Thursday, April 14, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This D List actress, only known for one movie, bragged to friends that she supplied her drug habit last year and lavish lifestyle by skimming people’s credit card numbers in a card scam. The ring was broken up, but it was never linked to her.


  1. I guess Lindsay Lohan is known for at least a couple of movies so it can't be her...*L*

  2. I'll take that one chick who was in that one movie with that guy with the hair, the other guy with the face and the girl with the feet.

    This could be any number of hanger-ons & future Troma superstars...

  3. I like Nightmare Child's guess. I'm gonna go with that. :-)

  4. The Nightmare Child is spot on.

  5. Nightmare FTW...

  6. didn't Paris Hilton do only one movie and was accused buy the Kardashians of charging on their credit card?

    She certainly is D List.

  7. Not only that, Maja, but it is way too sophisticated a scam for Lindsay to pull off. Smash and grab is more her speed.

  8. BuzzFoto blinds are the worst.

  9. the only problem is that Paris is generally described as a celeb, not actress, and she apparently makes a ton of money off that idiot handbag line and appearances. Good god, what the world has become. eek.

  10. *If true* whomever this is ought to have the shit pounded out of her. But since violence is no longer PC, she needs to be publicly humiliated beyond repair.

    Like locked in a stockade or whatever where we can pelt her face with rotten fruit and such.

    Bring back horrendous public shaming. Seriously. Fuck that.

    Our CC got stolen recently and, while we didn't lose much money, it sucked balls so bad in the PITA factor.

    (Of course I personally like the idea on Adult Swim's SuperJail, where all prisoners get ripped to shreds regularly. Hey, it would mean Urine Van Der Sloot would no longer be with us...).

  11. I don't think Paris is known for one movie. Unless you're including "One Night In Paris." She was in the "House of Wax" remake and several other equally forgettable, Grade Z films.

  12. I hope it isn't Natasha Lyonne. Besides, she is known for at least three movies: American Pie, But I'm A Cheerleader! and the Slums of Beverly Hills.

  13. Anonymous11:59 AM

    kate bosworth; every time her picture pops up somewhere she's usually described as the "Blue Crush" star, despite it being yearrrs old. Plus there are those persistant drug rumours

  14. Kate Bosworth or Tara Reid...though Tara Reid did the American Pie and the Big Lebowski (which was big).

  15. Still from American Pie: Shannon Elizabeth.

    From Not Another Teen Movie: Cerina Vincent.

  16. I guess Shannon Elizabeth, American Pie and that alone.

    Also, she was making money "hosting" private poker games (probably Mah Jong, Bridge and Bingo would be better moneymakers, those players are INTENSE!) for a fee and a cut of the pot.
    I don't think her career is going anywhere else, and I bet she collects lots of info at her game nights.

  17. Whoops Angela! "GMTA"

  18. Or maybe it was that one girl with the ears who did that horrible big budget flop with the guy who has that voice & the woman with the breasts. I mean...there's just so many guesses and IT'S MAKING ME WANT TO PUNCH MYSELF IN THE BALLS AND WALK HOME IN THE RAIN.


  19. Heather Langenkamp?
