Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Snooki Is On The Cover Of Rolling Stone

Do you remember when the cover of Rolling Stone used to be reserved for great musicians or leaders of the world or someone who will have fame for longer than 15 minutes? Yeah, well apparently those times are gone. Rolling Stone gave their cover this week to Snooki. Contributions to music? None. Contributions to the literary world? One really bad book which she has not even read, let alone write. Contributions to pop culture? Well, maybe some. I mean people are wearing the pouf. Then again, I saw two people last week who were still sporting a Kate Gosselin so what does that tell you.

Now, if you are looking for the world's shortest person who drinks more than anyone else her size then they have found the right person for their cover. In her interview, Snooki says she wants to be the next Jessica Simpson. So, does that mean she wants a failed marriage, and overbearing father and a music career that could have been? Snooki actually means she wants to do one reality show after another until she can find no network interested in what she is selling. That won't take long. She says that after this she will never be able to work a desk job. Well, 20 years down the road we shall see. She won't still be on my television then will she? It was fun while it lasted and I have watched the show enough to know it is exactly the same every week. Why would I want 20 years of that?


  1. Just look at the cover! Snooki? James Taylor? Van Halen? Bill Maher? How is any of that remotely relevant to today's music?

  2. not right. Listen, I watch Jersey Shore and get a perverse enjoyment from watching it, but Snooki should not be on this cover. Shame on you, Rolling Stone!

  3. Rolling Stone mag is just like Kneepads ... waste of money for both of these rags

  4. LOL! Aren't you the idiot who kept posting for weeks and months back in early 2009 that Kate Beckinsale and Len Wiseman were splitting?

    Well, here it is March 2011 and they're still together and looked very happy at the Vanity Fair Oscar party Sunday night.

    You have no credibility. You are spouting BS to get hits to your blog.

    Sorry, but I had to call you on your BS.

  5. The world is coming to an end......

  6. I used to read rolling stone all the time, for YEARS. Had not picked one up in a few years. I WAS SHOCKED. So political, (liberal of course). Yes, it always had a slight liberal slat, BUT IT WAS ABOUT THE MUSIC! Picked up a few more issues, some thing. Okay, maybe they think they are scoring with interviews with generals, the PRESIDENT, etc. BUT LEAVE THAT TO TIME, NY MAG, THE Washington Post, ETC, WHERE THEY BELONG. I used to read it to find out things about pop. bands, here about up and coming. Yes, you would read about Greenpeace and such, but NOT THE COVER! Things change and I guess RS is going the way of MTV

  7. I thought that was Rosanne Barr when I first looked at that picture.

  8. Rolling Stone mag has lost all credibility. Woeful.

  9. All white?? Oh dear, no.

  10. @joe_h - For the record, EVERY blogger has been saying for a couple of years that Beckinsale and Wiseman are over. I believe they've broken up and reconciled a couple of times. Enty's hardly the only one.
    Here's a celebitchy article that came up as soon as I googled, and I know Lainey alludes to their showmance all the time.

  11. What she doesn't realize is that there are many people who were once known by everyone and who now hold down "regular" jobs.
    The Wonder Years' Josh Saviano is now a lawyer. Michael Shoeffling, the heartthrob from Sixteen Candles is now owns a furniture manufacturing business. Ilan Michael Smith, who was all over the place for around five minutes as a star of Weird Science, is now an assistant professor of English at California State University Long Beach.
    Of course, all of these people were intelligent and had marketable skills. The ability to outdrink people twice your size probably wouldn't count as marketable.

  12. Hopefully she's not as dumb as she makes herself out to be on t.v and she's actually got her money invested somewhere. Then she won't have to work at a desk job and can be a lady of leisure.

  13. She isn't orange. But this pose/outfit/prop does nothing for her short stature and full-figure.

  14. Rolling Stone has great political coverage, but it's no better than what you'd find in The New Yorker or Vanity Fair. I got a subscription as a gift -- and I *do* read it -- but I definitely don't think it's great journalism or anything.

    It hasn't been a relevant MUSIC magazine since the mid-eighties, probably. Look who was on the cover LAST time: Justin fucking Bieber. Shit, I'll take Snooki over HIM anyday.

  15. Why? Cancel my subscription.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. WTF is this? Is Jann Wenner in a catatonic state or something? Who approved this crap?

  18. Kelly, thank you for the Weird Science reference. I will now be humming Oingo Boingo songs all night.

  19. Gawd, I'm so fed up of idiot filled pop culture right now. Charlie Sheen has wrecked my last nerve for all of this shit. Enough of the trainwreck, schadenfraude television trend that makes stars out of dumb asses that we would all avoid in our personal lives.

  20. I remember talking about how Rolling Stone was starting to sell out back in 1983. I can't remember who they put on the cover that got the ball rolling, if it was a non-musician, or just a crappy pop musician.

    FS, I started feeling the same way recently (Kardassian overload) so I started reading more of the news instead, and that made me homicidal at our politicians and society, so I had to swing back again. It doesn't matter where you turn, the greedy narcissists are everywhere.

    RQ, be careful about feeding the trolls - they seem to be having a population explosion.

  21. this is want to really be horrified?

    yeah, you read right.

  22. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Wonder who photoshop her LOL??

  23. @Parissucks -- ahhhh. My state birthed both Michael Vick AND Chris Brown. I'm emanating pride right now, let me just tell you.

  24. Jeeze... what the hell happened to Rolling Stone and Jann Wenner?? And what is the world coming to when this worthless individual (Snooki) is so popular that any magazine would put her on its cover -- particularly one that purports to be about music. SHAME. The world is truly going to hell in a handbag -- designed by Jessica Simpson and carried by Snooki!

  25. is the address if anyone wants to protest. I emailed them, and told them this is an outrage.

    who is next year's recipient? O.J. Simpson?

  26. @parissucksliterally/amoteafloat - I'm horrified. That....make RocketQueen want to SMASH.

  27. @parissucks -- Thanks for sending them a pissy message. I did the exact same thing. Shame on that "arts" organization.

  28. Yeah would Snooki want to look up to a millionaire plus plus plus like Jessica Simpson? Oh sorry I didn't realize this blogger is a sexist ass that only judges women as far a relationships status. What a hater.

    Who else has been on Rolling Stone's cover? Uh Ashanti, Eric Cartman from Southpark, Audrina it's not a noble peace prize...

  29. I always think of Kate Beckinsale when I see Snooki also. I wonder if Len Wiseman feels the same way as me and joe_h.

  30. I saw a woman in the grocery store about 6 months ago with a FULL ON Kate Gosselin. Whhhhhyyyyyy????? Love it when people get in on a fad years too late.

    Well @sunnyside, you called it. Girl wants to be like Jessica Simpson. :)

    What is she supposed to be holding?

  31. Amy Winehouse wore the poof first and a lot better.

  32. I stopped reading RS when they put Mayer on the cover of their Guitar Gods issue!
