Monday, April 04, 2011

Ashley Judd Talks About Childhood Rapes

Ashley Judd has a new book out and in it, she reveals some surprising stories about her life growing up. I say a surprise because she has always criticized her mom and her sister for talking about family secrets, but in her book Ashley did not hold anything back and it is some scary stuff.

Apparently from the time she was 7 or so, she was repeatedly raped and assaulted. In one excerpt in The Enquirer she says she was molested by some old guy in Kentucky, fought him off and tried to tell adults but no one would believe her. I think that used to be a big problem back in the day. I don't know if it was so much parents not believing their kids, but no one ever wanted to cause a fuss. Now, I think 99% of parents would do something about it which is great and hopefully can put a stop to sexual predators taking advantage of their children much more quickly. I know that most people I have ever broached this subject with have some close encounter kidnapping story and I am no different. When I was a kid I remember being approached by a guy who wanted to know if I needed a ride. I was standing in front of my house sand my mom had always said don't talk to strangers so there was no way I was getting in that car.

I don't remember if I told my mom, but I remember that incident vividly to this day.


  1. When I was in 5th grade walking to school some gross guy tried getting me to go with him in his car. I ran and screamed. I told the school secretary and principal but I don't think they believed me. I think they thought I was making it up because I was late for school. They never called authorities and never even called my parents.

  2. I think your 99% is way, way high. Way high. More like 40% would do something about it. At least 30% of all "parents" are drugged up or drunk. Another 20% are going to be flat out exhausted from working and taking care of children. 99% is way high. It's the real world out there.

  3. I remember watching the Americas Most Wanted guy's safety videos as a kid. I also remember a man stopping to ask me a question and me running as fast as I could. Honestly, he could have been asking for directions, but I didn't care. I was outta there.

  4. I think Naomi overlooked a lot because she needed a man in her life and money to support her girls.

  5. That picture of Ashley on the left is rather unflattering.

  6. Patty, I was just going to write the same thing.

    While it's beyond horrible, why is she writing this now? Movie career sucking much?

    Which girl didn't know who her real father was growing up?

    While I was a fan of the Judd's, I think the song should of been "Mama? She's crazy" Naomi has always rubbed me wrong.

  7. Agree, Patty. There's a blind over on BlindGossip that is suggesting she just got/is getting a full facelift (if the guesses are correct, and the clues lead to her) - I'm wondering if it's before or after the pic on the left.

    One of my best girlfriends was raped repeatedly by her uncle as a child. Her mother, to this day, will not talk about it or acknowledge it happened, even though my friend told her. Her mother recently tried to get my friend to bring her kids over for a family dinner where the uncle would be present, and I had to hug my friend for an hour while she cried about how hurtful it is that her mother doesn't seem to CARE how hard it was on my friend. People just don't want to rock the boat. Brutal.

  8. That's the worst pic I've ever seen of Ashley, she usually looks great.

    I feel terrible if she was raped, but there is something super disingenuous about her.

  9. I was molested by a male babysitter at the age of nine. My sister had someone man put their hand down her shorts at about age 10 at a playground. I found out about this years later. My Mother was a divorced, single Mom and worked a lot and I was responsible for my sister from age 11 on. Neither one of us has discussed this with our Mother. We were also chased by a man in a vehicle as I we were walking to school and we told everyone who would listen at the school about it. I don't know if they did anything. I have been so over protective of my son and three girls to make sure history did not repeat itself. This story explains a whole lot about Ashley Judd never having children, her family issues, etc.

  10. Anonymous11:34 AM

    So is she pointing the finger at her mother for not doing something about it???

  11. I can remember being approached by a guy from the back of a van while walking to school. I don't remember how old I was, but it wasn't that old. He told me he knew my dad. I don't even remember if I told my parents, but I was still allowed to walk to school, or across town to my grandma's house when I wanted.

    The summer before 8th grade, one of my friend's cousins (I'm assuming he was a teenager) lured me into the village hall building and molested me. I ran home, crying. When my mom went up to my dad, he said, "Boys will be boys," and nothing else was said about that. I'm guessing since there wasn't penetration that it didn't count in his book.

    We are on the northern edge of the culture that likes to keep things swept under the rug for fear of people talking, and I wouldn't doubt that her family would follow the same rules. Either they didn't believe her, or they didn't want to make a case out of it.

  12. I don't believe a word Ashley says. She lies just like her mom does.

  13. Wow! Being a supposed total bitch is not garnering Ashley much sympathy for the past, I see!

    Not that I care about her personally either way, but I think it is really sick and sad how many parents refuse to believe sexual abuse is/was for real. Victims growing up thinking it was all their fault. Sad, sad, sad.

  14. Maybe people would be more responsive to stranger attacks nowadays, but molestation by friends/family members is still incredibly pervasive. My mom is a child psychologist, and she sees countless kids who have been molested. Step-dads/mom's boyfriends are the usual offenders, and the moms are usually too afraid of being left by the guy to do anything to stop it.

  15. When I was about 9, a man approached a friend and I in front of her house and asked for directions. He was in his car but had no pants on. We both ran away and we told our parents. Our parents believed us and called the cops but I don't think the man was ever found. That scared the heck out of me as a kid.

    I think Ashley Judd is bonkers so it could go either way with me about whether or not it is true.

  16. Lump me in with those who don't believe a word that comes out of Lord God Queen Bitch's mouth. Fuck her, that opportunist, for telling stories in order to sell books.

  17. I totally believe it happened to her. And I totally believe her mother/parents didn't do anything about it. Even so, it doesn't make her any less of a bitch. Just that all that was, and is, so wrong. And too many people could write a book about rape, assault, abuse as a child.

  18. Mooshki,

    In that case "eventually", the mothers become "almost" equally responsible for their kids being harmed.

  19. nunaurbiz: why do you say Naomi Judd lies? And wow, Ashley must have burned some bridges somewhere, no one has much sympathy for her. My sister was molested by my uncle while sleeping over at his house during a trip "home". My aunt denied it happened and told her she was just dreaming. Turns out he did it to another cousin too. His 3 sons allowed their children to visit him, no problem. Fortunately, the bastard is now dead. He was a cop and it was never pursued, but he left the force very hastily one year, so we're sure he got caught there too.

  20. I believe it because it would explain a lot about Ashley Judd. Someone who was abused as a child is going to have a lot of trust issues and difficulties with relationships. It doesn't give her a pass to be a bitch but it does explain a lot.

  21. Dear Celebrities:
    If you write a book and put a supremely photoshopped photo on the cover, don't stand next to a poster sized blow up of that photo.

    (yes, I know those are two different photos)

  22. I think it is quite a statement about society when so many commenters to this blog do not 'believe' when another survivor comes out (as is not believing it will suddenly make child rape unreal). This is exactly why survivors stay silent. It's bad enough we have to endure the rapes, but then when we tell people what happened to us, you don't believe us anyway. You don't believe us, and then you sit on juries and ensure that the criminals who perpetrated against us will continue walking the streets as free men.

    Also - did it ever occur to any of you that maybe she is a bitch BECAUSE she was raped repeatedly? She might have been a lovely happy sweet child until some asshole came along and raped her, repeatedly. That kind of thing tends to color your world view. 'Nice' does not equal truth-teller, and 'bitch' does not equal liar.

    - Butterfly

  23. Wow, I'm feeling exceedingly fortunate to not have had any incidents like this in my childhood.

    This goes a long way toward explaining why she's such a bitch. But I still do't have to like her.

  24. When I was about 9, a man in a blue car with the seal in gold of the electric company stopped me to ask for directions. His pants were around his legs. I took off fast. Didn't tell anyone, probably because back then kids were always in the wrong when something bad happened. Other than that, an ideal childhood!

  25. Well said Butterfly! I have no opinions on Ashely Judd one way or another, but the flat out animosity towards her on a subject like this is rather shocking - especially when 90% of the people posting have their own story to tell. Thankfully I have not had to experience that, but seriously... if it happened to YOU, is there some reason it could not have happened to Ashley Judd??

  26. what butterfly and mac said.

    some of you should just be fucking ashamed.

  27. ITA with butterfly and mac.

    Unless you were watching this girl 24/7 when she was growing up or otherwise KNOW this is not true, you shouldn't accuse her of lying.

  28. I think it's because she has treated other people awfully that many people don't want to believe she herself was treated so abominably. I like to think people wouldn't lie about something like this. I have no reason to believe it didn't happen to her.

    In her present-day photo she has really AGED. She looks 50. I find it odd a much younger photo of her was used on the cover.

    I had an incident of being approached by a stranger at age 9 as well (it amazes me how often that particular age comes up when people talk about this subject). I was with another girl and we were walking back to her house with our newly-purchased ice cream cones. A man in a car pulled up beside us and tried to lure us into his car, I think. My friend said her mother told her she wasn't allowed to talk to strangers. I didn't realize his penis was visible until he fondled it and asked if we knew what it was because I was focusing on the rope and knife in the backseat. My friend said yes and said something else that made him drive away. I remember she turned to me and said, "We can't tell our mothers because we'll get in big trouble for talking to strangers." I was too dumbstruck to say anything anyway.

  29. oh, but another question - did people really not believe kids who claimed they were molested back in the day?

    Because I feel that nowadays (at least where I come from) kids can make up whatever lie they want and grown-ups just buy it. There have been several court cases where dads or teachers have been convicted of sexually molesting kids based solely on the word of the child, and then it has turned out that they were lying all along.

  30. When I was in first grade a teenager (high school age) popped out of the bushes and wanted me to take off my clothes. I ran back to the school and a teacher gave me a ride home. I still remember that kids face to this day (I am 49). Back then nothing was done, no police etc., I just had to watch out more for strangers.

  31. Wow the age 9-11 seems to be just the time men find girls vulnerable. ALSO approached by the creepy guy who's house we had to pass to get to our friend's house. He TOLD us to get in the car and we screamed and ran. We would always run past his house after that because he would typically be standing at his screen nekkid.

  32. Well said, butterfly.

  33. woof, she is not aging gracefully AT ALL. I feel bad for her trauma but does that excuse her AWFUL behavior? She is a terrible human being. Such a shame because she's really a great actress.

  34. I have great sympathy for all of you and it's very brave of you to talk about it. Some things happened to me, I have never told anyone and probably never will.

    My mother was a well known (if you are from the NYC area) kidnap victim who was held overnight on the roof of a building in the Bronx before she was rescued. She was 12. All she ever told me was that the man exposed himself to her. She never wanted to talk about it and I never pushed, and the newspaper reports are very vague.

    I question Ashley Judd's motives and timing here. She's always been vocal and outspoken, particularly about womens' issues, but chooses to air this story for the first time only when it suits her: i.e., when she's lost her looks, her career has dried up, and she has a book to sell. Plus she's a known asshole. She could tell me the sky was blue and I wouldn't give her the benefit of the doubt.

  35. Okay, here we go:
    I am totally sad for all those who endured such tragedy in their lives. There is no excuse and NONE OF YOU ARE TO BLAME! It hurts my heart for you - and if it matters? I'd paint the ceiling with the brains of any person who did that to ANY OF YOU! So FUCK THEM!

    I know Ashley "Judd" very well. I also know Dario very well. As in I helped get him a ride in NASCAR (regretablly). (So I likely just outed myself if they read this). I have known her since 1992 actually. I have no love for her now because I found out first hand what an unhinged lunatic she is. Literally. My name was even in the news and Variety for getting caught in a hot tub with her (and another) at the BevHills Hotel very late one night. Nude. Good times back then!

    Here's the rub - Ashley has always invented stories of traumas to get attention. Worse than Sharon Stone. If a new disease is discovered? Ashley had it 10 years ago. A war breaks out? She could stop it. God shits on Cleveland? Ashley can call him.

    Imagine a Scientologist with attention issues, Munchausen's Complex, and a bully pulpit.

    I know her dad was a dick. I know her life was tough before she was 10. I know she dropped acid, smoked dope, and got laid before sweet 16. She was a total tramp at Kentucky. But she's infertile NOT from rape - but HPV and VD (and 5 abortions!!!).

    Nobody in the past 30 years has EVER heard this story. None. She said she screwed around and was wild to get attention since her mom was always gone with her sis. She did it to get noticed...NOT to rebel against rape! Wouldn't ANYONE think that with her money, platform, and celebrity - she would prosecute, punish, or at least embarass the prick responsible??
    What pisses me off is that it shits on REAL VICTIMS of such injustice. I was fondled and touched (and taught to touch a girl) by my female babysitter when I was 11yo. She was only 17 herself - beautiful, and I loved it. She was the daughter of a pop-rock icon. She herself became a gorgeous pop singer in a girl-group. I don't hate her - I THANKED HER. She taught me how to please a female. How to trust, satisfy, and LISTEN to a woman! A good teacher, NOT an abuser. I was the luckiest kid in Jr. High!
    Maybe I'm a cad? But at least I'm not going around selling books by lying to get noticed and sympathy!
    FUCK Ashley Tyler Citronella-Candle and her gaping VD infested holes. The rest of you? You are my heroes for staying strong!
    Sorry - rant over.

  36. What you say may be true but perhaps, she became wild and "trampy" at a young age because of the trauma, the thing that took her innocence away when she was so young and no one believed her. Maybe, in the face of that she started lying, cheating, whatever and lived her life like that because, f-it, if something truly awful happened and no one believed it might as well have fun continuing to destroy your already desroyed life.
    I don't know her, I am just plating devils advocate because people do inecsplicable things when there innocence is literally stolen and the people who are supposed to love and protect them just betray them.
    I am a rape victim, I was, luckily older. However did some awful stuff because I was already "sullied". My mind was raped as much as my body because of the person I was.
    All I can do is watch my babies like hawks and give them all the info I can,hopefully they will never have to go through such a thing and hopefully I do not raise a sociopath that lies about such a thing.
    Lying, rape, molestation, ignoring problems, all of these things are abuse and eceyone deals differently.

  37. Well said Butterfly. Being raped, abused, or molested can make your heart cold. It definitely makes it hard to trust others, especially if it was incest. If you can't trust your own family, why should you trust others? People are quick to shoot down others. Whether this happened or not, keep your opinion about it to yourself bc if it did happen, you're going to look like a douche for not believing.

  38. wow......this stuff always is so fucked up. At age 8, my brothers best friend molested me for about 3 months. Almost every day. When I told my mom and dad......the first thing they did was call the cops. I will never forget the look on the officers face when i whispered in his ear what I endured. Never. My dad, however, took a bit of a differnt approach. He went to the guys house and when he opened the door...............well, let's just say, every time he pushes the button on his wheelchair, he thinks of my dear old dad! (suffice it to say, you don't wanna mess with a former golden gloves boxers girl!!)
    True story. My father wasn't prosecuted for the "assault", judge said he had just cause for provocation. This was back in the '70's. If this really happened to her, it's understandable how she reacted and continues to react. She may have written this book as a catharsis.....

  39. It's also possible that she was molested as a child, but at the time it happened she didn't view it as molestation. There are kids who are starved for love and attention and will do or permit anything to get it. They are so needy, they become attached to their abuser. Then, when the abuser walks away, they feel abandoned once again, and even more worthless than they felt before. You can bet your ass that kind of mind fuck can eff a kid up even more than the physical aspect of the "relationship" does.

  40. Sad when Ashley being a bit*h makes us disbelieve her story. - Does explain a lot.
    When I was about 10, an uncle molested me. I never told anyone. Then following week he asked my mother if he could "take me to the cinema" - I screamed NOOOO and told her what happened. She went bonkers - totally believed me, BUT I was instructed not to tell my dad or anyone else ! I never did - I just wanted to forget it ! - she did make sure none of us kids were ever alone with him, but somewhere in the back of mind I would have liked my dad to have punched his lights out !

  41. Butterfly couldn't have said it better.

    I have three sons who are 10-12 who did not really go out (around the neighborhood) until about a year ago for this same reason. I have a story of my own and protect my little men like a hawk (ironically my story involves a relative.)

    I've actually taught my sons to RUN if stranger in a car tells them to get in - even if they have a gun. I explained to them the chances of being hit by a bullet and running away are better than what would happen if they got in the car.

    As a parent its a tough thing to tell your kids; especially when their are so innocent they have no conception of what could happen to them.

  42. had the same conversation with my kids ^^
    a friend of my 12 year olds just told everyone last year that her father had been raping her for years. he's in jail now, but not for the rapes. when he found out that his daughter reported him he tried to kill her. sickening that the rapes only got a report to CPS (by the school counselor) and a call to the police who came out and decided that because dad had run off somewhere there was nothing to do. when he showed up at their apartment complex with a bunch of guns a neighbor called the police. then he got arrested.

  43. When I was about 5, and I know that I couldn't be older than that because I was riding a large tricycle, a teenage boy on my block asked if I could help him with something in the garage. I knew him, and went with him. He shut the garage door, handed me a hammer, pulled down his pants, and asked me to hit him in the balls as hard as I could with the hammer. I told him no, he made me promise never to tell anyone, and let me out of the garage. I immediately pedaled home and told my mother what happened. Later that night my parents went to this boy's house to talk to his parents. I don't think I ever saw him after that, and am thankful he wanted me to hurt him, not the other way around. I think there is much, much more abuse out there than we know about.

  44. Oh really, 99% huh? You live in a fantasy, dear.

  45. Look at all the comments here. Do we all go around acting like Ashley? That's my problem with her. Lots of people are abused yet they recover and get on with life. Ashley has money for more therapy than any of us can hope to afford. She should have dealt with this by now. I feel bad for her but cannot excuse her behavior. I wish it never happened to her, and anyone else. All the media propaganda makes everyone think this kind of thing never happens to almost everyone when, in fact, it does. Just look at all the comments.......
