Friday, March 18, 2011

Rebecca Black Fells Cyberbullied

If I got 13 million hits on a You Tube video and cracked the top 100 on iTunes, I don't think I would be complaining, but that is exactly what 13 year old Rebecca Black is doing. The teen, who recorded the song Friday, says that although she is making a lot of money off the song and doing national interviews and was completely unknown a month ago says that the hurtful comments about the song shocked her. I don't know why. In an interview with The Daily Beast she says she did not even really understand the words and that to her they made no sense. I don't know if it is the worst song ever as some people have indicated, but it is pretty bad. This is how it goes. I am not going to trash a 13 year old, but I think maybe her mom should step in a little bit and realize that this infamy can definitely turn into something positive.

I also think that people giving their honest opinion about a song should not be compared to cyber bullying. Should the world be reduced to only commenting when something is good and positive? Even I have problems with pronouncing the word Friday is Fry-ee-day. Of course people are going to laugh.


  1. I've been wondering why this nobody has been trending on twitter for days and yes the song is terrible

  2. Who let 13 year olds drive?

  3. Okay, I just watched this shit show. She needs to hear the criticism.

  4. dude, she's 13. She's writing what she knows. :-)

    I mean I don't love it and I have NO IDEA how this has become a viral sensation, but hell, at least it's age appropriate and not all about sexing it up...

  5. Nasal issues?

    Content of the song is ok.

  6. I don't see how it's so much worse than the majority of what is out there. I feel sorry for her.

    ONTD has a video of the record company that has her and like 10 other tweens that are all pretty bad making their debut in some weird recital type thing. It seemed like one of those pay to get into modeling except for music type of things.

    Constructive criticism is ok but people can be really cruel on the internet. She's just a little girl.

  7. She's 13 years old, she didn't write the song, and people are encouraging her to kill herself. Sure the song sucks, but this take on the situation is good:

  8. it's not the people who are criticizing the song that are being accused with cyberbullying but rather those who feel it necessary to tell a 13 year old to become a cutter or get an eating disorder.

  9. Unfortunately, people just f-ing suck. They are awful.I laughed at the song, but the people over at 4chan have launched an attack on her, calling her school and sending Porno via fax. That's why I will never let my kids end up on the net until they are thirty and have been through at least a thousand hours of therapy.

  10. If I only heard the song and didn't see the video, I would have thought this was Ke$ha (that is not a compliment). But, then when there was no cursing or references to getting wasted, I figured it wasn't her.

  11. Why would you let your 13 year old make a horrible video and put it on the internet? What did they think would happen? It is a damn shame that people can act so badly to a child however.

  12. Oh, waaaaaaaaaah.

    THIS is why kids shouldn't enter the entertainment business until they're mature enough to don a super-thick skin and are able to slough off the negative stuff.

  13. If you put yourself out there for public ridicule, someone is going to step up to the plate. Crying about it will only encourage them. Sadly, some people can only feel important but crushing others. That is what I would tell my daughter BEFORE she put up a crap video. I'd also encourage her to do something she's good at rather than foster delusions.

  14. what amote said. People are mean. If you REALLY want to do this, grow a thicker skin and get an agent to protect you from hearing the bad stuff.

  15. For crying out loud, he's not the first 13yr old ever to make a record! Perhaps she's the 1st to make such an AWFUL one, but she should find comfort in the fact that no studio heads will ever slap her or dope her up so she'll comply! (poor Judy!) Just shut up & make the money, girlie.

  16. Well, THAT sucked...but, she's 13, and the song is as vacuous as any 13-year-old. However, hating the song is not an excuse for telling the kid to commit suicide, or become a cutter, or develop an eating disorder. WTF is that? Situations like this always bring out the worst in internet hatefulness.

  17. "Which seat should I pick?"


    I listened to this the other day when I could not figure out why she was trending. It's definitely a terrible song...but not the worst I ever heard either. People on the interwebs being mean ain't a new thing so girl definitely needs to grow a thicker skin.

  18. If it was just making fun of the song, I would say she needs to suck it up. Since it gets to the point where there calling her, than a line is crossed.

  19. JUST NO!~
    The song sucked TMI. Yes it's a 13yr old but getting bowl cereal and going bus stop. It's like a twitter diaherra. I do not need every second of your day. Not to mention when you talk getting your bowl it can make people think other things. ;)

    AND NO.
    The idiots did not need to bully and harrass a child BUT you put your child out there. Did you think the only thing the public would throw is roses? You need to take off the rose colored glasses.

  20. I just watched it. One word...UGH! The way she says "Friday" is just as bad as Britney tongue-ing her upper lip when she says the letter "L"

  21. If Justin Bieber sang this the kids would of been eating it up.

    Poor Rebecca just gives new meaning that there is no such thing as bad press.

    Can't wait for Ryan to scoop her up for her own reality show.


  22. I think when they started threatening physical violence or wishing it upon her, that is when it turned into something more than criticism and something no 13 year old should have to endure even if she did put herself out there.

  23. First of all, all the shit about her needing to die, and get an eating disorder, and die... just no. That's not funny, it's not cool, and is so uncalled for there aren't even words to express how you don't joke about that.

    On to the song. Seriously, part of my soul cried hearing that. Easily the worst song I have ever heard. And I don't buy that her age, etc is an excuse. You're 13, and if all you know is eating cereal and reciting in which order the days of the week go you should not be allowed out by yourself.

  24. There's a difference between making fun of the song and telling a child to slit their wrists (imagine someone telling your sibling, your nephew/niece, your own child to kill themselves), get an eating disorder, and wishing death upon them. It's disgusting that people take joy in being mean to someone so harmless all because you don't like a song she sang. What happened to that kumbaya BS after all the gay suicides re: bullying? I guess that all went out the window when self-important "adults" feel the need to bring other people down because they don't have a damn thing going on in their own lives. Ridiculous.

  25. She has a thin voice with no range, wears far too much makeup for a 13 year old, the video is cheesy with cut-rate production values, but the real offender here is the songwriter who "composed" the song. I can forgive a kid for writing this crap but it appears that an adult wrote this atrocity.

    I'm sorry that assholes are telling this kid to hurt herself but most of the posters on YouTube are illiterate, so consider the source.

  26. People, READ WHAT MO PIE SAID! This is the 'Glamor Shots' of video making. She wasn't trying to become a star, it was just supposed to be about having a fun experience seeing what it would be like to be one for a day. She didn't write the song, and in no way asked for any of this! If anyone should be targeted, it's the two guys who run the company, not her.

  27. Mooshki, I don't think her mother would have paid for this video and agreed to having it posted it on the internet without hoping that Rebecca would become famous à la Bieber.

  28. Yeah this song sucks, and at the same time, it's no worse than the drivel that my kids listen to on the Nick, Disney, et al.

  29. I agree with Mango. When I heard this song I thought maybe one of her parents had enough pull to have a song produced for her because they thought she had talent.

    When your child's voice needs to be completely autotuned, you know she/he has no singing talent.

  30. The girl is 13 and adorable. The song is catchy, the words are's just nice to hear 13 year old kids singing about Frieeeday and which seat to sit in, instead of having underage sex, pregnancy, doing drugs and killing people. I'll take this song instead of 1/2 the trash that's out there.
