Friday, March 25, 2011

Will Ferrell - Raw Sexuality And The New Office Boss

So, next season it looks like Will Ferrell will be the boss at The Office. Quoting from the press release, the show runner, Paul Lieberstein, who also plays Toby says, "We are proud to continue The Office's tradition of discovering famous talent, and we hope that once America gets a good look at Will, they'll see what we see, tremendous raw sexuality."

With Will's movie career not doing so hot right now this seems like a pretty good time to have him move back over to television. It is not like he still can't do movies, and he gets to head into a hit show and make a huge paycheck and I think it is the right fit for the show. I sense there will be many opportunities for Will to strip down to a thong and show the word that raw sexuality.

Do you think Pearl will be his landlord?


  1. Awesome. I might get back into the Office!

  2. I just don't like Will Ferrell on any level. Except that one movie where he was with Emma Thompson.

  3. plus, I thought Ricky was looking at Will Arnett to be the permanent new boss. I thought Will's doing a guest arc.

  4. I might watch now--I've never seen a full episode, just bits and pieces. I cannot refuse raw sexuality on any level, lol.

  5. i have never seen this show. ever. i tried to once, for about 2 minutes, and i just couldn't get into it, relate to it, whatever. it saddens me b/c i love supporting anything ricky g. has had a hand in developing, but eww...still not sufficiently enticed.

  6. i have just watched my last office show. The only thing i've ever enjoyed will in was "elf."

  7. Pearl's THE BEST. ☺

    The Office should have ended at least 2 seasons ago.

  8. This makes me so happy.

  9. i guess will ran out of themes to murder in parody movies.

    i love Will's Bush character but other then that meh. i would of liked Will Arnett better.

  10. Another reason for me to completely skip the American version.

  11. Will is supposed to be on The Office for just a few episodes this season (slightly overlapping with Steve Carrell). Those two should be funny together.

    I don't love everything Will Ferrell does, but Talladega Nights is one of my favorite movies ever (yeah, I admit it).

    The Office has been losing steam for awhile. For that reason, not sure it will survive much longer, but at its best it was wonderful.

  12. Really? I like Will Ferrell and all but ... meeeeeeh. I'm so over the Office. I'm just about over TV in general seeing as they'll run a show for three or four weeks, then go on hiatus for six or seven. It's really really annoying and can't help increase viewership at all.

  13. Glad I don't watch this show.

  14. This is the 1st I've heard of Will Ferrell being the new boss. All I've read stated he would be on for a few episodes. I'd prefer to see Will Arnett as the new boss.

  15. I agree, American TV should consider adopting the British model, run all new episodes consecutively. It seems American network (free to air) television is stuck in the traditional model of a September to June 'season' with November, February, and May sweeps. It's a complete joke and it absolutely dictates the quality of TV we see.

    My husband and I still watch The Office, and will probably watch it next year but it hasn't been really high quality for 2 or 3 years. Honestly, Community is better.

  16. Talladega Nights was hilarious, Dianne. And I'm sorry, Anchorman is pure genius.

  17. Will on the Office = no more Office for me. Yuck!

  18. I love Will Ferrell and most of the dumb man-humour movies he's made, but I'm not sure he's right for the Office. He's a little bit too obvious for their kind of humour, I think. But I'll give it a chance - there are so many great characters on that show that I know they can keep going without Steve Carell.

  19. Ricky isn't involved in making casting decisions on the show. He and Steve are EP's in name only. I think they've written & directed an episode and Steve has directed one on his own.

    However Will Arnett & Ricky Gervais will be in the season finale. I hadn't heard anything about Will F being on next season. I don't see a link so I don't know what article Enty is quoting from but unless this has been confirmed today I don't think it's official.

  20. I don't think this is official either. I know Enty probably has a source linked to The Office based on how much info he usually gets on the show, but it seems weird that no other entertainment blogs are reporting on this.

    Anyway, I love will Ferrel, but was kinda hoping he was a guest star. I want Will Arnett to be the new boss.

  21. I agree with Ellie. The only movie I could endure Will Ferrell in was "Elf". I had to turn off "The Other Guys" - it was horrible, like how I feel about all his other movies.

  22. @ jenna, I read it at OMG.

  23. There is an article on OMG from today talking about it but it doesn't confirm anything and only mentions the 4 episodes.

  24. NBC is running promos now saying Will Ferrell is the new boss. But I agree Arnett would be the better Will (although orignially I thought I heard Will Forte, who would still be better, in my opinon, than Ferrell, though not as fun as Arnett.)

    Now, which Will can we offer up to CBS for Two and A Half Men?

  25. I love Will Farrell but could really see this going either way on The Office.

    So what will Will Arnett do now?? Maybe he should do a few episodes of Parks or Community...

  26. Ferrell is only there as a favor to Steve Carell and because he genuinely loves the show. Some of his recent movies have flopped and he ranked #1 as the most overpaid actor of Hollywood last year but it was before "The Other Guys". Ferrell doesn't need the money from TV and he can't still commend some serious wage for a new comedy. He will stay on The Office as a temp boss. It was announced that way and there's no reason to doubt that, even if EL seems to have misunderstood it.

    The name of the new boss was supposed to be revealed in the finale or at the beginning of next season. Will Arnett is the most likely choice. He's available, he's good at being an inept boss, he already was in 30 Rock and Parks and Rec (as an IRM nurse who had a date with Leslie Knope) and he even did two movies with Ferrell, including one with Jenna Fisher (Blades of Glory).
