Monday, April 18, 2011

Could Be Broken Pixie Sticks

I love sugar. I think it is the greatest thing ever. But, even I will not bother loading it up into a baggie and carrying it around with me. But, then again I am not Vanessa Hudgens. Apparently Vanessa does not like the sugar she cannot bring from home and she is also very fond of rubbing it along her gums. She is also fond of doing lots of shots of liquor and naked photos. I am honestly trying to think of something the white substance could have been. I am trying to put myself in the shoes of her publicist. I would go maybe with broken aspirin or some kind of gum condition that she is treating. I would be searching the internet like crazy to find some plausible reason to explain the photos.

I also noticed she did not share which is not very Coachella like.


  1. A Disney starlet doing drugs.
    Call Mike Wallace!

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Fun Dip!

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Doesn't Fun Dip have a little edible stick?

    No way that is coke. Not that I am an expert buuuut...

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM can we know for certain that she is rubbing it in her GUMS? need more proof.

  5. What drugs are edible? I heard that coke can't be eaten.

  6. Looks more lotion-y than powdery. However, I have never seen coke so I don't know.

    Forget the coke, that hat is a crime of fashion.

  7. It's ecstasy-sometimes pressed into a pill, other times loose in baggies & you lick finger, dip in bag, eat it. Tastes awful. I'd think she'd have a drug dealer that could get her the pills since I manage to find them in the Phish lot...

  8. What kind of drug do you lick? I have no trouble believing it is a food product.

  9. Anonymous10:15 AM

    it can be rubbed into the gums. the area will be numb though. not a current or former user btw.

  10. I've spent way too much time looking at these photos, and I've decided I don't think it's drugs. It looks more like frosting (it's definitely not coke), but I also didn't know there was such thing as frosting-like ecstasy in this form. The other thing is, there's a bunch of photos in this set that show her eating, and if it were E or coke, she would NOT be eating.

  11. From someone who knows - not coke.

  12. And from someone who does know, trust me, it's ecstasy/X - powdered form. And yes, you eat it.

  13. It looks like toothpaste.

  14. You know what? I'm not gonna criticize a young person doing drugs at a concert. THAT would be the very height of personal hypocrisy.

    It's not as if she has a lonely mate or a bunch of kids waiting back home. Even IF she's doing coke, WHO CARES?

  15. Stupid Girl.

    Stupid, Stupid Hot Girl.

  16. I'd hate to have started my career as a Disney Kid.

    Everything you do after that is scrutinized.

    In 1994 Drew Barrymore would snort anything you put in front of her. But she didn't start at Disney so it didn't matter. But she was "E.T." girl so that might have been worse.

  17. Ida-I completely agree. In fact, good for her! She ought to share w/her friends tho! Ha!

  18. It doesn't look like a powder though. It looks like yogurt or something.

  19. I'm with blondegossip on this one

  20. I'm with Ida - it would be far too hypocritical of me to bash a young person partying at a concert. However, I'm with the others who can attest to the fact that there is no way that is blow. I don't know anything about the powder form of ecstasy but I can't imagine it tastes any good!! Yuck!

  21. Well..if it is drugs, dumb of her to get papped. On the other hand, what is the percentage of people at Coachella who are also doing drugs?

  22. She's getting the last of the sour sugar from a Sour Patch Doll bag.

  23. You would never put that much coke on your gums. You put the residue of the coke on your gums after you do a line. It's like a party for your mouth.

    And boy did I get a dirty look once from my dentist after paryting too hard with it. Destroys your gums.

    Those days are over.

  24. Anonymous1:39 PM

    where's the reader/poster, barton fink?

  25. Marshmallow Fluff.

    Mmmmmm...marshmallow fluff.

  26. Anonymous1:42 PM

    To clear up everyone's confusion as to what is going on in this photograph. The drug being consumed is MDMA, it is in a form sold as Molly. Most Molly users expect their product to be 100% pure, where as Ecstasy tablets often tend to be cut with other chemicals. It's just someone having a good time at a concert. Pure MDMA is a very gentle drug when consumed in moderate amounts. The more you know!!

  27. As a former coke user I have to chime in that it is definitely not coke. But yes for the record you take the residual after snorting and rub it into your gums (we referred to it as nummies) and I loved doing that.

    Never used ecstacy or X or this molly stuff as I've been in recovery for a while. = )

  28. I on the sour patch kid train. Thats what I look like when I am trying to get the last out of the bag. :)

  29. it's definitely drugs - I was thinking ecstasy as well, but lishnetzy brings up a good point about MDMA.

  30. its molly kids! go v hud! hahaha

  31. I don't know that's it's molly or just some sugar or food but she he's having fun so who cares.

    E, no one except that 90210 where Brandon had the crazy gf) calls ecstasy X, is MDMA but is usually cut with a bunch of crap. In the third picture it looks more like a thicker lotion substance.

  32. I thought it looked like MDMA or as the kids call it up here in Portland,OR..Molly. If it its Molly it looks like a LOT or I am sad I am not there!

  33. She likes numbers. Be she's a wild fuck.

  34. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I said hello, Molly,......well, hello, Molly
    It's so nice to have you back where you belong
    You're lookin' swell, Molly.......i can tell, Molly
    You're still glowin''re still crowin''re still goin' strong
    I feel that room swayin'......while the band's playin'
    One of your old favourite songs from way back when
    So..... take her wrap, fellas.......find her an empty lap, fellas
    Molly'll never go away again

  35. That looks too white to be Molly. Could be K. Could be Coke. Could be crank. I wouldn't eat *any* of them, but I'm betting K is the least distasteful. That's what I've heard, anyways. :-)

  36. I've never been to Coachella but it seems that all these famous people think is that it's just a big "see and be seen" Nordstrom hippie-fest.

    Real hippies share - Nordstrom hippies don't. I should know. I had a bunch of NH's as roomates in collage and they were horrible, bitchy thieves.

  37. why would she hide candy in a bag? And I've seen people eat rocks of crystal, so I wouldn't put it past anybody to eat it.

  38. MDMA IS ecstasy... and I have ne'er seen it in a paste form. I have ne'er seen any kind of "cocaine paste." I have ne'er seen crack (or meth) rocks melt naturally, e'en in 100 degree weather. As far as I know, VH is o'er 18 and at a freaking concert with her friends... so fucking what if she is high? As long as she's not driving or hurting anyone, have at it sista!
