Friday, March 11, 2011

Lindsay Has Been A Bad Girl

Have you seen those fan issues of tabloids? The ones that come to mind are the special issues that were devoted to Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber. I think at some point, the tabloids should seriously consider having a tabloid devoted to nothing but Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan stories. Oh, and one where every Brangelina/Jennifer Aniston thing could be combined into one magazine. That way the rest of the tabloids could feature more salacious stories of people we don't get to hear as much about because the abovementioned people dominate our tabloids.

Anyway, Lindsay ran a stop sign and got pulled over by the police. In the grand scheme of things, not that important, but it also shows she doesn't give a crap about anything and obviously believes she is above the law at all times. TMZ reportedly has some scoop about Lindsay's probation report and it is not pretty. They called it devastating. Like one year in jail devastating. To me that means she has been one bad girl since she got out of rehab and while she was in rehab and that does not even include the felony grand theft charge which is another big hurdle she is facing. This is why she just needs to go to jail for the three months. Plead guilty, get everything over with and continue on with your life. If she does not go to jail, then probation would likely be extended forever and I don't think Lindsay can manage to be good that long.


  1. Point 1.

    Who cares about the tabloids? They're like newspapers: a dying breed. Anyone who wants real juice goes on the internet.

    Point 2.

    It's not that hard to break the law. She needs to go to jail just to be humbled.

  2. Sorry, it's not that hard to NOT break the law.

  3. The title of this post kind of made me cringe. Foreshadowing the title of her porn tape.

  4. No it's hard for Lindsay not to break the law, the rest of us seem to do OK.

  5. And her face, that looks so tight, weird.

  6. This chick gets entirely too many free passes again I say............... "awww must be nice to be White in the eyes of the Justice system"

  7. Why you gotta go there, MM? I'm white and I was a victim of racism the other day.

  8. WTF kinda shirt is that? Latex for court?

  9. wear a fucking bra to court, you idiot!! even the prostitutes do!

  10. Does anyone know exactly what is in the probation report that could land her in prison for a year that we don't already know about? If so, please spill. Surely someone knows someone who has access to such things.

  11. @skeeball - seriously. Why doesn't her lawyer tell her to WEAR A BRA??

  12. No one can tell Hohan her anything and I think a year in jail would be appropriate. She needs a humbling experience.

  13. I agree....give her as long as RDJ had to go. and FUCK overcrowding! Let some of the OTHER non-violent offenders out so Lindsay can serve her time!

  14. @Sue Ellen -- "Why you gotta go there, MM? I'm white and I was a victim of racism the other day."


    Oh, Lord. Since you went there...

    I mean, if you're white, we can safely assume that you've never been turned away from a job or potential living situation because of your race. You're female, and I'd be willing to bet that you've been a victim of sexism more than a few times, but I just don't think that you can really empathize with racism unless you can claim an oppressed group. Just my opinion, of course, but I think it does a grave disservice to ACTUAL RACISM to have it trivialized in the form of a white girl claiming she's a victim of it.

    I'm whiter than hell and I know for sure that my life has been one of relative ease partly because of my ethnicity. I'm not PROUD of that, but I am realistic.

  15. Oh, and I don't even care about Blohan anymore. It's just the same shit 'til the next trial.

    If there really IS some crazy list of effed-up stuff she's done, I'd think it would have already leaked to the media by now. There would probably be about fifty blind items revolving around those ~secrets.~

  16. This has been a parade of ugly clothes and highly inappropriate. What an idiot.

  17. I wonder if she is the d-list actress who is secretly a madam.

  18. parissucksliterally: At this point, I'd say she's done more stuff than RDJ had when he was sent up the river (not to mention that he KNEW he had a problem, but as far as she's concerned, everything is someone else's fault), and has probably endangered more people in the process. What she needs is the same kind of tough love judge that he had, who'll put her away because it's either that or her dying/killing someone else.

    And to join the chorus: crimony, girl, wear a friggin' bra! We don't need to see your headlights in court, and even the real working girls do. (Frankly, at this point I have more respect for straight-up hookers than I do LL.)

  19. I was just thinking last night that Mean Girls was Lilo's last hit, and that was seven years ago. Seven! And when I was thinking about that I realized you know who else was in Mean Girls? Amanda Seyfried. How sad is it that when any news story identifies Lilo's professional career they have to say Mean Girls and yet her costar, Amanda, shit, I don't even think anyone bothers mentioning Mean Girls anymore as one of her acting roles because it's ancient history in the context of everything she's done. THAT's the career Lilo could have had.

  20. Do you ALWAYS just go on and on, imateafloat? I need eye plugs when you're trolling around.

    So you know, I just skim what you say, so the more concise the better.

    And you can be white and be a victim of racism. Tra-la-la.

  21. where every Brangelina/Jennifer Aniston thing could be combined...


    The mind boggles.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. @Sue Ellen -- eye plugs sound painful. I'm sure your boyfriend has a pair lying around, though. Go for it. Stick 'em in.

    "And you can be white and be a victim of racism"

    Tee hee! You're a mind-boggler, Sue Ellen. You really, truly are. I dare you to visit, say, D.C. and say that shit to someone of ANY color. They'll school your uninformed ass pretty quickly.

  24. ardleigh - maybe she's one of the girls doing the servicing. I really wonder what could be so devastating apart from what we already know. Would prostitution finally get her in jail. Can't stand the way she looks in that picture. That's the "I'm getting off scot-free again" smile.

    I wonder if there's someone powerful behind the scenes pulling favours for her. She's had far too many chances and she should be beyond bankrupt by now.

    And a magazine of every Brangifer article? It would really only be a couple of pages because the stories are all the same. Brad wants to get back together with Jen. Angelina jealous of Jen. zzzzzzzzzz.

  25. imateafloat:

    Can I bring the Jamaican part of my family with me?

  26. "Can I bring the Jamaican part of my family with me?"

    Of course! I think my Mongolian Grandma has a fold-out couch they can crash on.

    P.S. Just to let you know, owning a copy of Bob Marley's Legend doesn't make you Jamaican.

  27. You're like a kitten with a string. heh

  28. And you're like a rodent with a mental disorder.

    Oh -- and you're still not Jamaican.

  29. Maybe I am. You know nothing about me except for the things you've made up.

    I guess THAT'S what a degree in English is good for.

  30. You're not Jamaican, Sue Ellen. You are obviously lying. You're far too mouthy and obsessed with yourself to have NOT mentioned it in prior posts revolving around race.

    That's just one of the lamest tactics around, though: saying something vaguely racist (or just basically clueless), and then claiming some distant ancestry in order to somehow excuse your statement. It doesn't.

    Oh, and a degree in English is good for many things. Now, I know it's no ~Legal Certificate~, but it's served me well thus far.

  31. Live your delusions. We're all enjoying it.

  32. LOL. You got it, Brainless Wonder.

  33. You're setting yourself up for this shit. Braless Wonder = Brainless Wonder. You're the OTHER Sue Ellen Mishkey.

    Oh, and you abandoned your supposed "Jamaican" heritage pretty quickly, didn't you?

  34. When a Jamaican woman marries your uncle and subsequently has children, you have a Jamaican part of your family. I thought you majored in English? Don't know how to read without putting your own biases in?

    Also, are you going to stalk my blog like your other personality, Mooshki? I can't wait. You should also start a blog and post my blog address. Then I'll have TWO blogs that link to me, then I can REALLY start fleecing people via the net.

  35. "When a Jamaican woman marries your uncle and subsequently has children, you have a Jamaican part of your family."

    LOL! My dad married a Vietnamese woman a decade ago. So...I guess that makes me Asian? I guess that gives me the right to spout a bunch of uninformed shit about racial relations! Wheeee!

    Your blog is public, dumbass. If you don't want people to comment on your vain little musings, make it private. End of story.

    P.S. You aren't interesting enough to garner a money-generating audience. But don't worry: there's still that "law" career, right?
