole.

  13. ^Holy hell

    Agree w/ @Cecilia00
