Thursday, April 07, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This very handsome British actor with a reputation with the ladies has a little problem with his equipment. One thing’s for sure, he can’t be accused of not using it often, just not in the way you’d think. He has prostatitis which among other things has him running to the bathroom so much his former costars thought he had a drug problem.


  1. This just screams Jude Law to me and I am loving it.

  2. I like Jude Law - just for the handsome part. Hugh Grant is cute-ish... But so is Harry Potter.

    Maybe someone younger? Like Garfield, and all that new Brit invasion.

  3. Isn't prostatitis something that comes on with age?

  4. I'd say Hugh. Russell Brand is disgusting in the face.

  5. what about Daniel Craig?

  6. But so is Harry Potter...hahaha

  7. Is Gerard Butler British?

  8. Butler is a Scot

  9. With prostatitis, though not unheard of in younger men, it is statistically more likely to be someone over 40.

    Simon Baker's an Aussie.

  10. Sounds like Jude Law and karma to me.

  11. Sean Bean?? He's got a new series on cable coming out.

  12. Not nice for whoever it is. And not funny either.

    Butler comes under the British umbrella as he is Scottish, but never quite sure whether these goss sites know which countries actually form the British Isles collectively or they just tag everyone who's not American as 'British' and hope they're right!

  13. I seem to remember reading an interview with Hugh a few years back in which he was discussing (jokingly) some painful "man problems" -- I think it's him.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Close, K... but the British Isles are not the same thing as Britain! I'm sure the Republic of Ireland would have something to say about being called British ;) The whole thing is bloody complicated, as they say. In conclusion god only knows what the blogger meant.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. He was a troll, looks like he's graduated to spammer. Yay.

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  19. Ohhh, @ Momster---SEAN BEAN! Just the vision of his face in my mind gives me CHILLS, I tell ya, chills.

    Yum yum yummers. Good Gawd I would rip him to shreds if given half a chance (working peen or not; constant peeing or not; drug problem or not).

  20. LOL! I remembered how you lust after him. I don't think he's the answer to the blind, so continue on. . .you're fantasies are safe! ;)

  21. Colin Farrell? Ladies, check. drug problem, check!
