Thursday, April 07, 2011

ABC/Disney Needs To Get Off Their High Horse

Hugh Hefner had one of his people Tweet that Karina Smirnoff is going to be nude in the May issue of Playboy. Supposedly the fact that Karina is going to be naked as the day she was born is causing the people over at ABC/Disney and Dancing With The Stars to think about firing Karina. WTF? That is such total crap. Yes, it is a family show, BUT they have had Holly Madison and Kendra Wilkinson on the show and paid them and the reason they are famous is because they got naked and had sex with an 80 year old man and were paid every month to do it. They have had Kim Kardashian on who got her fame from a sex tape for which she was paid and they had The Hoff on who continues to be famous only because he drinks like a fish and ends up in the hospital from it several times a year.

If they fire Karina they are just digging their own grave. I don't even like her and I would help her out with this. Total crap.


  1. If I were her I would be for them to fire me just so I can sue the pants off of them

  2. What hypocritical horseshit.

  3. They also had Chris Brown on the show.

    Sooo...morality is only involved when it's a woman wanting to pose for playboy?


  4. They only hire "stars" who have been naked, the dancers must always wear a tiny sparkly, only slightly larger than a g-string, ensemble.

  5. I'm sure Disney has contractual language for the dancers they employ, just like I'm sure they do for the Disney princesses at Walt Disney World or Disneyland.

    That is, I'm guess the dancers are basically on as ABC/Disney staff/performers. I'm sure the celebrities have different agreements and different pay -- and might appear legally as guest stars, or as competitors on a reality show, who knows. But I just have a gut feeling this is covered in her contract.

  6. I gave up this show after a couple seasons and even though I don't care much for her it would serve them right to be sued. It won't however dig their grave. It's a huge show, and isn't going to be ruined by a lawsuit.

  7.'s cool for Miley Cyrus to be a raging whore and a waste of human flesh...but this dancer gal can't even pose for a decent pictorial?


    Well done, Disney. Keep up the double standard.

  8. The only thing they are likely upset about in reality is that they were unaware of it. As long as they can control things and it gets them press I don't think they care.

  9. Words right out of my mouth Nightmare:) Thanks for the heads up on 90210, btw:D
    Don't forget the Mickey Mouse Club givng us Sinead O'Spears and Aguilara.
    Fantastic they found their standards in what must have been an early easter egg hunt

  10. OMFG. That is just plain stupid.

    Didn't Brooke also pose nude at some point? Like right after she got the fake tits? Please.

    This has GOT to be about something else and ABC is just using it as an excuse to get rid of her.

    Maybe Maks is pitching a hissy fit or something... (who I adore, but I do know that he and Karina are said to get along like oil and water...)

  11. Holly, Kendra, Kim, Miley and Chris Brown = A OK. Karina getting fired over this complete utter hypocritical bs. Disney has lost their everloving minds and I am sure parts of Walt are rolling around in a deep freeze somewhere.

  12. Hahaha selena, you know I would give Maks a pass if that's the case. Seriously, he had to try and lift Kirstie. You know he's been best friends with back medicine and Icyhot all week

  13. I hate Karina because she has a HUGE attitude problem, but you are correct Enty. Firing her would definitely be a double standard. And it's not ok for someone to pose naked, but it's ok to have a guest on your show who beats women and damages public property? WTF is wrong with their judgment?

  14. I'd rather see Cheryl Burke in Playboy. And Disney, give it a rest you rat shit hypocrits.

  15. They better lawyer up!

  16. I liked how Maks took the blame for Kirsti's fall when it could, conceivably, be blamed on her, um...
    Anyway, he was on an episode of Celebrity Ghost Stories (as was Karina) which involved him shattering his femur in a sledding accident as a teenager, and that old injury may have come into play at the moment of truth.
    And Disney is probably upset that they're not making the money from the Playboy photo shoot. They should leave her to it, for all the reasons others have cited.

  17. I am so glad to see this post, and about the comments - you are all right, this is so incredibly hypocritical.

  18. The counselor should sue them for the mental abuse they put him/her through.

  19. I don't see what the big deal is, either. It's not like they need to promote it on the show.

    @Robert - I LOVE that show! I saw Karina's story but missed Maks. Maybe it'll pop up on a repeat.
