Wednesday, April 20, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This 40-ish star known for her television work, but not much else lately has been out of the media for a while because she was secretly pregnant with a married and powerful producer’s baby. He was trying to pay her off to get an abortion and she kept saying no, knowing that she’d get him for child support for 18 years. Finally his offer was high enough that she only qualified for a late-term abortion and she flew out of state to get one.


  1. Ugh. I hope it isn't true.

  2. You know that's sad but considering the crass materialism of it all maybe it's better it worked out that way.

  3. I don't care for the abortion-related blinds, honestly. It sketches me out that this info ever reached anyone in the first place. I've got my own opinions regarding late term abortion, but it's still a PRIVATE medical procedure.

    Oh yeah, it's a BUZZFOTO blind. Okay then, my guesses are Star Jones and Jerry Bruckheimer.

  4. Whoever she is she won't have to look into a mirror anymore for a reflection as she is as soul less as a Cullen Vampire in Twilight. Disgusting.

  5. i heart you Ida Blankenship :D

  6. I think it's better to have an abortion if the child will grow up in an unhealthy environment.

    There are so many children who are growing up waiting to be adopted.

    Why is it that the people who want others to give their baby up for adoption never adopt babies?!

    The pregnant woman only saw dollar signs, so I'm glad she didn't have the baby.

  7. @Hannah: I agree. I'd rather a person that horrible NOT raise a baby.

  8. I'm pro-choice, but this is pretty disgusting.

  9. I'm pro choice as well and I'm ALSO disgusted.
    To get a late term abortion because of being money hungry?

  10. I'd swaddle you in my bosom, empyrios!

  11. This is gross and I hope not true. I'm going back to bed.

  12. So like negioating a kidnapping; in reverse. Both parties sound swarmey. This mans wife has quite a partner. I guess (at least in Hollywood) everything is for sale.

  13. I've decided that BuzzFoto blinds are all bullshit. It makes me feel better about this one.

  14. Pamela Anderson sounds good to me!!

  15. Hayden Panettiere & George Lucas.

    *reads blind item*

    Oh. I thought that said 4'0"-ish actress.

    My bad.

  16. I hope this blind is total bullshit, but on the off chance it's not: Ninety-nine percent of women who require late-term abortions are doing it because the fetuses is not viable or because taking a pregnancy to term could result in the woman's death. Dr. George Tiller was MURDERED because of his work helping these women. This woman's case, if we have the fact right, makes a mockery of his life of service to women with nowhere else to turn and of his death. Shameful.

  17. This never would have happened if:
    1) The married MAN had been in bed with his WIFE!
    2) The married MAN had used a condom.
    3) The married MAN had a vasectomy since he was going to be married and sleep with other women.

    Two people here share the blame. I don't see two people sharing in the above posts.

  18. Sunnyhorse - right on! I'm very pro-choice, but it should be safe, legal and rare. That someone would do this because of a payoff just makes a mockery of the pro-choice movement and Dr. Tiller's death.

  19. _-_=_ ...I completely agree. The woman always gets blamed. The woman had the affair with the married man, but it was the man who walked down the aisle and made the commitment to his wife. The other woman didn't and probably doesn't even know her.

    With that said, I still am disgusted this woman had a late term abortion, because of the $$. I can't believe how selfish the disgusting director is that he allowed her to have a late term. Both are disgusting, both are to blame.

  20. This is just the kind of item anti-abortion advocates will eat up. "See, this is the kind of woman who gets late term abortions." Not true - most late term abortions are to preserve the life/health of the mother or because there is a serious problem with the fetus. Most late term abortions are a necessary TRAGEDY for the mother/parents. I wouldn't be surprised if this item is bull. But if it's true, it's a true abuse of the availability of legal late term abortions and therefore threatens their availability for women who truly need them for legitimate medical reasons.

  21. Late Term Abortions are very rare. I can't imagine a human that would do it for money. There are some horrific cases where the fetus should have never survived, like a headless baby (happened to a lady around the corner), but this woman has to put her head on her own pillow and live this. No money should matter, but it does in HWood. Sorry, I don't think it is Pamela Anderson. She doesn't need child support.

  22. I can't imagine Nicollete Sheridan going for child support either. Some people would have the baby, regardless of child support.

    Dear Hollywood Actresses. Please get in touch with me if you won't want your baby. I will take it.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Disgusting.

    @Hannah Pro-life organizations spend money helping women find homes for their babies and/or raise them on their own (this includes not just baby gear, diapers, formula but also a place to live and training for a career). They care very much for the welfare of the mother and child. It isn't just about stopping abortion.

  25. Makes me sick. I am pro-choice. This biatch put this baby's life on an auction block. The man is SCUM but she is beyond words.
    When there are many many women who would have given a year off their life to raise that baby, this mercenary whore just makes me want to smack her silly.

  26. Make room for me with the "pro-choice and totally disgusted" contingent--when I think of women who need a late-term abortion for legitimate medical reasons, and who have a horrible time trying to get it done, and then hear about someone like this...grrrrrrrrrrr. Yes, both the man & woman are to blame regarding the affair itself, but she was the one who decided to pimp out her uterus like that. Despicable...

  27. Now this needs a reveal. These two people are disgusting, and I agree, make a mockery of the pro choice movement.

    Enty, please, please reveal if you know who they're talking about.

  28. I also call bullshit.

  29. I wouldn't take another life to save mine.


  30. I'm also very pro choice, but this so unbelievably sad and disgusting. The only good thin about this is that thank god this child wasn't born with this horrible people known as his family. Heartbraking how people could be so cold hearted and selfish. For godsake get on birth control people.

  31. I'm definitely pro-choice, but it sounds like she probably shouldn't have kid$ if she used a pregnancy/abortion for purely monetary gain. How sad of a person do you have to be to do something like that?

  32. Wow, some really sad stories in this post :(
