Friday, March 04, 2011

Radio Show Preview

Tomorrow morning is the premiere of the Crazy Days And Nights Radio show. It hits the airwaves at 6am Pacific Time. You can listen to the show on KVTA 1520 if you are in the Los Angeles area, or you can listen live on the internet, by clicking here. A few hours after the show a podcast will be posted so you can listen anytime during the week whenever you want. As I previously mentioned, my second ex-wife Carli will be joining me on the air.

Special guests for tomorrow include:

Donal Logue Donal started off as the MTV taxi driver and then went on to star in movies, the show Grounded For Life and the recent show Terriers.

Carolyn Hennesy Carolyn plays Barb on Cougar Town, but most of you might know her best as Diane Miller from General Hospital.

Juliet Izon Juliet is one of the Scene Queens from Life & Style Magazine and she will be joining us to put a New York and tabloid perspective on everything.

Also, there will be the blind item guest and lots more. I hope you will tune in.


  1. Awesome news Enty! Can't wait to check it out!

  2. That Carolyn lady looks exactly like Gloria Estefan.

    Can't wait, Enty! Break a leg!

  3. Donal Logue is underrated. I was sad Terriers didn't get more of a following. I'm also looking forward to figuring out who your blind item guest is.

  4. I love Carolyn Hennesey,this is going to be cool! Cant wait good luck!

  5. luv Donal Logue!

  6. Yes, Donal is so underrated. Can't wait to find out how to pronounce his name correctly.

  7. Wishing you lots of success! I will be listening in Boston!

  8. Yeah Enty...So proud of you. I can't wait to hear it.

  9. Loved Terriers and Donal....Good Luck Enty

  10. I think that converts to 4pm GMT time so i may be able to listen :D

  11. When is Jules Kirby going to be a guest?

  12. Yay, Terriers fans!! My good friend is/was an Assistant Diresctor on that show. I'll see if he can ask Donal about Enty for ya'll ;)

  13. lol Jessica. I'm Team NEVER on that one :)

  14. Sloghtly OT: (but can be connected to Cougar Town loosely) but David Arquette was just in what looks like a pretty serious car accident.

    TMZ has the photos and stories...
    I sincerely hope everyone is OK and that he was not under any influence.

  15. Nice! Good luck enty - I will be listening to the podcast later on!

  16. I'm disappointed because I thought your first guest would be Ben Affleck, Enty.

    I love Donal Logue!!!

  17. Will be live streaming it at work...there will be no one there to disturb me, and that way I get paid for listening!!!!

    Looking forward to hearing your dulcet tones, Enty...

  18. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Oh, man! Love Donal Logue, too. Y'all have good taste.

  19. Aha! I guessed Donal Logue for one of Enty's very old blinds about one of his wild nights on the town. I KNEW I WAS RIGHT! Enty, can you print it again? You know the one I mean. Thanks!

  20. Tao of Steve. BEST.MOVIE.EVER!

  21. Break a leg, Enty! As much as I love you, I will have to listen to the podcast, as 6:00 a.m. is way too early for me on a Saturday. It will all be fabulous, I'm sure!

  22. Mazel Tov Enty - I'll be listening.

  23. I really liked Donal on "Life." I miss that show.

  24. LOVED Donal in the tv show about robbing Mick Jagger. Sophia Vegara was on that show too.

  25. The Knights of Prosperity! I loved that too!

  26. I love Donal Logue! Thank you! And Hennessey! WOW!
    What a treat! Can't wait! Thanks

  27. Ok, I'm gonna say it.

    I find this very curious. The original premise of this blog was that it was written by an entertainment lawyer who had an inside track on blinds. Anonymity was key. The blinds were way high quality. Juicy. Some of the time, Enty was in them. The blog was very well written.

    Then, it was clear some Hwood people knew Enty's identity. However, the rest of us remained in the dark. Funny, there's been no H'wood curiosity about it, either. You'd think people would be dying to out Enty.

    And it also became clear that the original writer no longer was the primary writer. Hasn't been for a long time.

    More photos than stories, the lame fashion column, and content same as Perez & others, and less clever than Michael K. Blog blinds and even entries were significantly diluted.

    Now, "Enty" has a RADIO SHOW and actors are appearing on it. Actors who probably know who Enty is, or wouldn't appear. Because you'd think these would be some of the same actors who wouldn't want a gossip blogger to write blinds about them. So certainly wouldn't appear on a show for someone who might impact their reputations one day. But they would if they knew the host and were promised "immunity"

    As a reader from Day 1, I just find this evolution very, very curious. Used to be that CDAN was my go to blog several times a day. Not so much any more.

    Used to be that blinds were really, really good. Now they're barely a step above Ted C's.

    The community's still real good, the gossip knowledge quotient is still very high. But Celebitchy also has a civilized community of knowledgeable gossip mavens and far more interesting entries, even without the blinds.

    I lift a glass to this new venture, but I also mourn the loss of what CDAN started out as. I do miss it and always will.

  28. Very well said Middle-Aged! I mourn the old blog too. It's so watered down & generic now. Bummer.

  29. I need to address these last 2 comments. I am an agent in Hollywood. Enty has come to me to negotiate appearances on news shows that have wanted him to appear. His only caveat? HE could not appear on these shows. I do not know what he looks like. I have helped him out because I love the blog. He has never appeared on these shows because the shows wanted him to show his face and that is something he refused to do. I firmly believe that he knows a lot of people in Hollywood who don't know him, but love that he's been able to keep his identity secret and that he doesn't get nasty for the sake of being nasty a la Perez. (plus, let's be honest, who in Hollywood has ever turned down free publicity?) I am very happy for him to be expanding his ventures. This blog is a LOT of work. Enty does this AND his law work AND still has time to go with his dad to the movies. Let's celebrate his expansion instead of criticizing him for it.

  30. SFG, thank you so much for your comment. I just wish the whole scenario wasn't so fishy. Let's be honest: what lawyer has time to devote to a blog like this? I should know a little about that, I'm married to one.

    Perhaps I'd think differently if I weren't a writer and attuned to differences in tone, style, etc. This blog has absolutely changed and not for the better.

    If you'd read my post fully you'd see I'm not criticizing him. I'm lamenting the superior blog it was and still lifting a glass to his new venture. And I'm pointing out strangeness. Inconsistencies.

    I hear you, but I'm just not buying. You might have more credibility if you hadn't added the last few sentences of your post, which don't much align with the way agents I've known would address this issue. You may well be real, but I just can't get there from this post.

  31. I don't get up early on Saturdays, but look forward to hearing the big guy's voice.

    I used to work at the same place as Donal's Father a million years ago. He had a beautiful accent.

  32. Yeah, 6 am is way too early for me but I cant wait for the podcast! I will listen to it when I am trying to clean up after our nine (9!!!) puppies... :)

  33. Mina, Ben Affleck will be the Blind Item guest!

    Knock 'em dead, Ent. I'm going to bed soon (it's just after 11pm here), but I fully expect you to have your drink on from tonight!

  34. My bf LOVES Donal Logue! Well, um, you know what I mean. He works the graveyard shift so I'm gonna send him the link in case he wants to tune in! Otherwise, I'm sure we will both listen to the podcast at one point!

    MWAH! Break a leg, Enty and Carli!

  35. I fricken love Donal Logue. Terriers was a fantastic show, I can't believe it didn't get an audience. Oh wait, good taste is dead, so yes I can.

  36. I'm listening to ypu right now ENTY!!!

  37. finally able to listen..had to download a few plug-ins first. sounding good!

  38. Aaaaaahhh. Fake or not, I loooooove being on the East Coast right now.

  39. ...and the FIRST Kardashian reference just happened. Which means that Kris Jenner just sent a check to Enty.

  40. Good show! Airing in the UK 2 - 3 pm, nice for us.

  41. Okay. Just one more comment and I SWEAR I will stop clogging up this thread.

    @Middle-aged Diva -- "The community's still real good, the gossip knowledge quotient is still very high. But Celebitchy also has a civilized community of knowledgeable gossip mavens and far more interesting entries, even without the blinds."

    Alright. First of all, I noticed how you compared Enty to Michael K. before, and I think that's a tad unfair. Michael K. is, like, the KING of Clever. Klever. Whatever. I like to hope that Enty and MK are friends in real life, but that Enty kind of sits there and giggles while MK does his mouthy, profane, noisy thing. Dlisted is a truly unique blog, and I admire Enty for not striving to copy it, because it's pretty inimitable. Michael K. has definitely got a strong and hilarious voice.

    And I see NO accurate comparisons between this blog and celebitchy -- and I, for one, think that's a good thing. Celebitchy isn't ANY better than Perez. For one thing, the author of that blog pulls virtually ALL her material from other gossip blogs and NEVER makes up her own opinions regarding anything. Notice how she's stolen ALL of Michael K's slang? She NEVER has blinds, either. So how in touch IS she? Laineygossip will post something, and *whoosh!* celebitchy will then promptly paraphrase every single thing Lainey said. If the gofugyourself girls deliver sharp and articulate fashion criticism, Kaiser will then reiterate EVERYTHING they have to say. It's grating as HELL.

    Also, I personally HATE the way the author dissects women. If an actress happens to be beautiful, she's automatically stupid. There are entire posts dedicated to picking apart hair, thighs, cleavage, teeth, etc. You can't win over there, unless you're a douchebag actor like Gerald Butler or some useless toolbox model like David Gandy.

    Oh, and God forbid you should respectfully disagree with the author of that blog, because then she'll just ban you in the comments. And those comments are PITIFUL. They aren't NEARLY as intelligent as the ones you encounter here, sorry.

    At least Enty has NEVER banned people who criticize the validity of his identity, his blinds, or his blog, and I think that should be commended.

    Okay. I just kicked my soapbox away, and now I'm done.

  42. I hear you Middle Aged Diva and I agree, but still love ENTY's blog. I definitely think it has changed significantly over the last couple of years and lament the older days.

  43. That was good, Enty! I must say, I particularly like your knowledgeable take on celebrity legal issues. :)

  44. So where's the podcast? I completely missed out on it :(

  45. I can't seem to find it either, MizCaramel! I found the link to Enty's blog but no podcasts. Boo! :(

  46. Let me know when somebody finds it...

  47. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Thank you, Amoteafloat. I used to hang out on Celebitchy in the pre-Kaiser days, and that site has gone so far downhill since Kaiser started running the show, it's not even the same place. Most of the commenters are vapid, annoying and they fight a lot. A bunch of us all quit going at the same time, and one or two people who disagreed with Kaiser were banned, others would make comments which went straight to moderation because of who the author was. In my mind Kaiser has ruined that site, and I don't recommend it to anyone.

  48. Enty posted on FB that he just got the downloads for the podcast...shouldn't be long! I just couldn't rouse myself from bed this morning to join in his debut.

  49. Kudos, Middle-Aged Diva! Still no ads on this site. Now let's hope this venture generates revenue for him via blog advertisement, so that there are no more cash-a-thons.

  50. ITA Middle-Aged Diva!

    I lift a glass to this new venture, but I also mourn the loss of what CDAN started out as. I do miss it and always will.

  51. @syko -- that's pretty interesting. It's nice to know that Kaiser acquired a few nemeses before I ever came along. ;-)

    She banned ME because I dared to defend January Jones a few months back. An entire post consisted on Kaiser stating that January must be, like, the dumbest actress in Hollywood -- not based on her actions or her love life, mind you, but based on HER LOOKS.

    So, being an avid Mad Men fan, I responded in the comments and said how I think that January is actually a really underrated, understated performer, and how she's pretty unparalled right now at doing the frosty, paranoid, Hitchcocky blonde thing, and that perhaps she's not as well-liked as other actresses from Mad Men because her character is largely unsympathetic. And then Kaiser yowled at me like a fourteen year-old (it's SO classy when a blogger yells at her critics in the comments section, BTW) and said "I DO watch Mad Men, and I know what I'm talking about." And then she banned me.

    Um. Ooooookaaaaaaay.

    She's got a loooooooongass history of bashing women while simultaneously placing men on a pedestal. And to prove my point, I just clicked on the site, and look what I found:

    Now, notice how she gushes all over Guy and his talent? Notice how she essentially slutshames his girlfriend for "getting" pregnant?

    It's nothing new. And the worst thing is that Kaiser isn't even a good prose stylist. She's an unimaginative loser who plagiarizes other people's shit for a living. I know teenagers who can text more eloquently than she can write.

  52. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Oh yeah, Amoteafloat, you're not first, nor will you be last. Few bloggers respond to the commenters, but you better not disagree with her or she will be on you like a duck on a June bug. I am sort of put off by the foul language, to tell the truth. Maybe it's because I'm older, I don't know. I have a potty mouth and generally am not offended by cursing, but she just seems to take it to a lower level. I don't think having sexual relations needs to be described as "boning" and I'm tired of the word "dong" used in every post about any reasonably attractive man. She does a hot man Friday, which to me is a rip-off from Enty's old Full Frontal Fridays. It's funny, when I started going there, she was just a commenter, then she started writing the occasional post, along with Katie (Celebitchy) and two or three others. Then suddenly she took it over, and the whole thing has gone downhill. I liked the place because it, like here, was classier than most, you didn't get twenty comments saying "FIRST!!1!" and rude remarks among the commenters, but it's lost its class, the posts are old, uninteresting and badly written and the commenters are all 20 years old, size 2, and still believe that Angelina stole Brad.

  53. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Oh yeah - there was something else I was going to add, I finally remembered it. She had the Willow Smith video for her latest song, and was annoyed by the old lady, who she mentioned again and again, and said she liked the video, but didn't like the old lady in it. Gee, you'd think most top notch celebrity bloggers would recognize Cicely Tyson, right?
