Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dina Lohan Is An Idiot

I am guessing that is not the first time I have used that headline to describe Dina Lohan, but this is probably the most egregious example. Lindsay Lohan needs a movie role. She needs to do something to capture the attention of people other than her foibles as a recovering addict. This Gotti movie she was going to be in with John Travolta was going to be big for her. Apparently though Dina and the rest of Lindsay's management team put a much higher price on Lindsay than she is actually worth. Lindsay had this part locked up. All she had to do was say ok and accept what was offered and hopefully down the road she would get a bigger payday. But, nooooooo, instead, they wanted Lindsay to get almost as much as Travolta. They also had so many extra demands that the producers said forget it and kicked Lindsay off the picture. Stupid, stupid people.


  1. Please someone remove the Lohans and people like them from the planet.

  2. Good, I'm glad she is throwing away her few opportunities. Linds is old enough to throw Mama from the train.

  3. Did any person with connected brain cells actually think LiLo would be in the movie? Even if the executive producer is self-financing, he's got to get completion insurance, or risk losing everything, and I doubt any company would touch her. Or the premiums would be so high that the cost would be insane. LiLo needs to get roles in films that are less high-profile (small, independent where she would be making minimal money) to rebuild her career and prove she's reliable. After she has built up a reputation for being committed to her craft, then she could look to big-budget films.

  4. Fine with me. One step closer to my brain forgetting the word Lohan forever.

  5. WHAT is wrong with her???

    Demon Lohan also convinced Lindsay not to do the Heather Graham part in "The Hangover."

  6. We all called this.

    And see? THIS. THIS is why Lindsay is a useless pimple on the ass of society. She doesn't get that her stock is DOWN and she needs to pull an RDJ if she ever wants a career again. Take what you can get, work your ass off and be grateful. She is SO ungrateful.

  7. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Isn't this the 2nd major movie she has lost out?

  8. Maybe her second movie--whether they are major or not is up to the box office.

  9. Anonymous12:43 PM

    She's done. Fork in it.

  10. Pleeeease. Make them all go away.

  11. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "Dina Lohan is an Idiot"

    Hellooo, Captain Obvious.

  12. Good, I hope she continues to overestimate herself and keep losing jobs. Maybe then she (and her horrible family) will go away for good.

  13. Dina Lohan needs to be beaten with a pillowcase full of rock hard Carvel ice cream cakes.

  14. She must feel pretty stupid after showing up at that press conference when she wasn't even confirmed, and parading around with Victoria Gotti like she was locked in.

    Oh, wait... this is Lilo we are talking about - it's someone ELSE's fault that this fell through.

  15. But she has all these other movies lined up guys! She's FINE! ;)

  16. Ha ha. There's nothing more I can add to this thread, honestly. I'm just glad we're all sane, and thinking the same thoughts.

  17. I think the producers also used her for publicity this is an independent movie with the head producer funding the movie himself.

    She was just a pawn to get attention. I don't think they ever had any intention of casting her. Her insurance would of been too high to be worth it.

    Plus Dina is an asshole also. I'm sure they asked for too much and start times at 12pm so Lindsay can "rest".

  18. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I doubt this is true. Even Travolta knew when to take a huge paycut (Pulp Fiction). I think this is just more nonsense to keep this uninteresting sounding movie in the "news."

  19. I wish they had filmed Lindsay's "audition" with the producer that got her the job offer in the first place. I'd pay to see that.

  20. Actually I really don't believe this....the Lohan's are trying to save face....she was never going to be in this movie...or any other movie for that matter...she's finished.

  21. i'm rooting for lindsay, i really am. but it's discouraging...if it's not drugs doing her in, it's grand bouts of delusion. having the parents she does isn't helping matters either. :(

  22. It's sad in a way, because I could totally see her doing Victoria. She's got the raspy voice down, throw in the accent, and she'd be perfect.

  23. Lindsay is burnt to a crisp toast as a actress. Done.

  24. I am tired of these producers/movie execs signing up for the Lohan express and then being surprised by what they get.

    Maybe they should have learned from the last, oh, I don't know - 8 examples of what happens when Lohan is considered or a part?

  25. That's a shame. Because honestly, it seemed like she was a lock for it.

    Well, I hope that Linds comes to and dumps Mama. Because let's see- Dina told her not to DWTS, not to take the Hangover... clearly she knows what's best for Lindsay. /sarcasm

  26. @ Whitney - Yeah, Dina really is a genius isn't she? The Hangover was funny as hell and some people like the DWTS show.

  27. TMZ is reporting that she is back on the film but now will play Kim Gotti (the role Kim Kardashian was being considered for)

  28. Like I said this was all for publicity.

  29. Update: Lindsay is back on the movie.


    She's basically a small supporting player now.

    She got Kim Kardashian's part.

  30. She looks older than Victoria Gotti in that picture.

    Just want to add that she is old enough to fire her mom.

  31. I think this movie has STINKBOMB written all over it - I mean, come on, John Travolting is the headliner?! Whatever. This'll probably pan out just as well as his last "big" project, the Dallas remake, it's pretty appropriate that other losers like LiLo should jump onboard this mess.

  32. Dina Lohan Is An Idiot.

    And in other news, water is wet.

  33. @Mango - HAHAHAHA!!!

    I totally thought she would have done this role perfectly. I keep rooting for her and she keeps letting me down!

  34. Anonymous8:57 AM

    They first wanted Kim Kardashian? What movie would want her? This all sounds made up.
