Friday, March 11, 2011

These Are The Ones Kneepads Picked?

In the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan, lots of celebrities are tweeting their thoughts and prayers. With all of the celebrity Tweets to choose from, who did Kneepads choose to highlight? Lea Michele, Paris Hilton & Lindsay Lohan.

First of all lets start with Lindsay. Yes, I know I just wrote about her earlier, but look at this Tweet.

"My mommy just woke my sister and i [sic] up to this!" she said. "god [sic] bless those that are in fear."

First of all this happened like 10pm Pacific Time. The only way Lindsay and Ali Lohan were sleeping at that hour was if they were passed out or had not got up from the night before. Plus, why in the f**k are you calling her mommy? Are you 10 years old? In my mind I think the Tweet should have been like this.

"Dina the witch went to the bathroom so Ali and I decided to take her share of the coke. She came back in and said there had been a tsunami in Japan. Looting!!"

At least Paris and Lea said normal things. My question to Kneepads is why did you choose these particular people to highlight Tweeting for such a tragic event?


  1. Not for nothing, but I still call my mom "mommy" sometimes and I'm older than Hohan.

    Some people really love their ma's, o.k?


  2. I called my mom mommy, drove my ex-husband nuts.....

    As for Lindsay....Bullshit

  3. They probably didn't watch the news last night.

  4. First of all, that picture is so scary. I thought it was a bunch of toy cars and planes in a parking lot of debris. I had no idea until I looked closer that it was real!

    Second of all, my biggest pet peeve is when people say "my sister and I" in the predicate of a sentence! Who are you trying to impress??? When in doubt, take out the other persons name and see if it still makes sense:

    Example: My mommy woke up my sister and I. My mommy woke up I.
    Doesn't make any sense does it?
    My mommy woke up my sister and me.
    My mommy woke up me. Makese sense, right?

    Now let's try it in the subject of the sentence:
    My sister and me woke up.
    Me woke up. No sense.
    My sister and I woke up.
    I woke up. Makes sense.

    It drives me crazy when people try to sound really smart by using "my sister and I" when it actually should be "my sister and me."

  5. I'm the same way about who/whom. If you can substitute "him", use "whom". It's not that hard.

  6. Anonymous11:19 AM

    LOL @ "Dina the witch went to the bathroom so Ali and I decided to take her share of the coke. She came back in and said there had been a tsunami in Japan. Looting!!"

  7. Hey Terri, thanks for the advice on him and whom. Me tend to confuse those.... LOL I knew about the I and me rules ;-)

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  9. Clapping for Ice Angel. THANK YOU.

    I don't give a good goddamn what Lindsay or Paris have to say about Japan. Maybe other readers do, but I sure as hell don't. Didn't Lindsay say something supremely stupid about congratulating the people of Egypt for success through non-violent demonstration?? What an idiot.

  10. I guess there were no other D list Celebrities to choose from? LMAO...

  11. I have great difficulty with the I/me, not so bad with the who/whom. Absolutely awful with the apostrophe for ownership etc. Even downloaded stuff from the internet and I am still clueless, so feel free to weigh in on that too. Maybe Enty could do a sidebar of grammar, I need it.

  12. @feraltart-at least you have no problem admitting it! I have lots of problems too with my grammar. But it just irks me when people try to act all pretentious and still get it wrong! LOL!

  13. Grammar police?!


  14. @Ice Angel -- this English Major Nerd is wiping away tears of joy at your diatribe. Thank you.

    "Mommy"?!?! Not if you're older than ten, sorry.

    That reminds me of that cringe-inducing scene in Black Swan where Nina calls her crazy mom from the bathroom stall.

    Ugh. Dina WOULD be a "Mommy."

  15. I love it how Lindsay uploaded a picture of her TV. Like we wouldn't believe that she gave a shit.

    Guess what Lindsay? We see right through you.


  16. No offense to anyone, but I absolutely hate it when grown people refer to their parents as mommy or daddy. In Lindsay's case, I think it's very telling about her mental/emotional maturity level and the f'd up, codependent relationship she has with her mother. Amoteafloat, it made me think of think of the "He picked me, mommy!" scene in Black Swan too!

    What disgusts me even more, though, is that any publication of any kind would report on what Lindsay's tweeting about the tsunami. WGAF. Gross.

  17. @amoteafloat: Yeah, Mommy Dearest, to Lindsay's Baby Jane Hudson. They can eventually star in their own version of Grey Gardens.

  18. Poor grammar aside, the tweet reeks of a cry for attention ("look at me, being all caring 'n' stuff!") and a need to feel relevant. Epic fail, Linds. Dina, meanwhile, probably couldn't find Japan on a map.

  19. LMAO, Robert! The two of them in "Grey Gardens," it's brilliant!

    And given Lindsay's hoarding tendencies, I can see a version of that actually happening.

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  22. I didn't hear about the earthquake until I woke up on Friday morning, so I believe that part of it.

    As for "Mommy"? I have been known to call my Mom that, even as an adult, but it is VERY rare and in moments of great affection. I.E. - not on my twitter.

  23. Hubby and his siblings (all over 45 yrs old) call their Mother "Mommy." Just a thing some families do.

  24. My sister (who's 45) will sometimes call our dad "daddy" when she's talking to me or our other sister, but not when she's talking to people NOT in our family. But all 3 of us were raised as Daddy's girls.

  25. Lindsay Lohan is so annoying...

    I call my mom "Ma/Mom/Mama" & my dad "Daddy" but just b/c he's/I'm southern. Mommy does sound a little weird...but it's only annoying b/c LL said it. ;)
