Monday, March 14, 2011

Thank You OK! Magazine

I really need to start looking at the OK! Magazine website more frequently. I have not been paying attention to them at all, and this weekend I was at the grocery store and saw their cover. I almost cried from tears of joy. Why do you ask? Because Jennifer Aniston is finally ready to have a baby. I know, I know. I can't believe she is doing it and doing it on her own. It must be true because they would not put something on the cover like that if it was not true right? I mean it says she told her friends that she is going to have the baby. Now, if only my other dream would come true of her reuniting with Brad Pitt.

If you notice on the cover, Brad Womack is ready to be a dad, soooo, Jen, if you want a different Brad, it looks like he is available and the good thing is, no new name to learn. That is always a pain.


  1. For some reason I can't imagine her pregnant....but she could rent a womb...
    And forget Brad, he's had the life and looks sucked out of him.

  2. The saddest part of this whole story is how so many trees were forced to relinquish their lives so that this shit could be published.

  3. I would really like to know how many covers various magazines have put out saying this exact same thing. I'm no huge fan of Aniston, but that has GOT to be annoying.

  4. @RQ - are you kidding?! Aniston LOVES this shit! I don't even think she WANTS a baby; she just wants tabloids to keep speculating about her womb until she hits menopause. It keeps her fanbase from pondering whether she'll ever do anything of actual substance ever again.

  5. I honestly think she doesnt want kids but she needs to stop pretending and running around with the attitude that she actually does and I dont blame the chick either ...since angelina and 6 kids brad looks horrible

  6. I know what you mean, amote - I mean, I'm not sure she wants a baby at all....but wouldn't you roll your eyes at yet another cover?? I am, and it's not even about me.

  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I am really tired of Aniston wanting a baby story. Seems to be the yearly thing every Spring Break LOL.

  8. We all know she's totally one of those women who would never have a kid because it might mess up her figure. She is SO that type of person.

  9. I love JA. You know, some people just don't want kids? wtf is wrong with that? I see nothing wrong with it at all, especially considering how many selfish asshole who should never raise a child, go ahead and do it.

  10. @parissucksliterally - absolutely NOTHING is wrong with that. I'm way more okay with this than people having multiple children, quite frankly. The thing is, she keeps saying she wants to eventually have a child, but I don't think she does. And if not, why say you do?? Ah yes. The Minivan Majority.

  11. I 100% agree with RQ that is what irks me to. You know she doesn't want kids she wants to act. So when she says (lies) she wants kids "one day" aka never. She is just pandering to the mothers who fantasize about having Jen's life.

  12. RQ -- "I'm way more okay with this than people having multiple children, quite frankly.

    WORD. I don't like Aniston one bit, but I'd respect her more if she just came out and admitted that she doesn't really want kids, even if it pisses off the Minivan Majority. Not everyone has to emulate the Duggers.

    I don't want kids, either. I LOVE and appreciate them (and I have ZERO tolerance for people who profess to dislike them), but I also like living a life of relative spontaneity.

  13. Her European tour? Has Aniston taken up the "Gwyneth Paltrow looking for a new career" path?!

    Put me in the camp of people who think that Jen simply doesn't want children. Lots of women feel that way. No big deal, not everyone is meant to be a mom. I'm thinking that is what broke up Brad and Jen. Brad seems to want to be a dad, whereas Jen seems pretty happy unencumbered.

  14. I wouldn't go so far as to say I don't like kids, but I don't really get what the big fuss is about *L*. I just don't have the patience for them, which is exactly why I have chosen not to procreate. I wish more people would follow my example.

    As far as Anistone goes, I always found her to be quite likeable. And I actually don't think she has anything to to with these headlines anymore. This is what people want to read about her so it's what they're going to print. Why would she WANT to come across as a lovelorn, desperate woman who is still trying to win back her ex and/ or adopt babies on her own when she is clearly capable of taking care of herself and probably would rather have people think she was doing JUST FINE THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

  15. An anistone. Almost as pleasurable as a kidney stone. ;-)

  16. I tried to like your comment, but apparently Blogger has no such button.

  17. :-) I still like you a whole lot, Maja. Even if you ARE an Aniston fan...

  18. I'm a JA fan and I see her eventually adopting a blond, blue eyed baby, only because if she adopted from overseas it would be seen as trying to compete with Mother Angelina.

    BTW, I intensely dislike children but only because of asshole parents who let them run amok.

  19. I had kids. Is abortion retroactive?

  20. I think she'd probably like to have kids if she were in a long term relationship. Why have them with some random fling? The circumtances haven't really presented themselves since her and Brad split. Just my perception. She may want kids but not be a single parent.

  21. oh, enty your sarcasm is FANTASTIC!!!!!!! hee hee!!!

  22. This is like the umpteenth time they say the same thing about her... That she's ready but she never is, ugh...
    @kathrynnova, I'm digging the sacarsm too, haha!

  23. I don't think JA wants kids and I think she is doing what the Big O did-stringing the public along. Remember the Big O's previous interviews where she was "going to marry Stedman and have a family"? Barbara Walters showed a clip of one of those interviews and the Big O gave some have baked excuse about her wanting to save the world or something. I think JA is going to play that game to when her biological clock runs totally out.

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  25. Truthfully, I don't care. Maybe she was never able to have kids. She is boring, her hair is boring, and the whole kid issue is annoying.

  26. With her choice of career and lifestyle and being over 40, the 'idea' of having a child is probably better than the reality.

    Either way, magazines know which covers will sell.

  27. @Bruce - Taken a few too many action-hero hits to the noggin, have you?

  28. Isn't she a bit, um, old, to have a baby? Safely, and everything. And does anyone really care either way?
